mind_scientific americanmind_scientific american

stiinta pacatelor – care e explicatia psihologica a pacatelor capitale

in fiecare dintre cele 7 pacate capitale, asa cum le clasifica biserica, exista astazi gratie psihologiei explicatii stiintifice.

de ce invidiem, de ce suntem lacomi, de ce preacurvim, de ce ne ghideaza mindria, vanitatea.

cel mai recent numar din Scientific American intitulat Science of Sin ia pas cu pas fiecare dintre cele 7 pacate si le desface despicind mintile multora dintre noi. si sufletele.

revista vine si la noi, via Imedio, asa ca va recomand sa o cumparati, este o editie de colectie.

despre invidie:

  • Feelings of inferiority and desire can spur us to bring down our competitors—or to better ourselves.
  • Our ability to successfully control envy impulses is hampered by outside factors such as stress, exhaustion and inebriation.
  • Transforming malicious envy into its more productive cousin, benign envy, may be a way to harness the emotion’s power to motivate.

despre mindrie

  • Pride is a pleasurable emotion that arises when people feel good about themselves; it can bring out both the best and worst in human nature.
  • It appears to manifest as one of two types: hubristic pride and authentic pride.
  • Both types appear to facilitate the attainment of power and high status. Hubristic pride can harm mental health and damage friendships, however, whereas authentic pride can motivate achievement and concern for others.

despre lacomie

  • Eating for pleasure, rather than out of hunger, can prime our brain to want that hedonistic experience more and more.
  • Humans who tend to overeat may develop the same patterns of neural activity in reward areas as drug addicts do; data suggest that eating high-sugar or high-fat diets can lead to cycles of craving and withdrawal.
  • Although the concept of food addiction is controversial, lessons from recent research can put us on a fitter path. Regulating the amount of food choice we give ourselves, for example, and avoiding situations where we are conditioned to eat can help us consume less and feel better.
despre tentatia/dorinta sexuala
  • Brain imaging is revealing the distinct but interlocking patterns of neural activation associated with lust and love.
  • Lust is most likely grounded in the concrete sensations of the given moment. Love is a more abstract gloss on our experiences with another person.
  • Imaging is also helping to decipher the disorders of lust, including anorgasmia. Dozens of discrete regions across the brain fire at the point of orgasm—suggesting many different ways to develop anorgasmia.


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One Comment Published

11 years ago / Reply

asa e, papucii lor de endorfine 😀 si ciocolata poate da dependenta, si alergie in consecinta 😀

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