
contemporary writers confront death – part2

citesc o carte care reuneste opiniile despre moarte a 20 dintre cei mai importanti scriitori contemporani americani.

citesc cite o poveste pe zi; in fiecare zi, scriu cite ceva despre autorul eseului personal, in semn de respect pentru curajul lui.
povestea de ieri aici

astazi, Kyoko Mori, scriitoare de origine japoneza scrie despre sinuciderea mamei ei, la 41 de ani.
Kyoko avea 12 ani atunci, astazi are 52, e divortata si spera sa moara, mai tirziu, in somn. fara sa stie si fara sa o doara.

un fragment frumos din eseul ei.

By the time I went to college, though, I knew that Jesus was real in the same way as Hamlet, Jane Eyre, Jay Gatsby, Holden Caulfield, or the Makioka Sisters. I’m not saying he was fake or insubstantial. I was beginning to understand life through the lens of literature, not the other way around. Jesus and a host of other characters from books enabled me to read the people I met and analyze the complication I made with them. The characters influenced my decisions and shaped my life, but they won’t change my death. When I die, I must part with all the people I loved – even those who have spent centuries inside books and attained their eternal life. They will live on, but I won’t.

iata si altceva scris de ea, o poveste despre… pulovere, despre tricotaje si despre viata de dupa sinuciderea mamei

2 Comments Published

14 years ago / Reply

si cartea asta o gasim pe undeva prin librarii? e publicata si in romania? sau poate suntem norocosi si ai tu o varianta electronica? 😀

14 years ago / Reply

e la anthony frost bookshop, in bucuresti, linga biserica Kretzulescu. nu e publicata in romaneste…

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