la a3, ioana raduca are un reportaj f f tare despre voluntarii din romania. (bravo Ioana)
e si dragos bucurenci acolo pentru ca stie bine cum e sa convingi tinerii sa faca voluntariat.
in contextul acesta, imi doresc foarte tare sa existe si in romania, oameni ca in articolul din time, Out of Faith and Compassion: Diary of a Haiti Volunteer
As the devastating magnitude of Jan. 12 earthquake became apparent, countless ordinary folk were compelled by faith or compassion to rush to the aid of the people of Haiti. Lonnie Vargas is a production manager for Time Inc. Almost instinctively, he and a group of 11 people, including a restaurant manager, a school principal, an accountant, a flight attendant and a truck driver figured out how to get down to the island nation. All were members of the Old Bridge, New Jersey branch of Calvary Chapel, a non-denominational church that is spread around the world.
ma gindesc ca la vara sa ma duc sa fac voluntariat in haiti, sigur au de construit lucruri, de ingrijit oameni. se mai baga cineva?
Sigur. Baga-ma pe lista. Numai ca tu gatesti 🙂 .
stiu stiu, eu tre sa gatesc:)