Tag : spielberg

GeminoidF(!!!) umanoidul care pare ca respira, clipeste si poate vorbi despre ce inseamna sa fii indragostit

(!!!) umanoidul care pare ca respira, clipeste si poate vorbi despre ce inseamna sa fii indragostit

Un profesor japonez invata un robot ce e dragostea.
oricit de straniu suna asta e foarte real si , pentru mine, e inspaimintator.

una e sa vezi in filme precum A.I Artificial Intelligence ( facut de Steven Spielberg in 2001) un robotel umanoid care pleaca in cautarea parintilor. te gindesti ca e o versiune updatata a povestii lui Pinocchio.

dar cind ai imagini cu un umanoid care invata de la profesorul sau informatii despre sentimente, iubire , iar el o corecteaza cu indicatii de genul “e ok miscarea buzelor, dar cum misti capul nu e bine”, iar robotul asculta si isi motifica comportamentul n-ai cum sa nu te sperii.

“e din ce in ce mai mica diferenta intre un om si un robot odata cu aparitia lui Geminoid F – Shan-san (F vine de la Female), umanoidul care pare ca respira, clipeste si poate vorbi despre ce inseamna sa fii indragostit”, zice creatorul umanoidului,Hiroshi Ishiguro care sustine ca in acest moment stiinta poate inlocui orice om cu un robot. E ingaduitor insa si spune ca oamenii vor supraietui in aceasta forma.

daca va uitati la fotografia de la cover puteti observa ca robotul e facut dupa chipul si asemanarea unui model care avea 28 de ani a carui identitate profesorul Ishiguro n-a vrut sa o faca publica, in schimb in 2006 cind a creat primul umanoid a recunoscut ca e facut dupa chipul si asemanarea lui

m-am oprit de doua ori pe parcursul filmului documentar pe care-l vedeti mai jos pentru ca ma durea stomacul, la propriu, cind vedeam robotul glasuind si avind opinii despre iubire.

Woodkid-2013-Photo-by-Mathieu-Cesar-560x432Transform day Today

Transform day Today

Daca ar fi sa ti schimbi astazi ziua, din ce te-ai inspira?

Iata filmele si muzicile care-l inspira pe un artist minunat Woodkid – intimplator (cu o singura exceptie) toate celelalte alegeri ale lui sunt si pe lista mea de preferinte.

1. Steven Spielberg

“The filmmakers I watched when I was a kid were big, mainstream directors like Spielberg or Stanley Kubrick – the only ones I would have access to as a little kid growing up in the middle of France. With Spielberg, it was about how his subjects were treated and the emotion he had in his films. There’s something about his camera work that’s very unique, and that’s what I like about him.”

2. Gus Van Sant

“Elephant is his best movie, but I have a very strong soft spot for Paranoid Park. I love how he injects violence into something very casual and mundane – when the kid is shot in Elephant or in the Paranoid Park death scene, it’s a shock to reality. The contrast between reality and violence is so big that it’s much more impressive than a Tarantino movie, where it’s all about the violence.”

3. Philip Glass

“When I was younger, I’d listen to a lot of soundtracks and I randomly fell on Philip Glass’ soundtrack for Koyaanisqatsi. The first time I listened to his music, I could feel emotions that were indescribable – it wasn’t pain, it wasn’t nostalgia, it wasn’t uplifting – the emotion that came out was very alien, in a way. I’ve always been fascinated by the power of music to create emotions.”

4. Michel Gondry

“I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing if Gondry wasn’t a director. He made the videos I would see on TV – I think the first Michel Gondry video I saw was Bjork’s ‘Bachelorette’. I just remember watching them over and over, like I was studying them. But now, I feel like I’m getting closer to directors like Chris Cunningham or Spike Jonze because I’m getting more cinematic and less playful with what I do. I try to tell stories that are a little more realistic.”

