Tag : Speaking with the angel

Nick Hornby – Speaking with the angel

am gasit-o din intimplare la Carturestii de pe Verona, la sectiunea de carti straine.
mi-a atras atentia pentru ca are proze scurte, editate de hornby, iar printre autori erau zadie smith si irvine welsh.

m-am apucat sa o citesc si in primele pagini am descoperit asta:
Soon after I had decided to ask some writers I knew and admired to contribute to this book, I read an interview with Bono in the Guardian, in which he talked about the Jubilee 2000 campaign, aimed at reducing the Third World’s debt to the West.

‘It’s bigger than anything I will ever have anything to do with again as long as I live,’ he said. ‘So if I can open doors simply because I’m a celebrity, then I’ll use that for all it’s worth.’ So far, his effort have helped to remove $100 billion from the tab. The interview brought me up shot. I’m not Bono, of course, and I suspect that it would be considerably harder for me to open the door of the Oval office than it was for him, but even so… Third World Debt! $100 billion! Treehouse, the charity to which you have just donated a pound (unless you’ve been sent a review copy, in which case you can send dome money using the form at the back of this book), is a small -at the moment, a very small – school for severely autisitic children, and one of it’s pupils is my son. Luckily I don’t have to justify myself to you, because all you’ve done is buy a book that you wanted to read, a book containing a dozen or so new stories by some of your favourite authors, and your donation was, I hope, incidental. But I certainly owe those authors an explanation, and so this introduction is aimed at them. You can read it if you like, but I don’t mind if you skip it. You’ll get your money’s-worth anyway.

Perhaps I should begin by explaining that my son Danny won’t benefit from Speaking with the Angel. (I’ve pinched the title, by the way, from Ron Sexsmith, whose first album contains a song of that name which seems to be heart-meltingly relevant.)

citeva paragrafe mai incolo spune ca daca vrei sa stii ce familie ajuta cu banii din cartea asta, ii poti scrie si iti spune numele. asta dupa ce descrie oroarea prin care trece un parinte cu un copil autist. ( puteti citi aici un fragment mai lung din motivatia lui hornby)
in romania, Marius Chivu a adunat proze scurte (amintiri mai degraba decit literatura) intr-o carte despre bunici si-a donat banii in scopuri caritabile. (Cartea cu bunici, editura Humanitas, aproape 100 de autori.)
nu mai stiu vreun proiect similar, dar ma gindesc ca e loc de mai multe.
cartea coordonata & editata de Hornby ( domnul cu Turnul sinucigasilor, Totul despre baieti, Cum sa fii bun, Fever Pitch, High Fidelity – ultimele 2 la Polirom, restul la Humanitas) a aparut in Anglia in 2000.
printre proze e una semnata de colin firth ( domnul ala din jurnalul lui bridget jones) care zice-se e debutul lui ca scriitor. n-am ajuns inca la ea. am citit zadie, prima data, of cors:)


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