Tag : the guardian

Ian-McKellen-in-Chicheste-007Ian McKellen in the Guardian. genial.

Ian McKellen in the Guardian. genial.

“I did have a fall the other day. I was running for the river bus and it was a bit slippy. I went down, just the day before we started rehearsing. Does that mean I’m going to be in a sling? Have I broken a bone? Things like that. I have got prostate cancer and I have to keep monitoring that. It’s no problem, it’s under control and I’m very cool about it but other people are dying from it. And the memory – will the time come when I can’t remember the lines? So yes, I’m always talking about age.”


I wonder how he copes with the adoration. “Adored?” he says, sounding just surprised enough to make me think he means it. “Am I?” He’s a national treasure! He laughs and looks pleased. “It’s lovely when someone comes up and says: ‘My husband and I saw you in a play, in fact it was our first date,’ and I’ve been a part of their lives without knowing it and they’ve got a sentimental attachment [to me], as we all do to actors. But I’m only an actor. I’m not a writer. I’m not going to leave any legacy.” He pauses. “All I’ve ever done is learn the lines and say them.”

Ian McKellen intr-un minunat interviu in The Guardian

57822-0-sarah_jessica_parkerPeter Falk, addictions & Sex (and the city)

Peter Falk, addictions & Sex (and the city)

citeva lucruri de citit pentru o dupa amiaza ploioasa si racoroasa.


He (Peter Falk) had one of the great loopy stares in movie history, courtesy of a glass eye that was the trophy from a childhood disease. But Falk’s ocular eccentricity would not relegate him to weird comic status; he saw acutely into the human condition of the American male, 20th century, second half. Blessed with a crinkly face that viewers found it hard not to smile back at, Falk would stab the air with his cigar stub as an artist used a paint brush. He played tough guys, gangsters and cops, hundreds of times, managing to show the fraternity of both groups, the humanity of each. A modern folk (or Falk) poet of exasperation, he used a repertoire of eloquent gestures to portrait the weight of the human condition; the slow descending of his shoulders had the grace of Pavlova’s dying fall in Swan Lake.

Richard Corllis despre Peter Falk in Time


“The sad part is that if you look at where addiction treatment was 10 years ago, it hasn’t gotten much better,” says Dr. Martin Paulus, a professor of psychiatry at the University of California at San Diego. “You have a better chance to do well after many types of cancer than you have of recovering from methamphetamine dependence.”

How we get addicted, in Time magazine

As chance would have it, a few days before I was scheduled to interview Kim Cattrall, I spotted her former Sex And The City co-star Sarah Jessica Parker coming out of a restaurant in downtown New York. But instead of feeling like one of those magical Manhattan coincidences that generally happen only on Sex And The City, it looked like an ominous portent.

Parker is now nigh on unrecognisable from her youthful film career and the early (and best) days of the long-running show, having attained the seemingly de rigueur body shape for actresses – one that has been pummelled into a permanent apology for being a woman. Surrounded by bellowing paparazzi, she looked thin and guarded and miserable.

interviul cu Kim Cattrall in The Guardian


cum se ghiceste viitorul – in carti

the Guardian are un articol foarte frumos a carui esenta e intr-o propozitie: Which novels and plays – from Dickens to David Hare – have best captured current events?
vorbeste despre care parte din politica functioneaza in literatura, aminteste multi britanici, dar ajunge si la americani – cu o trecere pe la doamnele care fac literatura.

noi il dam exemplu mereu pe Caragiale, dar oare mai sunt si alti scriitori romani care au anticipat cum va fi (ramine) Romania?


ashton kutcher vs cnn = twitter promotion

Acum citeva zile Ashton Kutcher a anuntat ca se ia la intrecere cu CNN care dintre ei ajunge primul la 1 mil de followers pe twitter.
Associated Press avea (prima) stire (in sectiunea divertisment) cu declaratiile lui Kutcher si oficialilor CNN.

