victoria-beckham-eva longoriavictoria-beckham-eva longoria

Cum se vede Cannes 2016 pe instagramul vedetelor

Festivalul de la Cannes, in epoca social media, se poate vedea si din perspectiva vedetelor via selfie-uri.

Iata cateva dintre postarile pe instagram ale vedetelor prezente la Cannes in acest an. Desigur postarile au prea putina legatura, spre deloc, cu filmele prezente in festival. Poate si pentru ca vedetele aleg sa prezinte secvente amuzante din viata lor. Poate si pentru ca festivalul e foarte mult si despre moda si petreceri (gratie sponsorilor).

Sau poate ca nu…


Marion Cotillard in aceasta dimineata pe Instagram

Blake Lively

Because I need these glasses and earrings. Let’s be honest.

A photo posted by Blake Lively (@blakelively) on

Blake. Wuz. Here.

A photo posted by Blake Lively (@blakelively) on

Julia Roberts un selfie cu George Clooney la premiera filmului Money Monster 

#Cannes2016 in France. #Selfie 📽 #moneymonster

A photo posted by Julia Roberts ️️ (@juliarobertsoriginal) on

Eva Longoria

How cute are these heels?! Thank you @giuseppezanottiworld!! #LorealCannes2016 #RedCarpetReady

A photo posted by Eva Longoria (@evalongoria) on

Kate Moss

Cannes 2016 ❤️ #cannes #cannes2016 #cannesfilmfestival #cannesfestival #katemoss @festivaldecannes @chopard

A video posted by Kate Moss (@katemossofficiall) on

mama Kardashian

Thank you to my friends at Manolo Blahnik for my beautiful shoes that I wore last night X Kisses X VB 👠❤️ VB #redcarpet

A photo posted by Victoria Beckham (@victoriabeckham) on

High kicks in Cannes X I ❤️@Evalongoria Good night Cannes X #Girlsgirl x 🙏🏻 VB

A photo posted by Victoria Beckham (@victoriabeckham) on

Cannes 2016 beauty must! @esteelauder PowerFoil mask! Au Revoir X Thank u @kenpaves @wendyrowe Love u!! 🙏🏻 XVB

A photo posted by Victoria Beckham (@victoriabeckham) on

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