Tag : Peter Esterhazy

empty-roomthe room – prima mea proza scurta

the room – prima mea proza scurta

all hollow magazine m-a invitat sa scriu o proza scurta pentru editia sa de mai.
e prima proza scurta – fictiune, pt ca asa a fost brief-ul- pe care o scriu. la cerere:)

un singur lucru e real din povestea pe care am scris-o. camera in care are loc actiunea. a fost insa altul contextul. dar il dezvalui dupa ce cititi povestea

She knew the situation was out of control, but there was nothing to do anymore. From now on, life seemed to fall into ruin… She couldn’t help frowning when thinking of him.

Why had he left home?

She was wondering how to do this, how to tell people they’re no longer living together. Five years. They even had the wedding invitations ready. Had both agreed not to have a big wedding. Who cared about the money? A no-gifts wedding was their accord.

The bed – disarranged, with pillows lying in perfect opposites; sheets tousled. Could have sworn they kept the fragrance of their bodies. She had read somewhere that people leave in the bed sheets some of their skin scaling away as dead cells. How much of their bodies would have been left to the beds had she not changed the sheets every day?

the room, all hollow magazine, may 2011

e un pic ciudat pentru mine ca in dreptul numelui meu apare “writer”:)

in acelasi numar al revistei puteti citi proze scrise de Rui Zink | Tomorrow the Waters Will Come, Dumitru Radu Popa | The Backward Game, Jean-Lorin Sterian | Abstract Masters, Adrian Sangeorzan | Country Doctor, precum si un interviu cu Péter Esterházy.

allhollow.com is a Brooklyn, NY and Bucharest, RO established online project, inspired by the hollow men by ts eliot and many other things.



ieri am primit invitatia de a scrie o proza scurta pentru o colectie in care vor mai aparea nume foarte mari ale culturii contemporane (Peter Esterhazy, Ray Loriga, Najat El Hachmi, Rui Zink, Vladimir Sorokin, Irina Denejkina, Andrei Codrescu). orgoliul meu a tresaltat si am spus repede DA.

am mai dat si niste telefoane ca sa impart cu prietenii bucuria invitatiei si onoarea ce imi este acordata.

astazi m-a cuprins panica; in ultime 24 de ore m-am gindit ce as putea scrie. n-am nicio idee.
simt cum mi se stringe creierasul numai la gindul ca va trebui sa gasesc o idee.

stiu ca nu trebuie sa fie o idee desteapta (n-am cum sa fiu mai desteapta decit oamenii astia), ci o idee simpla care sa duca la o poveste emotionanta, daca se poate universal valabila. si mintea mea e ca un soricel care alearga in gol, in cercul ala pe care face experimente cercetatorul care-l are in grija.

dar mi-am mai dat inca o data seama ca orgoliul ma baga in lucruri complicate pe care ma indoiesc ca le pot duce la bun sfirsit intotdeauna.

ei spun ca poate sa fie si fictiune proza scurta pe care mi-au cerut-o. eu as vrea sa scriu nonfiction.
despre ce v-ar placea sa cititi o povestire scrisa de mine?

foto bz Bill Ratcliffe


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