ieri Oprah Winfrey il invita pe kutcher in emisiune, se inscrie pe twitter, il ajuta pe sotul doamnei Demi Moore sa- si atinga obiectivul (milionul) si face promovare noii platforme de conexiune in doar 160 de caractere.

doar Time (si el cu cont pe twitter) citeaza un oficial dintre cei care inteleg cum e cu business-u asta cu netul: “nu putem face dovada ca in acest moment nu se fac bani cu/prin/din twitter.”

kutcher ca de obicei da dovada de geniu si de nebunie, fiind ilustrarea cea mai buna a expresiei “think big”.

mi-am fct cont pe twitter, ii urmaresc si pe Kutcher si pe CNN.
dar si pe kevin spacey, new york times, the guardian 🙂


ben kingsley – a grain of sand

“Creative people are making a pearl. What’s in the middle of that pearl? Something that’s really scratching it. A grain of sand, and it has to cover it, to smooth it. We all have our grain of sand, and we find a way of smoothing it.”

“But you find yourself repeating patterns of behaviour until the gods say to you: ‘We will not tolerate you doing this any more.’ And something happens. The gods send us things if we are open and on a journey towards healing. But it can be a jolly long slog. I’ve had moments of immense joy with work, and then gone back to personal chaos. I will leave it at that.”

His father is dead. But his mother must be proud of him now. “I haven’t a clue. You can’t… you can’t go there.” But I only asked if his mother was proud of him. “Yes.” What about his siblings? “I don’t think we can go there. It’s part of the grain of sand.” I see. And will he ever talk about this stuff? “I doubt it. But it will be in my work. It’s fully expressed in my work.”

interviul e realizat de rachel cook pentru the observer si il puteti citi aici


Nick Hornby – Speaking with the angel

am gasit-o din intimplare la Carturestii de pe Verona, la sectiunea de carti straine.
mi-a atras atentia pentru ca are proze scurte, editate de hornby, iar printre autori erau zadie smith si irvine welsh.

m-am apucat sa o citesc si in primele pagini am descoperit asta:
Soon after I had decided to ask some writers I knew and admired to contribute to this book, I read an interview with Bono in the Guardian, in which he talked about the Jubilee 2000 campaign, aimed at reducing the Third World’s debt to the West.

‘It’s bigger than anything I will ever have anything to do with again as long as I live,’ he said. ‘So if I can open doors simply because I’m a celebrity, then I’ll use that for all it’s worth.’ So far, his effort have helped to remove $100 billion from the tab. The interview brought me up shot. I’m not Bono, of course, and I suspect that it would be considerably harder for me to open the door of the Oval office than it was for him, but even so… Third World Debt! $100 billion! Treehouse, the charity to which you have just donated a pound (unless you’ve been sent a review copy, in which case you can send dome money using the form at the back of this book), is a small -at the moment, a very small – school for severely autisitic children, and one of it’s pupils is my son. Luckily I don’t have to justify myself to you, because all you’ve done is buy a book that you wanted to read, a book containing a dozen or so new stories by some of your favourite authors, and your donation was, I hope, incidental. But I certainly owe those authors an explanation, and so this introduction is aimed at them. You can read it if you like, but I don’t mind if you skip it. You’ll get your money’s-worth anyway.

Perhaps I should begin by explaining that my son Danny won’t benefit from Speaking with the Angel. (I’ve pinched the title, by the way, from Ron Sexsmith, whose first album contains a song of that name which seems to be heart-meltingly relevant.)

