the screamthe scream

The Scream- sau despre lumea altfel a artistilor

spun mereu ca oamenii normali fac lucruri normale si ca doar cei diferiti schimba lumea. prietenii mei spun ca asta e o scuza pentru a-mi educa preventiv rabdarea ca sa fac fatza la tot felul de intimplari de la oamenii mai mult sau mai putini faimosi din jurul meu, dar foarte creativi.

acum am si dovada ca am dreptate. un articol din Scientific American despre bolile nervoase prezentate in arta pune in lumina nu doar cum a fost facut celebrul tabloul The Scream a lui  Edvard Munch, ci si doza lui de “mental disorder”. (sunt mai multe exemple acolo, dar  Munch imi place mie mult:) )

e un bun exemplu ca sa aveti rabdare si intelegere cu oamenii creativi din vietile voastre. n-ar gindi diferit, daca lumea din interiorul lor n-ar fi altfel decit a noastra.


“One evening I was walking along a path, the city was on one side and the fjord below. I felt tired and ill. I stopped and looked out over the fjord—the sun was setting, and the clouds turning blood red. I sensed a scream passing through nature; it seemed to me that I heard the scream. I painted this picture, painted the clouds as actual blood. The color shrieked. This became The Scream.”-Evdard Munch

“Depersonalization [disorder], a serious disruption in a persons thoughts or sensations about their individual self, understandably alters their entire world…Alienation, isolation, and altered perceptions have for centuries served as themes for the visual arts, particularly modern art. Edvard Munch’s famous painting The Scream depicts the essence of a private hell and detachment from all things outside of one’s self.”-Feeling Unreal: Depersonalization Disorder And the Loss of the Self By Daphne Simeon & Jeffrey Abugel

“The world’s most famous panic attack occurred in Olso during January 1892…This experience affected the artist so deeply he returned to the moment again and again, eventually making two paintings, two pastels, and a lithograph based on his experience, as well as penning a poem derived from the diary entry. While it isn’t known if Munch had any more panic attacks, mental illness did run in his family; at the time of his episode, his bipolar sister was in an asylum.”-Kathy Benjamin, Mental Floss. September 2012

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