steagul olimpiadei 2012steagul olimpiadei 2012

200 de zile pina la JO -Londra

n-as fi stiut ca de astazi mai sunt fix 200 de zile pina la Olimpiada de la Londra, dar cel mai simpatic dintre ambasadorii aflati cu misiuni in Romania, ambasadorul Marii Britanii, Martin Harris, n-ar fi arborat steagul oficial al Olimpiadei la sediul Ambasadei.

Dl Ambasador Harris a facut si o declaratie foarte simpatica pe blogul domniei sale:

This summer we will celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. This is not a once in a lifetime occasion. It is not even a once in a century occasion. It will be a momentous celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of the monarch’s accession to the throne – something which has only happened once before in the UK’s history, when Queen Victoria celebrated her Diamond Jubilee in 1897.

The Jubilee itself will be commemorated between 2-5 June, with events across the United Kingdom. The highlight will be a huge pageant on the River Thames, with a flotilla of over a thousand boats, headed by the Queen’s own Royal Barge – recalling great state occasions of the past when the River was the main thoroughfare of London. It promises to be an amazing spectacle, and a fitting celebration of the Queen’s long service to the United Kingdom.

I know that some in Romania are already getting prepared for the Diamond Jubilee, and school children have been perfecting their English by learning about our Kings and Queens, food, life style, habits, achievements of our culture and by scripting letters of congratulation to Her Majesty the Queen. I am looking forward to awarding prizes in a special language contest organized this spring in Bucharest.

After the Jubilee party, London’s stage will be set for the greatest show on earth – the Olympic and Paralympic games. On Monday 9 January we celebrated the marking of 200 days to the Olympics by raising the Olympic flag at the British Embassy in Bucharest. I am looking forward to a great summer of sport, and expect close competition between Romania and the UK in the rowing lake at Eton Dorney, nearby Windsor Castle. I am also delighted that Romania is sending its largest ever team to the Paralympic Games.

Draga Domnule Ambasador,

nu aveti de unde sa stiti, dar Londra este orasul meu preferat dintre toate orasele lumii in care am fost (si m-am plimbat ceva). in vara asta am sa fiu din nou la Londra, pentru ca odata cu Olimpiada va fi si o avalansa de spectacole de teatru, dans. si eu am sa profit de asta.

All the best

P.S. daca as fi in locul parintilor cu copii de scoala, i-as cam pune pe copiii mei sa participe la concursul mentionat de domnul ambasador.:)

One Comment Published

13 years ago / Reply

Olimpiada. Visul meu de-o jumate de deceniu 🙂 poate se împlineşte, doar e loc de visat mă gândesc 🙂

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