Tag : linda rodin

PinPep_Samsung_029-800x468David al lui Michelangelo, imbracat pentru o campanie Samsung :) –

David al lui Michelangelo, imbracat pentru o campanie Samsung :) –

Doua dintre cele mai cunoscute statui ale lumii au fost reimaginate ca barbati obisnuiti in contact cu bunuri casnice intr-o campanie Samsung.

Statuile au fost montante in centrul Londrei.

E vorba de David, celebra statuie a lui Michelangelo care – in noua versiune – are pantaloni scurti si un tricou pe umar, si de Ganditorul lui Rodin care se uita cu maxima atentie la o masina de spalat rufe. Cele doua statui par integrate intr-o activitate casnica de la sfarsitul saptamanii.

Ideea campaniei a venit dintr-un sondaj care arata ca 75% dintre barbati nu stiu sa foloseasca aparatura casnica pe care o au acasa.

Campania se numeste ‘Modern Masterpieces’ si e si o trimitere la cat de rezistente sunt aceste aparate casnice de la Samsung.

Pentru realizarea statuilor 5 designeri au muncit timp de 2 luni dupa schite facute dupa statuile originale ca sa fie respectate toate detaliile pe care Michelangelor si Rodin le-au pus in munca lor. Evident exista si o componenta online a campaniei si una cu bannere outdoor, dincolo de statuile care se gasesc in centru Londrei.

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linda rodin coverdespre a imbatrini frumos… si cool

despre a imbatrini frumos… si cool

La sfirsit de an e moment de bilant si de ginduri pentru viitor.

Viitor inseamna si maturizare – ca sa nu zic a imbatrini, desi toti asta facem de la o zi la alta: mai imbatrinim putin.

Pentru acest sfirsit de an, ca o motivatie despre cum putem trece peste ani intr-o forma frumoasa, fara frustrari, fara spaime, vi-o prezint pe Linda Rodin – un fost model, acum stilist si creator de produse anti imbatrinire – care are 67 de ani.

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Has the definition of beauty changed for you since your early modeling days? And if it has, how so? 
Well, I think the difference now is that natural beauty is a thing of the past. Everybody seems so enhanced by retouching. You look at a magazine cover and you don’t even know who it is. Everybody has the same face and poreless skin. So I think that the definition of beauty is kind of fake; we don’t really know what we’re looking at anymore. You’re at a shoot and it’s: “Don’t worry about that, we’ll retouch it. Don’t worry about that. Can we retouch that?” You didn’t used to be able to do all that. I think everything is so redone. But I think it’s also loosened up; hair can be a mess. Earlier, the hair was more coiffed and now the messier your hair is, the better it looks. For me, it has not changed. The same girls who I would find beautiful when I was 20 I think would be the same now.


What are some of your favorite foods? What’s your diet, if you could sum it up? 
I eat the same thing every day. I eat organic romaine lettuce, mixed with organic avocados and an organic hard-boiled egg. I have some kind of organic fish or salmon. It doesn’t have to be organic; I’m not a nut about it, but I do the best I can. I have really good Italian olive oil, coarse salt, and sometimes I’ll have bread and cheese. And I always have two glasses of crisp white wine.

puteti citi aici un amplu interviu cu Linda Rodin din Vogue.



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