Tag : alain de botton

books3Biblioteca Bloggerului Roman – sau ce am citit in 2013

Biblioteca Bloggerului Roman – sau ce am citit in 2013

Cristi China (chinezu) m-a rugat sa scriu care sunt cartile pe care le-am citit in 2013. e parte dintr-un proiect al lui care se numeste Biblioteca Bloggerului Roman in care vrea sa centralizeze cartile pe care le mai citesc oamenii din online.

Scriu din ce in ce mai rar despre ce carti citesc pentru ca sunt putine care pot fi gasite pe piata noastra si pt ca mi-a zis cineva odata ca e mai bine sa nu stie lumea ca citesc mult. Ceea ce e foarte adevarat. Dar pentru Cristi fac o exceptie pentru ca oricum ii sunt datoare vinduta si m-a luat la sentiment ca “sa apara in centralizatorul final si carti mai rare”, plus ca doar enumar cartile, nu fac cronici pt ele 🙂

iata lecturile mele din 2013; unde exista si postari pe blog despre ele, avem si link la opinia mea, pe titlu avem link de unde o puteti cumpara, daca va suna in vreun fel titlul

Paul Cronin – Roman Polanski – Interviews

the best american magazine writing 2012

Best European Fiction – 2012

Stephen King – On Writing: 10th Anniversary Edition: A Memoir of the Craft

Christopher Booker – The Seven Basic Plots: Why We Tell Stories

Alfred Adler – Intelegerea vietii, introducere in psihologia individuala, editura trei

David Kusek, Gerd Leonhard – The future of music, manifesto for the digital music revolution

Elmore Leonard – 10 Rules of Writing

Daniel Tammet – Thinking In Numbers: On Life, Love, Meaning, and Math

Paul Scott – Robbie Williams: Facing the Ghosts

Daniel J Levitin – creierul nostru muzical, Humanitas

Mozart – Scrisori, Humanitas

Celibidache – Intilniri cu un om de exceptie, editura Spandugino

Chopin – letters 1810-1849

Dalai Lama – Emotii distructive, Curtea Veche

Roland Barthes, Fragmente dintr-un discurs indragostit, Editura Cartier , am scris despre ea aici

dr Elisabeth Kubler Ross – Despre moarte si a muri, EF PUblising

About love: Reinventing Romance for Our Times, am scris despre ea aici

Whitney Chadwick & Isabelle de Courtivron – Cealalta jumatate – creativitate si relatii intime, Vellant

Alain de Botton – Religia pentru atei. Vellant

Diane Ducret – Femeile dictatorilor, Curtea veche, am scris despre ea aici

Emir Kusturica – Unde sunt eu in povestea asta?, Polirom

Filip Florian – Toate bufnitele, Polirom, am scris despre ea aici

Alessandro Baricco – Novecento, Humanitas

Ambroise Vollard – Amintirile unui negustor de tablouri, editura meridiane (mai poate fi gasita doar in anticariate),am scris despre ea aici

Denis Diderot – Bijuteriile indiscrete – Paralela 45 (asta e proza erotica, aparuta cu mult mult inainde de fiftty shades:) ).

Dino Buzzati – O dragoste, Polirom

J.R. Moehringer – Dulcele bar, editura Publica, am scris despre ea aici

Pete Sampras, in mintea unui campion, editura publica – am scris despre ea aici

Phillipe Starck – impresii de aiurea, editura publica, am scris despre ea aici

Rene Stauffer – Roger Federer: Quest for Perfection

Mircea Morariu – carte cu Gina Patrichi, am scris despre ea aici

N.N. Tonitza – Corespondenta, editura Meridiane (mai poate fi gasita doar in anticariate)

Kazuo Ishiguro – Nocturne, cinci povesti despre muzica si amurg, Polirom, am scris despre ea aici

Rebecca Miller – Ritmuri Interioare, editura trei , mai poate fi gasita doar in anticariate. am scris despre ea aici

Kurt Vonnegut: Letters

Radu Beligan. Intre acte, editura allfa, am scris despre ea aici

Adrian Telespan – Cimitirul, editura Herg Benet. am scris despre carte aici


Tom Wolfe – Hooking Up

Ioana Parvulescu – ÃŽn intimitatea secolului 19. Humanitas

Carlos Ruiz Zafon – Umbra Vintului, Polirom

Hilton Als – White Girls

Kate Atkinson Life After Life


Dacavreti sa contribuiti la proiectul lui Chinezu, scrieti-va lecturile pe blog si tag-uiti ca sa stie sa ia in calcul si postarea voastra. Abia astept sa centralizeze citeva mii de carti ca sa munceasca mult (mult mai mult decit am stat eu sa pun link-uri la aceste titluri:))

Va multumesc.


alain-debottontatal lui Alain de Botton

tatal lui Alain de Botton

Alain de Botton va lansa in martie o noua carte, Religion for Atheists, pentru care a inceput de acum PR-ul, ocazie cu care publicul a aflat detalii despre tatal lui:)

iata un fragment din The Guardian

Before the interview, his publicists warned that De Botton didn’t want to talk about Gilbert de Botton, Egyptian-born secular Jew and multimillionaire banker. He was especially keen not to discuss his father’s business dealings and the repeated suggestion that his literary career was bankrolled with daddy’s money.

