
profil Raed Arafat in New York Times

“His attitude is, ‘We can do it better than anywhere in the world,’ ” Dr. Gordon said. “It’s, ‘Let’s not be as good as the Germans, as good as the French, let’s be even better.’ ”

Dr Gordon este specialist in medicina de urgenta in Statele Unite si spune in articolul din New York Times ca ceea ce a facut dr Arafat in Romania e mai bun decit ce e in SUA.

As a boy growing up in the West Bank, Dr. Arafat had memorized the book “First Aid Without Panic” cover to cover, learning “every page, every picture by heart,” he said. Born in Damascus, Syria, and raised in Nablus, West Bank, he described his attitude as “medicine by any means.” At the age of 14 he not only rode with the fire department on emergency calls, but also began teaching the firefighters techniques he had learned from his well-thumbed first aid manual.

By 15 he had begun volunteering at the hospital in Nablus, where he was allowed to give tetanus shots and stitches under professional supervision. His neighbor was a surgeon and head of one of the hospitals, and he spent his school vacations helping out in the operating room.

Young Raed was also accepted by a university in the United States. If not for his parents’ intervention, his future would have turned out quite differently, in a country that could have used his talents but certainly did not need them as badly as Romania. His parents were afraid that if he studied in America, he would stay for good. They did not tell him about the acceptance letter.

restul articolului aparut ieri in NYTimes il puteti citi aici.

5 Comments Published

13 years ago / Reply

RESPECT.Pentru domnul doctor Raed Arafat si echipa pe care o are.Basescu inca ii mai datoreaza scuze publice acestui OM.

13 years ago / Reply

Am urmarit (si inca o mai fac) cam tot ce apare in presa despre dr. Arafat. Nicaieri n-am citit / vazut la noi spuse aceste lucruri legate de pasiunea inceputa in copilarie pentru medicina de urgenta. Sa fie de vina o anumita superficialitate a jurnalismului romanesc sau lipsa reala de interes pentru subiect?

13 years ago / Reply

in Fanaticii, cartea de portrete a lui Vlad Mixich e un portret f documentat al dl Arafat.

in rest, cred ca lucrurile sunt cumva la mijloc, jurnalistul nu intreaba tot pentru ca nu e suficient pregatit, subiectul nu raspunde tot pt ca nu are suficienta incredere.

13 years ago / Reply

Cred ca am gasit si interviul din cartea lui Vlad


Hmm… Frumos… “Incredere”.

13 years ago / Reply

da, dar din nou e vorba despre un jurnalist care si-a luat f in serios treaba, a petrecut ceva timp cu Dl Arafat, ca sa “lase garda jos” si sa -i cistige increderea.

ma bucur ca l-ai citit. e un text bun. daca vrei iti trimit toata cartea Fanaticii, sunt niste super profile in ea.

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