
suferintele lui kate moss

banuiesc ca jumatate din populatia feminina a planetei – cu acces la macar o revista glossy – a auzit de kate moss si a si admirat-o in vreo reclama.

in numarul de decembrie vanity fair va fi un interviu in care se dovedeste inca o data ca si cele mai admirate femei ale lumii sunt ca oricare altele, cu nesigurante si suferinte, si frustrari.
iata citeva fragmente

despre pozele nud
“I see a 16-year-old now, and to ask her to take her clothes off would feel really weird. But they were like, If you don’t do it, then we’re not going to book you again. So I’d lock myself in the toilet and cry and then come out and do it. I never felt very comfortable about it. There’s a lot of boobs. I hated my boobs! Because I was flat-chested. And I had a big mole on one. That picture of me running down the beach—I’ll never forget doing that, because I made the hairdresser, who was the only man on the shoot, turn his back.”

despre kate moss de acasa
“I don’t want to be myself, ever. I’m terrible at a snapshot. Terrible. I blink all the time. I’ve got facial Tourette’s. Unless I’m working and in that zone, I’m not very good at pictures, really,”

despre iubirea pentru johnny depp

“There’s nobody that’s ever really been able to take care of me. Johnny did for a bit. I believed what he said,” Moss says. “Like if I said, ‘What do I do?,’ he’d tell me. And that’s what I missed when I left. I really lost that gauge of somebody I could trust. Nightmare. Years and years of crying. Oh, the tears!”

despre a fi fashion icon

I just wear black jeans now. Or gray. If you do a different look every day, they’re going to be waiting for the next look, and then it’s a paparazzi shot. Whereas if you just wear the same thing, then they get bored and leave you alone.”

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2 Comments Published

12 years ago / Reply

Frumusetea devine uneori bulversanta, chiar si pentru cel care a primit-o ca si dar divin….Kate are oricum o frumusete atipica si cameleonica, cred ca uneori nici nu e frumoasa, ci doar beautifully strange…

12 years ago / Reply

Mie mi se pare foarte trista… Extrem de trista… Mereu…

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