cum sa-ti impresionezi prietenul cu inghetata:)

cind Magnum a lansat campania Magnumize your senses am avut o maaaare dorinta.
sa vorbesc cu Henrik Sebok, chef-ul care a creat minunatele deserturi care sunt degustate pe intuneric.

vroiam sa aflu (si) cum pot sa-mi impresionez iubitul cu o inghetata:)

cum stiu ca e o mare arta sa pui ingrediente surprinzatoare unul linga altul ca sa provoci simturile dincolo de limite, sunt fascinata de munca chef-ilor de renume. Henrik e Chef al Howard Johnson Grand Plaza, e canadian si e unul dintre mai mai faimosi chef-i din tara lui natala. La Avalon, restaurantul vedeta de la Howard Johnson a creat o multime de “nebunii” culinare.

i-am trimis intrebarile pe mail si m-a impresionat f tare ca mi-a raspuns la 12 si ceva noaptea, ca sa-si respecte promisiunea de a-mi da materialul in deadline. mi-am adus aminte de povestile altor chef-i faimosi despre cit de multa munca e intr-o bucatarie faimoasa si…cit de multa presiune: trebuie sa -ti iasa extraordinar totul in fiecare zi.

asa ca azi noapte, m-am gindit ca i-am putea face o bucurie lui Henrik, aflati un pic mai jos cum

Thanks Henrik.
The work you did with Magnum ice cream is quite magic. What combination was the most provocative for you? (In order to find the most surprising and tasteful ingredient)
All three combinations was a challenge. Exactly what I love! ☺ After tasting all the three variety of Magnum ice cream I went ahead, trusting my experience and imagination and I design all desserts in my head. Then I implemented and “re-tested”.
The result was exactly what I had expected. I’m very happy that it was a real success.

If the desert wouldn’t be served in a blind dinner, would you have made a different combination with this ice cream? (I think you use your tricks with fruits & plants with different textures to force us to use our senses at maximum ☺ )
I would not change anything except the construction of the food on the plate! Also I would add structural elements to the dish in order to make it stand out to please the eyes also.

Did you taste your magnum desert in a dark room? What was it like?
No, I haven’t tried it in the dark, since I was the only person whom knew how it is! After all I “dreamed” those desserts! ☺

When you‘re thinking of Magnum Ice cream, what are the taste that comes first in your mind?
As for the texture: smooth full body well balanced with crunchy chocolate coating.
As for the taste: Just a right amount of fine quality Bourbon vanilla, roasted almond.

When you’re thinking of a desert with ice cream and trying to innovate, what are your ideas?
I like to create something to remember. Combine flavors and textures to please the “soul” and excite the brain.

What are the things that you follow?
I follow my instincts and the harmony of the ingredients.

Do you make a list with Do’s & Don’ts?
I don’t use rules. Everything is based on trial and error! Some combinations are good and some are great. Matter of finding the correct combination and then you have to fine-tune it!

Please propose me a full menu for a dinner that can be finished with Magnum ice cream as desert.
Magnum Ice cream can be a sensational finale of any menu! But since you ask here is one:
French Polynesian Onion Soup
Thin slice Garlic roasted crouton and Four Cheese Mix
Salmon & Cheese Lolly Pops
Chèvre & Fresh herbs, Feta& Hot Chili, Cream Cheese & Horseradish
Duo of Duck Confit & Seared Magret
Served on Duo Rosti Potatoes, Poached Pear, Black Currant Compote,
Stewed Red Cabbage en Gel and Baby Asparagus
Warm Chocolate Fondant
Creamy Toffee Feeling, Thai Vanilla Ice Cream & Cracked Raspberry

I’ve tasted (…) and I have no idea what fruits were there. Can you tell me what was the combination?
Robust white chocolate coated Vanilla ice cream complimented with an Iranian Pistachio sponge. Served over a spicy & sweet Champagne infused Mango Chutney. Smooth textured Aerated Milk Chocolate, Fresh & Lyophilized Raspberry. A touch of spearmint.

Can you tell me a special secret to combine the ice cream with some magic ingredients to impress my boyfriend?
It’s all depending on the type of ice cream you use as a base of your dessert. Fresh berries are always a great choice. Crunchy texture can be obtained by using Oreo cookies (no cream). Don’t forget about a sauce! Can be chocolate, caramel, Bailey’s, etc…

Stiti care e cea mai mare bucurie a unui Chef?
sa stie ca mincarea lui, creatia lui, a fost apreciata si savurata de cel care a gustat-o.

Haideti sa-i facem o bucurie lui Henrik. Daca ati participat (sau participati la degustarile Magnumise your senses care mai sunt pina duminica) si v-a placut ce ati testat, scrieti-i un mesaj lui Henrik pe pagina de
FB Magnum.

Aveti incredere in mine, o sa-i facem o mega mega bucurie.

5 Comments Published

15 years ago / Reply

E geniala ideea cu “floating buffet”. Ai vazut asa ceva live? E super, inovativ. Felicitari lui Henrik!!

[…] Blogul Cristinei Bazavan » Blog Archive » cum sa-ti impresionezi prietenul cu inghetata:) – view page – cached sa vorbesc cu Henrik Sebok, chef-ul care a creat minunatele deserturi care sunt degustate pe intuneric. Tweets about this link […]

15 years ago / Reply

“…I would not change anything except the construction of the food on the plate! Also I would add structural elements to the dish in order to make it stand out to please the eyes also.” mmmm… oare cit de bine ar fi aratat daca punea accent si pe vizual…

14 years ago / Reply

problema e ca tu nu stii ce spui…daca nu ai observat a accentuat mult aspectul “vizual” dar asta este cand nu cunosti..

[…] si-am ramas cu un gind: sa stau o zi in bucataria lui henrik sebok, chef-ul care a facut magie accesorizind couture inghetata magnum. […]

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