
un eseu personal al actritei Maria Bello

in NY Times, intr-una dintre rubricile pe care le iubesc cel mai mult – Modern Love ( eseuri personale, impecabil scrise, despre iubirile de toate felurile, despre viata in general -) e  un articol scris de actrita Maria Bello.

o stiti pe Maria Bello, blonda frumoasa, genul the girl next door, cu o vulnerabilitate ascunsa printre gesturile care par in forta.

ati vazut-o in ER, acum e pe ecrane cu Prisoners, in America e vedeta intr-un serial cu un pusti care anticipeaza viitorul prin cifre – Touch.

am vazut ca ea scrie eseul personal si m-am gindit “ce tare. cum au convins-o sa-si povesteasca viata?”

eseul incepe asa:

When my 12-year-old son, Jackson, asked me if there was something I wasn’t telling him, I replied, “There are a lot of things I don’t tell you.”

“Like what?”

“Adult stuff.”

He persisted: “What kind of adult stuff?”

This was the moment I had been anticipating and dreading for months. “Like romantic stuff,” I said, fumbling for words.

“What kind of romantic stuff?”

“Well,” I said. “Like how sometimes you can be friends with someone, and then it turns romantic, and then you’re friends again. Like with Dad and me. Or romantic like Bryn and me were, and then he and I became friends.”

“So are you romantic with anyone right now?” he asked.

si dupa aceea spune ca de fapt are de curind o iubita, nu un iubit.

am citit si m-am auzit spunind “oooo doamne”.


sa nu ma intelegeti gresit, am prieteni gay, cred despre mine ca nu am nicio prejudecata in ceea ce priveste ce face omul acasa, e treaba fiecaruia si nu e de judecat nimic.

doar ca m-a socat foarte foarte tare vestea asta. habar n-am de ce.

ma intreb cum de au convins-o sa marturiseasca. si de ce a ales sa spuna acum. nu e in promovare pentru niciun film.

puteti citi intregul ei eseu aici.

One Comment Published

11 years ago / Reply

“Whomever I love, however I love them, whether they sleep in my bed or not, or whether I do homework with them or share a child with them, “love is love.”

Cat e de perfecta aceasta concluzie!!!!

Multumesc Cristina!

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