
FOTO: In the mood for Natalie Portman

New York Times ii face o campanie frumoasa lui Natalie Portman care se afla la debut ca regizor. Stiind de prietenia ei cu scriitorul Jonathan Safran Foer si de corespondentele lor via email, i-au anuntat ca ar dori sa publice o parte din conversatiile lor, iar eu si-au ”ajustat” putin discutiile si-a rezultat un material foarte personal, foarte cool, dar si plin de idei despre cum munceste fiecare.

Intregul articol il gasiti aici

Conversatiile sunt pline de umor si au o tandrete a marturisilor ca pentru un prieten, un nivel de intimitate la care un reporter ar fi ajuns cu greu.

In fragmentul de mai jos Foer o provoaca sa spuna ce ritualuri are in viata, el explicandu-i cum scrie si ce ritualuri are.

I am woefully lacking ritual in my life, which is among the hardest things and best things about my work. I will never have the boredom or repetitiveness of an office. But every job takes me to a new place with a new schedule, and it requires a reinvention of ritual each time, even more so with a family. Every time I go on location, I have to figure out where to live, what activities are available for my son, how and when we will travel from our home base. You learn how deeply grounding ritual is when you lose it.

When I’m not working, I’m pretty much exclusively with my family, so my rituals have to do with school, meal preparation, playdates, bedtime. Weekends are best for ritual, because I own them completely. I do the whole week’s laundry, which I love because it’s a task with a clear beginning and end. And then we spend the weekend together as a family — usually somewhere in nature, often with friends who have children. Lots of cooking. I like weekends better when I’m working because then they truly feel like I’m regenerating energy, whereas when I’m not working, time blends into one continuous, undifferentiated stream.

Aceasta conversatie via email mi-a adus aminte ca Natalie Portman a fost intotdeauna foarte discreta, foarte asezata la casa ei, cu un bun simt deosebit si… cu diplome in cercetari stiintifice in chimie si psihologie publicate la Harvard.

Plus vorbitoare de japoneza, franceza si idish (e nascuta in Israel)

Filmul cu care Portman debuteaza ca regizoare e despre evrei, e biografia lui Amos OZ – Despre Dragoste si intuneric (scriitorul a refuzat pe multi sa le dea cartea spre ecranizare, doar ea a reusit sa-l convinga!).

 Iata-o in 40 de fotografii care vorbesc despre frumusetea discretiei ei. Si ganditi-va ca nu are nimic din tipologia frumusetilor construite de Hollywood, n-are silicon nici in obraji, nici in piept, nu a fost implicata in niciun scandal, nu e o persoana mondena… Si cu toate astea are un Oscar (si o nominalizare) , doua Globuri de Aur si multe multe alte premii.

Iar acum face pasul catre regie.

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