5. Rap and hip-hop rhythms

“When I created my album, we sampled a lot of orchestral music but we built on patterns and structures that are actually from rap beats. Right now I’m fascinated by Kendrick Lamar; I was at his show a couple of days ago and I think he’s the best rapper out there right now. Of course I love Jay-Z, and I have a soft spot for Kanye – people forget he’s an amazing producer, and his connection with visuals is mind-blowing.”


ultima lui alegere n-ar fi pe lista mea:) dar eu as mai adauga Albastrul lui Kieslowski, fratii Wachowski, muzicile lui Zimmer si Tom Tykwe (ca sa ramin in zona filmelor), pe Wong Kar Wai, Akram Khan si… cred ca as mai adauga vreo citeva nume de domni pentru ca ziua mea sa aiba o transformare ABSOLUTA:)

daca ar fi sa-ti transformi ziua astazi, ce-ai face? din ce te-ai inspira?

douglasfunny: culisele Oscarului, prezentate de actori

funny: culisele Oscarului, prezentate de actori

in epoca twitter-ului, instagram-ului si a facebook-ului, vedetele de Oscar au iluzia ca pot controla informatia, asa ca relateaza mai bine decit ar face-o orice reporter ce li se intimpla.

iata citeva dintre fotografiile postate de actorii implicati in ceremonia decernarii premiilor Oscar 2013.

Queen Latifah acasa, inainte de a pleca spre ceremonie

Ron Howard in liftul hotelului, un ultim retus

Mark Rufallo in masina pe drumul catre Oscaruri

Samuel L Jackson tot in masina:)

Heidi Klum si un ultim retus

a meritat retusul, iat-o cum arata la petrecerea data de Elton John (tot Heidi a postat fotografia)

si citeva fotografii de pe covorul roshu, cu ipostaze pe care nu le gasiti la agentiile de stiri. postate de membrii Academiei sau de jurnalisti care se aflau in zona.

Familia Douglas

Spielberg care, desigur, n-a parcurs covorul rosu. a mers direct in sala (la fel ca Russell Crowe si Robert Downey jr. am explicat aici de ce)

Familia Travolta, in sala

Anne Hathaway imediat dupa ce a cistigat Oscarul pentru cea mai buna actrita, in backstage pe drum catre camera jurnalistilor

lista completa a cistigatorilor e aici.
stiti deja ca n-a fost nicio surpriza: viata lui Pi are 4 statuete, inclusiv pe cea pt cel mai bun regizor
Argo 3, cu cea pentru cel mai bun film
Mizerabilii 3, cu cea pentru cea mai buna actrita in rol secundar
Lincoln 2, cu Daniel Day Lewis cel mai bun actor si cel mai sincer speech
Django 2, cu Tarantino Oscar pentru scenariu & Chrisoph Waltz actor in rol secundar
Skyfall 2 , cu Adele Oscar pentru cintec original

lewisDaniel Day Lewis in Time :)

Daniel Day Lewis in Time :)

In May of the same year, the director of LincolnSteven Spielberg, received a Pearlcorder tape machine in the mail. “I turned it on, and it was Shakespeare and the Second Inaugural in this voice,” Spielberg says. The voice was Lincoln’s. Not the stentorian tone that generations of schoolchildren have inferred from Lincoln’s gloomy portraits, but the one described by contemporary observers: a gentle tenor, reedy and slightly cracked, the accent a frontier blend of Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky. “A beautiful voice. I wanted that voice to read me a book. It came with a letter that said, ‘After you listen to this, would you ring me up and we’ll have a natter?’ I immediately got on the telephone and said, ‘Who is this?’”

