cum faci sa intri in viata unui om, sa te accepte, sa lase garda jos si sa nu pozeze, desi stie ca tu ii vei descrie viata intr-o poveste?

am gasit un interviu mai vechi despre cum au lucrat Lane DeGregory si fotografa cu care a fct echipa, Melissa Lyttle, la povestea care a luat Pulitzer anul asta The girl in the window.

capitolul meu preferat e Buildind relationships

Did you have any concerns or reservations about having someone else broker a story?

Melissa Lyttle: We drove down with her and Dani’s caseworker for the very first interview, the very first time we went to Fort Myers to meet the family. Just to turn it into reality, she was a great intro. They already were familiar with her; they were familiar with the caseworker. They really opened to us because they had that trust. … They passed that along to us. … [Carolyn Eastman] was our passport into that situation.

She obviously wasn’t with you the whole time. How did you build your own relationship?

DeGregory: …We told the family at the end of that first day, “What kind of things do you do with Danielle on a regular basis?” “We go to the beach, she goes to school. She goes horseback riding, we take her to church.” And Melissa and I told them, “We want to be there for all of that. We want to watch and follow her as she progresses and as she learns. We want to be there at bedtime, we want to be there at bath time, we want to be there when you eat dinner.” … I don’t think they anticipated us wanting to invest so much time.

Lyttle: It’s all about relationship-building. The first time was more of an interview. … While Lane got to know the parents and was sitting there with the caseworker who was asking for updates on Danielle and with Carolyn Eastman … I had about three hours with Danielle. And I got her really comfortable in front of the camera because I sat there for so long and I watched the same movements over and over. I’m not the photographer who runs around the room climbing on things, but just being in her presence for that long made the next time that much easier. …

Did the family have any reservations about you saying, “We want to be here all the time”?

DeGregory: Lucky for them, they were three hours away so I couldn’t be there all the time. If they had been in our circulation area, I would have been there every day. But we had to arrange visits with them. And so we arranged to come down for a whole day or to come down for a day [or] overnight and the next day.

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inca un fragment minunat:

I’m fascinated by how you report on someone who seems so unknowable like Dani. How did you gain her trust?
DeGregory: That was the hardest part. I went in thinking I was going to interview this girl and go, “Hey, what happened?” I knew she didn’t speak when they found her, but I didn’t know she still couldn’t speak — until we met her. …

Lyttle: I still remember the day that we made the connection. It was the second trip there and I was sitting on the floor in her room as she was watching this little video on her computer screen, a little interactive game kind of thing. I was talking to her like a normal kid — “Oh, which one do you think that is? Is that red?” — just asking her questions they were saying, trying to re-emphasize language skills. I just remember at one point about halfway through her game, she reached out with her foot, and she just touched me. She was kind of checking me out … her little hello there, like a pat on the back. She had initially used her feet for almost everything, to pick things up and to hold her bottle. So it’s kind of like her extended hand in some ways. …

cu rabdare pina la sfirsitul interviului, care e lungutz, gasiti info si despre cum a fost scrisa povestea pentru print, apoi pt web si un alt capitol minunat DEALING WITH THE EMOTIONAL CONSEQUENCES.

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