
lectii de viata de la Bary­sh­nikov

ca de inceput de saptamina ceva care sa ne aseze pe un culoar bun in care vom alerga saptamina asta: unii pentru bani, altii pentru glorie, altii pentru sine, altii….

Mikhail Bary­sh­nikov intr-un interviul la Tel Aviv pentru Haaretz:

On dis­lik­ing being called a sex symbol

I am not a sex sym­bol. It’s just what people made out of me. It’s a kind of illu­sion from the stage, maybe. People who know me, it has noth­ing to do with real­ity. I am not a skirt chaser, you know, I am not a sex maniac. I am not nice-looking, I am not tall, I am not a hero by any means. And I am not a macho kind of a guy, so what’s this sex all about?”

On enthu­si­asm

“Well, I always say that in the morn­ing I try to chal­lenge myself not to get bored with myself, that I want to sur­prise myself. But it has to be not to get too bored or very skep­tical about everything, very pass­ive and cyn­ical. And if I think that way, it gives me energy and intel­lec­tual curi­os­ity. You have to have really inter­est­ing friends who can chal­lenge you. You know, if you do some­thing not kosher, you have to hear from them, and say it when they do some­thing not right. That, I think, that’s my motto in life. I’ve always had really won­der­ful friends, in Rus­sia and out­side of Rus­sia, and that [allows me to main­tain] my life eth­ics. Clean life eth­ics. And that reflects then on stage.”

On age­ing

I’m afraid of death like every­body else. I am not reli­gious per­son, I don’t prac­tice. I was christened, and I am Rus­sian Ortho­dox, but I am agnostic. Let’s say, you know, I’m not an athe­ist, but I don’t prac­tice. I like to see rituals — the cho­reo­graphy of it and the spirit and beauty of it. But you never know. You never know what might happen.”

One Comment Published

13 years ago / Reply

si totusi e atat de sexy! 🙂

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