Tag : taci te rog raymond carver

ellelista mea cu micile placeri in Elle Decoration

lista mea cu micile placeri in Elle Decoration

simpatica Ileana Raducanu (care e redactor sef la Elle Decoration, dar si un om frumos care e preocupat sa educe copiii in arta ) m-a rugat acum citeva saptamini sa scriu care sunt lucrurile care-mi plac pentru o sectiune speciala din revista ei, editia de mai.

a fost draguta si m-a lasat sa spun lucruri din toate domeniile, as fi avut mari probleme daca trebuia sa spun doar obiecte pentru ca nu ma atasez de multe obiecte si nici nu as fi avut suficiente creatii de designer potrivite cu formatul revistei ei pe care sa le mentionez.

iata primele 3 lucruri de pe lista, in ordinea aleasa de Ileana, eu le-am scris fara o ordine anume, iar Londra aparea mai la coada:)

Imi place Londra. E orasul care are o energie culturala incredibila, si in sali, si pe strada. Merg cit pot de des la teatru sau la spectacole de dans la Londra.

My guilty pleasure: dulciurile – de la ciocolata la macarons sau prajituri insiropate. Rezist cu greu tentatiiilor zilnice.

Imi plac ceasurile vechi carora li se vede mecanismul prin geamul din spate. Am o mini colectie, unul chiar de la 1880, si le port ca pandantiv.
later edit: Imi place zborul, relativa libertate din aer: am sarit cu coarda elastica, am facut un salt cu parasuta, m-am plimbat cu balonul cu aer si cu parapanta. Perseverez.
am adaugat-o pt ca tocmai mi-am propus ca in vara asta sa invat sa manuiesc un zmeu.
restul lucrurilor – filmul meu preferat ever, obiectul pe care-l iubesc cel mai mult, parfumul meu, scriitorul preferat si alte citeva nastrujnicii in Elle Decoration, editia de mai.


my best book 2009: Raymond Carver – A writer’s life

Citesc cea mai frumoasa carte pe anul asta: Raymond Carver A writer’s life” by Carol Sklenicka

Biografia domnului cu minunatele povestiri scurte minimaliste publicate si la noi la Polirom: Taci te rog, Despre ce vorbim cind vorbim despre iubire, Catedrala.

Sunt fascinata de efortul doamnei Sklenicka care a cercetat 10 ani viata lui Carver, cu sute de interviuri si documente.

Iar cartea ma face sa-l iubesc si mai tare pe Carver; omul asta genial a ajuns la acuratetea propozitiilor sale minimaliste cu un efort uluitor, cu o perseverenta draceasca, luptindu-se nu doar cu senzatiile pe care trebuia sa le aseze intre cuvinte, ci si cu demonii sai interiori.

De multa vreme n-am mai dormit cu o carte la cap (la propriu, la cap; mi-a facut si cucuie pentru ca e f mare, cartonata si f grea si ma mai lovesc noaptea in somn de ea:) ), tot asa cum de mult n-am mai mingiat cu atit de mult drag coperta unei carti.

Iata citeva fragmente

1954, carver avea 15 ani

At first, Ray associated the problem of writing with the literal act of placing the words on paper. His family didn’t own a typewriter.
His three semesters of typing classes may have profited him more than the rest of his high school curriculum.
“I want to be right in there with all the rest of the guys. But I also whanted to write” ray told an interviewer years later.(…) Ray enrolled in a correspondence course offered by the Palmer Institute of Authorship in Hollywood.
(…) The first lesson, “Essential Elements of a Short Story and How to Develop Them” arrived in a manila envelope addressed to ray. (…)

Why people read
… In a well writer story the reader is planted into the shoes of the main character, shares his trials and tribulations, read his thoughts, feel the thrill of his exciting experiences, worries over his difficulties, and rejoices with him in his success. The reader for the moment is taken out of himself and in the person of the story character, lives a life of adventures, romance, achievement he would like to live if only he had the chance – the wit – and the courage. Many of timid John Doe loses himself in a story of daring deeds such as he would never have the nerve to perform in real life.

1963 Carver avea 24 ani, nevasta – Maryann – si 2 copii (4 si 5 ani)

Just after March 4, 1963, the date William Carlos Williams died, Ray called Day at two in the morning and said “Bad news. Meet me”. (…) What was troubling Ray that night was that both Hemingway and Williams were now dead. Ray confessed to Day that he was not ready to take the place of either one. Perhaps he was kidding, but Day thought not.

catre Writers Workshop in Iowa City, in vara lui 63

They had thirty one dollars, an old car, and two kids. Before they were out of town, the battery went dead. So they bought a new battery and started off to Iowa with one dollar. At mealtimes, they stopped somewhere, and Maryann went in and told them she was an expert waitress and would work two hours if they would feed the family. They traveled all the way to Iowa that way.

Raymond Carver A writer’s life nu a fost inca tradusa la noi, a aparut de doar citeva saptamini in America, dar voi face lobby ca sa fie publicata si in romania


Catedrala – Raymond Carver vs oamenii obisnuiti

Catedrala e o proza scurta a lui Raymond Carver despre un moment magic care apare intre un orb si sotul uneia dintre prietenele sale. e o poveste frumoasa despre deschidere si prietenie, despre a simti inainte de a crede sau a vedea.

In aceasta proza scurta (textul in engleza e aici, dar il gasiti si in romaneste la Polirom, in cartea omonima), orbul il invata pe cel care vede sa deseneze o catedrala.

in proiectul learning to love you more, tema pentru acasa cu nr 46, suna asa:
Read Raymond Carver’s short story Cathedral out loud with a friend. Afterwards draw the Cathedral that is described in the story: one person should close their eyes and rest their hand on the hand of the other person who is drawing. Help the person drawing (who has his/her eyes closed) by describing the various parts of the church, etc.

sunt citeva zeci de desene trimise de oameni din lumea intreaga,

asta e catedrala facuta de Peter Max Lawrence

iar asta e catedrala desenata de Aditya Gupta

iar proiectele toate, ale oamenilor care au desenat pe simtit, nu pe vazut, le gasiti aici

altfel, daca nu v-ati intilnit inca cu Raymond Carver ( Taci, te rog; Despre ce vorbim cind vorbim despre iubire; Catedrala – toate la Polirom) poate v-am trezit curiozitatea acum. e unul dintre rarii scriitori care pot sa construiasca magie din nimik, care pot prin cuvinte f simple/banale sa transforme cel mai obisnuit lucru intr-o poveste cu multa tensiune si mister.


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