in noua editie Time 100 most influential people e un portret al lui Robert Redford care uimeste prin sinceritate si prin caracterul celui care l-a scris: Harvey Weinstein
Weinstein e directorul studiourilor Miramax si prietenul lui Redford si scrie un text despre cum Redford a schimbat piata filmelor dindu-le o platforma – Festivalul de la Sundance – celor care faceau filme independente.
dupa ce-si justifica alegerea, mentionind si talentul actoricesc, influenta ca producator si viziunea ca regizor ale lui Redford, Weinstein scrie:
“He has one fault. Over the past 20 years, we’ve been going out to lunch. Bob always gets away without paying the bill. I saw him a couple a months ago and reminded him of that, and he said, “you pick the place and the expensive wine and I’m in”
We dined for 3 hours, drank expensive wine and told some whoppers of stories. As we walked out of Graydon Carter’s Monkey Bar, the woman came for the check. Bob Patted his pants and sport jacket and said he didn’t have his wallet. It was as good a performance as I’ve seen, and make me laugh so hard that I put it on my account.
If you’re lucky enough to hang out with Bob Redford, get ready for an opinionated, brilliant,insightful discussion of moviemaking from the point of view of a legendary actor and pioneering director-producer. Just prepare to pay the check.”
cind am citit aceasta minunatie de descriere a unui fapt de viata care e scrisa in asa fel incit arata personalitatile a doi oameni uriasi, m-am gindit cine in Romania ar fi putut descrie o asemenea intimplare fara sa para o birfa, fara sa fie tabloid, ci sa poata da un inteles dincolo de fapte si cuvinte pentru oricare cititor.
m-am gindit putin, dar am gasit un nume: Radu Cosasu.
nu stiu insa despre cine ar putea scrie la nivelul asta.
Ai bani… ai si note de plata!