Tag : matt damon

matt-damon-w-motherMama lui Matt Damon: cum se cresc copiii

Mama lui Matt Damon: cum se cresc copiii

Daca va intrebati de ce e Matt Damon unul dintre cei mai influenti actori si producatori de la Hollywood, de ce sta in banca lui si-si vede de treaba, de ce s-a remarcat cu colegul Ben Afleck de la primul lor film, direct cu un Oscar  – pentru scenariu, o parte din raspuns e la… mama lui Matt Damon.

se numeste Nancy Carlsson-Paige si e profesor specializat in “early childhood education” la Lesley University din Massachusetts. doamna isi lanseaza acum o carte care se numeste “Taking Back Childhood: A Proven Roadmap for Raising Confident, Creative, Compassionate Kids.”

cum se afla in promovare pentru cartea sa, doamna Carlsson Page a inceput sa dea interviuri si recunoaste ca toata lumea o intreaba cum i-a crescut pe cei doi copii ai sai, amindoi artisti faimosi (Matt are un frate, Kyle, care e sculptor) dar in acelasi timp oameni impacati cu ei, modesti si cu bun simt.

One dimension of healthy childhood that gives kids a solid footing in life is having lots of child-centered play throughout the early years and even into grade school. Play is the most important vehicle children have for coping with life and making sense of it.

Matt played pretend games for hours every day for many years — making up stories, taking on roles and re-working his experiences in creative ways. Not only did all this play help build a strong sense of inner security in Matt, it also built up his capacity to imagine, create and invent ideas.

I believe these years of child-centered play helped Matt become the actor and grounded person he is today. It is of great concern to me that there is less play in children’s lives today than a generation ago. The hours spent in front of screens have replaced playtime outside school, and too much focus on academics and testing has eroded playtime inside schools.


When kids are confused or scared or they don’t understand things, they work it out in their play. Using their imagination, they rework things until they feel some sense of mastery. This is kids’ ongoing way of coping with life and it is crucial for building inner resilience and security.

That inner strength and resilience begins to develop at birth. It is first felt as a sense of trust in others — adults who respond to cries of hunger and who can provide a home, safety and health.

As time goes on, kids start to carry that security with them on the inside. Security will grow or weaken in childhood depending a lot on how we adults relate to our children in everyday interactions. When we are too heavy-handed with our authority, kids often feel insecure or fearful. When we punish them or use threats and timeouts or other coercive tactics, they might try to obey on the surface, but they aren’t building the inner strength and confidence that will be their moral compass when we are not there.

Doamna mama lui Matt Damon spune ca si-a dat ambii copii la scoala de stat ca sa invete empatia si ca sunt oameni cit mai diferiti pe lume, de la caracter la statut social. si ca a ales o scoala care sa aiba lectii bune de teatru.

si spune ceva absolut minunat “Schools must offer children arts, drama — activities that can’t be tested”

Cartea domniei sale,”Taking Back Childhood: A Proven Roadmap for Raising Confident, Creative, Compassionate Kids”, este o editie revizuita a acestei carti pe care o puteti cumpara de pe Amazon.

CooperArmstrongcum face lobby Bradley Cooper ca sa-l joace pe Lance Armstrong

cum face lobby Bradley Cooper ca sa-l joace pe Lance Armstrong

de fiecare data cind vorbesc cu actori romani aud cum nu sunt ei chemati la castinguri, cum nu ii baga lumea in seama. intreb adesea “dar tu l-ai sunat pe regizor sa-i spui ce ai vrea sa dai o proba pt filmul lui?” si aud scincete “aa, mmm”

la casele mai mari, casele foarte mari, unde teoretic actorul primeste prin agentul lui multe propuneri de roluri (plus ca-i mai cauta si agentul) actorii fac si ei lobby pentru rolurile pe care si le doresc.


cum e  bradley cooper care in ultima vreme trece de la comedioare la roluri tot mai serioase. profitind de nominalizarea lui la oscar si de interesul jurnalistilor pentru ce spune, Bradley a dat un interviu la BBC unde cel mai tare s-a concentrat sa povesteasca despre rolul pe care si-l doreste cel mai mult: Lance Armstrong – intr-un film inspirat de viata ciclistului.

cum americanii simt potentialul unei povesti, sunt deja in pregatire doua filme la hollywood despre viata lui Armstrong – de unul are grija JJ Abrams (domnul care a creat LOST), de altul Matt Damon.

Cooper si-a facut insa treaba, iar agentul lui de presa a scos imediat un montaj foto ca sa arate cit de mult seamana cei doi… asta ca sa intelegeti cam cum se lucreaza la altii:)

(pt traducere, ca -din comentariile pe FB – vad ca nu s-a inteles: aici e si o miscare f f smart de a te asocia cu un eveniment cu un mare impact media pt a obtine free press, intr-un context frumos. cum ziceam, asa se face la altii)



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