eu sunt dintre persoanele care nu cauta pe facebook nimic despre prietenii lor. dar absolut nimic. n-am dat niciodata search pe google dupa numele iubitului meu, nu m-am uitat niciodata pe pagina lui de facebook ca sa-i fac un istoric.
prietenii mei spun ca asta vine din ciudatenia ca eu nu sunt geloasa (n-am incercat niciodata acest sentiment, poate o sa scriu cindva despre asta ), dar eu cred ca vine din faptul ca atunci cind iubesc stiu pentru ce o fac si nu are sens sa stau sa caut alte argumente. pro sau contra. iar daca vreau sa aflu ceva de la omul de linga mine, ma uit la el. nici nu e nevoie sa-l intreb: ma uit si ma prind. am eu aceasta aptitudine speciala 🙂
dar din categoria ce aflam cind cercetam pe net, iata o poveste de la o doamna care a descoperit ca sotul ei e … gay. dupa 8 ani de mariaj.
“I’ll be the jailer and you be the naughty prisoner.”
When I read those words, a chat conversation between my then-husband and another man, it felt for just a moment like all the oxygen had been sucked from the room. I remember putting my hand on my chest, gasping for air, as the world I thought I knew shattered around me.
He was surprisingly conciliatory and accommodating in the divorce negotiations. In the Deep South state we lived in at the time, within 30 days it was final. Our eight-year marriage was over before the indentation from my wedding ring had even faded from my finger.
While unpacking my desk in our new home, I came across the transcript of the chat that had brought down my marriage. As I quickly scanned the now-familiar words, something new jumped out at me. The “jailer” made reference to my ex-husband’s website. Website? I googled his screen name.
Bingo. Within a few clicks, I was staring at photographs of my ex-husband’s dick. Though he never showed his face, it wasn’t necessary. The images were taken in our former home, sitting on my furniture. He had been maintaining a blog for years about his sexual exploits, writing of his cleverness at maintaining the façade of dedicated husband and father while prowling for men on the side. There were many, many posts spanning nearly our entire marriage, dating back to early in my pregnancy with our first child.
intreaga poveste e aici
lectura ei, aventurile prietenelor mele in cautarea unor indicii care sa le arate ceva in plus in personalitatea iubitilor lor (“cum ii e caracterul in functie de grupa de singe?”, adica wtf?? nu mai bine stai de vorba cu el si afli, in loc sa cauti pe net mascari generaliste?!), ma face sa va intreb cit de des va verificati iubitii pe google search/ facebook ?
si cit de des faceti teste de compatibilitati? de orice fel de compatibilitati?
(ma pregatesc sa scriu o serie de povesti despre asta, asa ca detalii – sub anonimat desigur – sunt mai mult decit bine venite, va multumesc)