citeva paragrafe mai incolo spune ca daca vrei sa stii ce familie ajuta cu banii din cartea asta, ii poti scrie si iti spune numele. asta dupa ce descrie oroarea prin care trece un parinte cu un copil autist. ( puteti citi aici un fragment mai lung din motivatia lui hornby)
in romania, Marius Chivu a adunat proze scurte (amintiri mai degraba decit literatura) intr-o carte despre bunici si-a donat banii in scopuri caritabile. (Cartea cu bunici, editura Humanitas, aproape 100 de autori.)
nu mai stiu vreun proiect similar, dar ma gindesc ca e loc de mai multe.
cartea coordonata & editata de Hornby ( domnul cu Turnul sinucigasilor, Totul despre baieti, Cum sa fii bun, Fever Pitch, High Fidelity – ultimele 2 la Polirom, restul la Humanitas) a aparut in Anglia in 2000.
printre proze e una semnata de colin firth ( domnul ala din jurnalul lui bridget jones) care zice-se e debutul lui ca scriitor. n-am ajuns inca la ea. am citit zadie, prima data, of cors:)


Clint Eastwood in The Guardian

Eastwood is kept young, perhaps, by his family; he has seven children who range in age from 12 to their early 40s. The 12-year-old daughter, Morgan, lives with him and his second wife, Dina Ruiz, a former TV anchorwoman from Arizona. He married his first wife, Maggie Johnson, when he was 21 and had two children with her. They didn’t divorce for 30 years, during which time he had a child with Roxanne Tunis, two with Jacelyn Reeves and one with Frances Fisher, while conducting a long relationship with the actor Sondra Locke. I wonder if Morgan thinks he’s cool or embarrassing. Eastwood looks surprised. “I think she thinks I’m a cool dad. We get along very well. I have a teenage daughter as well. And I think they think I’m all right. I’m not totally objective. I don’t think they think of me as a guy who should be their grandfather. I used to joke about it: that my kids didn’t give me any grand- children, so I just had my own grandchildren.”

Clint Eastwood in the guardian, azi.
mai bine il cititi in original si faceti trafic site-ului mama, decit sa asteptati sa-l fure cineva din romania si sa-l publice fara sa plateasca drepturi de autor. stiu e o rautate ce scriu, dar am o scuza: am febra 🙂


Mickey Rourke

n-am nervi sa ma uit la the wrestler, desi ar trebui sa o fac de dragul filmului requiem for a dream. (acelasi regizor, darren aronofsky). am vzt primele 20 de min si m-a scos din minti, mi s-a parut ca regizorul se pleaca in fata lui rourke si sta acolo ca sa-l calce in picioare.

intre timp am citit un interviu genial in the observer si am inceput sa-l simpatizez pe rourke. am dezvoltat chiar o teorie cum ca o sa ia Oscarul pentru ca e genul de legenda cu care empatizeaza toti batrineii care voteaza la premiile Academiei (glorie, decadere, umilinta, rebeliune, succes din nou).
ana mi-a dat un alt interviu din Interview, fct de Christopher Walken
la fel de misto.

‘Abso-fucking-lutely. Randy’s living in a state of shame. Living in a state of disgrace. The humiliation that I’ve lived with for five, six, seven, eight, nine, 15 years. That I brought upon myself. I lost everything, the wife, the house, my friends, my name in the business. I was paying $500 a month for an apartment with my dogs. Nobody really knew how broke I was. A friend used to give me a couple of hundred of dollars a month to buy something to eat. And I’d be calling up my ex-wife and crying like a baby and trying to get her back. I was desperate. And I was all alone. And this went on for years, for years.’

din the observer, suplimentul de we the guardian, 23 nov.

Later edit: aud ca interviul din The observer este tradus integral in Q Magazine. Sunt f curioasa daca au platit ca sa aiba drepturile pentru publicarea lui. Dar am sa sun sa intreb.

Later Later Edit: Floriana Juncan zice ca a cumparat interviul via Paris Match.
Imi pare rau ca am indoilei, dar chiar am. Si mi s-ar parea unfair ca femeia aia de la The Guardian sa fi muncit din greu pt interviu si sa nu ia niciun ban pentru republicarea externa. Mai ales ca e un text superb, foarte muncit.


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