This is Daniel Day-Lewis, star of Lincoln (opening Nov. 9), who faced the paradoxical challenge of portraying a man whom everyone and no one knows at once. Lincoln is near enough that we can look at the light that fell upon him—he was the first U.S. President to be photographed extensively—but not so near that we can hear his voice or see his odd, flat-footed walk. He is ubiquitous but unknowable, frozen in marble or granite, flattened into currency. Try making him talk or move and you risk creating “an animatronic character at Epcot Center,” as Spielberg puts it. “That’s exactly what we didn’t want.”

din cover story-ul Time cu Daniel Day Lewis pe coperta numit The World’s Greatest Actor

Lewis se intoarce cu o noua prestatie actoriceasta care o sa ne lase cu gura cascata (cum au fost My Left Foot, The Last of the Mohicans, In the Name of the Father), Lincoln are premiera in America pe 9 noiembrie.

despre pauzele lungi dintre filme spune in acelasi articol

“I like taking a long time over things, and I believe that it’s the time spent away from the work that allows me to do the work itself,” Day-Lewis says. “If you’re lurching from one film set or one theater to the other, I’m not sure what your resources would be as a human being.”

cititi intregul profil aici

timetintinTintin pe coperta Time

Tintin pe coperta Time

cind Spielberg a facut Minority Report, revista Time a facut o coperta cu el si un reportaj despre inovatiile pe care le arata in film si care ar putea fi peste 25 de ani de actualitate. au trecut mai putin de 10 ani si aproape toate tehnologiile de acolo ne sunt la indemina.

editia din aceasta saptamina a revistei Time il are pe coperta pe Tintin, pentru ca Spieleberg l-a adus pe marele ecran in 3D. povestea imprietenirii dintre regizor si jurnalistul cu parul roscat din benzile desenate e delicioasa.

The Boy from Brussels Tintin didn’t start out as pan-European, let alone global. He started out as Belgian. Hergé was the pen name of one Georges Remi, who was born in 1907, the son of a worker in a candy factory in Brussels. He grew up a Catholic and an ardent Boy Scout.

He began publishing Tintin’s adventures in a Brussels newspaper, and they were an instant hit: at the end of Tintin’s first adventure, a trip to the Soviet Union, the newspaper threw a welcome-back party at the train station. Thousands of fans showed up and mobbed the hapless Tintin stand-in, a local Boy Scout with his hair gelled up into Tintin’s trademark ginger quiff. It rapidly became clear that Tintin was destined to escape from his humble beginnings as easily as he shed handcuffs in the comic books.

Tintin’s story would eventually be translated into 60 languages (he is Dingding in Chinese and Tincjo in Esperanto). He has been adapted for the radio, the stage, TV and the movies, though never on a grand scale. There are Tintin stamps and a 10-euro Tintin coin. The first comic strip to enter the modern-art collection at the Centre Pompidou in Paris was Tintin. A bronze statue of Tintin and Snowy stands in a square in Brussels.


restul povestii, despre cum s-a imprietenit Speilberg cu Tintin in coverstory-ul Time.

Tintin-ul lui Speilberg  intra pe ecrane in Romania de vineri:)

AdventuresofTintinconcurs: vrei sa-l intilnesti pe Tintin?

concurs: vrei sa-l intilnesti pe Tintin?

unul dintre cele mai populare personaje de benzi desenate ale secolului trecut, TIN TIN, vine pe ecrane intr-un film 3D.

s-ar putea ca personajul TinTin sa nu va spuna mare lucru daca aveti putin peste 20 de ani, dar el este un tinar reporter (cu o freza ciudata si-un prieten catel) care are foarte mult curaj… e un personaj din acela cu care te identifici si daca ai 10 ani si daca ai 30.

tocmai de aceea, sunt bucuroasa sa fac un concurs cu premiu 2 bilete pentru vineri 28 octombrie la premiera Aventurile lui Tintin (in regia lui Speilberg!!), in 3D!

spuneti-mi ce l-ati intreba pe Tintin daca l-ati intilni astazi. aleg cea mai simpa intrebare si o premiez cu biletele… la o proiectie in format IMAX, la Cinema City, care va avea loc in 26 octombrie, la ora 18.45:)

succes! puteti raspunde pina diseara la ora 24.00

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