Mila-Kunis 5Mila-Kunis 5

(foto) In the mood for Mila Kunis

Milla Kunis este actrita de orgine ucrainianca pe care lumea intreaga a cunoscut-o via Black Swan (rolul negativ care i-a si adus o nominalizare la Globurile de Aur).

Mila a jucat de atunci in comedioare romantice, s-a casatorit cu Ashton Kutcher, dupa ce a fost pentru mult timp iubita lui  Macaulay Culkin (pustiul din Singur Acasa, devenit si el adult, ce sa facem) si a fost mai prezenta in presa prin viata privata si problemele de sanatate. A avut o problema complicata la un ochi – a orbit temporar, apoi s-a operat si si-a rezolvat problema -, este dintre cei rari cu un ochi de o culoare si celalalt de alta culoare.

In lumea nebuna de la Hollywood, Kunis e o femeie discreta, cu opinii politice ferme ( e fana Obama) si foarte familista. Foarte rar publicul a putut sa-i vada fetita pentru ca, spune ea, e o mare greseala sa-ti exploatezi copilul pentru adoratia publica.

Zilele trecute a acordat un interviu pentru site-ul The Talks, in care a vorbit despre objectificarea femeii, despre operatii estetice si despre presiunile meseriei ei. Iata mai jos doua raspunsuri.

So what is the greatest lesson you learned from someone else’s mistake?

One? There is a whole list. Everything and anything. In this industry you have to be constantly aware of your surroundings and be aware that they build you up just to knock you down. I really do believe that, because it creates better stories. It’s not enough talking about how great somebody is – it doesn’t sell. What sells is talking about somebody’s downfall. I think the greatest lesson I learned is to keep my private life private. And I will fight for that forever and ever. That is my lesson.

It must be difficult for you because you are exactly the target group the outlets are aiming at.

Yeah, but I will never talk about things. There are certain things that I will never discuss. I don’t care if that makes me not the nicest person. I will discuss any film I have done, I will discuss anybody I have worked with, I will discuss politics if you need me to – I will discuss anything and everything under the sun, but I will not discuss my personal life.

Mila Kunis in The Talks

imagesMila Kunis by David Roemer 04 Mila Kunis Wears No Makeup for Gemfields Jewellery Campaign_1 mila_kunis_dior mila_kunis-200x322Mila-Kunis 1Mila-Kunis 2 Mila-Kunis 3 Mila-Kunis 4 Mila-Kunis 5 Mila Kunis - Christian Dior handbag campaign_2012 mila-kunis-2014-photo-shoot4 mila-kunis-baby-wyatt-photo Mila-Kunis-free Mila-Kunis-Height-Weight-Trivia Mila-Kunis-LA-Confidential-Magazine-Photoshoot-2011-05-3

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