But asking about De Botton’s father is irresistible because Religion for Atheists is, he readily concedes, an oedipal book. “I’m rebelling,” he says. “I’m trying to find my way back to the babies that have been thrown out with the bathwater.” He’s elsewhere described his father as “a cruel tyrant as a domestic figure, hugely overbearing”. He was also surely crushingly impressive – the former head of Rothschild Bank who established Global Asset Management in 1983 with £1m capital and sold it to UBS in 1999 for £420m, a collector of late Picassos, the austere figure depicted in portraits by both Lucian Freud and Francis Bacon and an atheist who thrived without religion’s crutch.


tatal a murit in 2000. cartea poate fi comandata in avans de pe amazon


alain de botton, prietena romanca, martieni, indragosteala

in sfirsit am cartea lui botton, a week at the airport, si am gasit si fragmentul in care povesteste despre prietena romanca pe care si-a fct-o in terminal 5.

cartea nu va fi in librarii, e scrisa intr-o bursa data de British Airways, intr-un rezidentiat consumat in Terminal 5, minunatia de terminal construit de British Airways, si a fost facuta cadou calatorilor British Airways.
dar eu sunt fan BA, plus ca – pentru ca am noroc in viata – il stiu pe directorul comercial pentru europa de est, Emil Delibashev, asa ca astrele s-au aliniat si am primit si eu aceasta carte. (Thanks, Emil!)

de drag, transcriu aici citeva fragmente ca sa va bucurati si voi.

primul desigur, despre prietena romanca pe care si-a fct-o in aeroport, despre care a mai declarat ca avea un super simt al umorului si-l ironiza teribil legat de a fi scriitor si “a nu face nimik”

There were some permanent fixtures in the terminal. My closest associate was Ana Marie, who cleaned the section of the check in aer where my desk had been set up.She said she was eager to be included in my book and stopped by several times to chat with me about the possibility. but when i assured her that i would write something about her, a troubled look came over her face and she insisted that i would have to deisguise her real name and features. The truth would disappoint too many of her friends and relatives back in Transilvania, she said, for as a young woman she had been leading student in her conservatoire and since then was widely thought to have achived renown abroad as classical singer.

despre aeroport ca aglomerare urbana:
Had one been asked to take a Martianto visit a single place that neatly captures the gamut of themes running through our civilisation – from our faith in tehnology to our destruction of nature, from our interconnectedness to our romanticism of travel – then it would have to be the departures and arrivals halls that one would head.

despre o femeie frumoasa, de 20 si putini ani, cu Padurea norvegiana a lui Murakami in geanta, femeie care isi saruta pasional iubitul in timp ce plinge in hohote in fata portii de imbarcare:

“We might have been ready to offer simphaty , but actuality there were stronger reasons to want to congratulate her for having such a powerful motive to feel sad. We should have envied her for having located someone without whon she so firmily felt she could not survive, beyond the gate let alone in a bare student bedroom in a surburb of Rio.”

cartea e tres tres simpa si o sa va intilniti cu ea in tabu de februarie, veeeeeeeeery exclusive.

altfel incercati sa jucati in aeroport jocul povestilor calatorilor. luati la intimplare un om si creati-i o poveste bazindu-va doar pe detaliile pe care le vedeti. se joaca in mai multi, sunt eliminati rind pe rind cei care gresesc, ratind vreun detaliu (ex, il faci aventurier macho si in doua clipe apare sotia si cei 3 copii linga el). cistiga cine ramine ultimul.

e suuuuper amuzant ce povesti pot iesi asa.
later edit:
stiu ca sunt multi fani Alain de Botton care rivnesc la cartea asta, am decis sa o plimbam de la unii la altii, pe genul “da-o mai departe”. daca vreti sa o cititi, anuntati-va la comment si o primiti, rind pe rind:) altfel nu am cum face.


sex & sexualitate

is it possible to fall in love with someone you have never met, someone you watch on tv?

nothing is easier than to desire people we don’t know. getting to know someone is generally a highly unromantic process, for it means discovering that other people are ultimately as inadequate and anxious as we are.


we don’t need beauty to make art. art is inspired precisely by the absence of beauty, the recollection and nostalgia for a beauty we do not clearly possess.

life is essentially a tragic business for all of us. Why? because all our loved ones will die and our children are mortal.


how terrible would it be if, in 100 years, people didn’t have relationships with each other, but with robots and computers?

one can fully imagine sex with machines, but somehow love with seems harder. why? because at the end of the day, we all are troubled with the question: does she/he really love me? or is she/he faking?
the robots just couldn’t reassure us enough, the robots could never quell our anxious narcissism.

it is recognised that to be good at sex requires practice, even thought. less common is the idea that love would require equall effort. in other words, it’s not just a feeling, it’s a discipline – an art.


do you think certain animals love each other?

it’s uncomfortably likely that yes, animals feel a lot more that we hope they might when we fry them up for supper. they probably are seduced by one another’s lively appearance.
they feel tenderly towards children, they are saddened bu death. they cry. what does that make of us? casual murderers of course.
interviu cu alain de botton in another magazine despre noua sexualitate.
domnul care a pus intrebarile acestea magice se numeste dan crowe.
alain de botton are carti traduse si in romaneste; eseuri de indragostit, despre farmecul lucrurilor plictisitoare, consolarile filozofiei si sex, shopping si-un roman.


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