
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: s-a inventat drogul care sterge amintirile traumatizante

va mai amintiti minunatia de film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind in care personajele principale interpretate de Jim Carrey si Kate Winslet decid sa mearga la o companie care sa le stearga din minte amintirile legate de relatia lor?

atunci parea ceva SF (era in 2004), scenariul e scris de regizor Michel Gondry si de Clarlie Kaufman, intre timp e realitate.
cercetatorii de la MIT au descoperit un drog care poate sterge din memorie amintirile traumatizante

The drug, a histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi), interferes with one of the ways that brain cells record memories, by precisely placing proteins called histones on certain segments of DNA, affecting which genes are expressed. The hope is that, using this principle, doctors could someday prescribe drugs that aid in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Right now, those seeking relief from PTSD typically use exposure therapy, in which a patient mentally revisits a traumatic memory in hopes of overcoming the anxiety associated with it. But “the options for treatment of PTSD are very limited. There’s really no good medication, and exposure-based psychotherapy is often ineffective for older memories,” says Li-Huei Tsai, the lead author of a new study documenting the research

in acest moment se fac teste pe soareci, dar cercetatorii spun ca rezultatele sunt imbucuratoare. ce nu poate face acest drog insa este sa inlature frica.

mai avem o speranta ca vor mai ramine si niste oameni pe planeta asta. cu bune si rele.

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