Tag : creativitate

dungiThe Creative Personality

The Creative Personality

dintr-un articol in altul, plecind de la ceva ce am citit de la Corina Suteu, am ajuns la o minunatie de analiza psihologica despre patternul personalitatilor creative.

trec caracteristicile pe scurt aici, daca va recunoasteti in ele sigur va veti simti bine:) ma iertati ca nu le-am mai tradus,suna mult prea bine in engleza si azi noapte cind citeam cartea tot ce imi doream era sa impart cit mai repede cu cit mai multa lume informatia.

1. Creative people have a great deal of physical energy, but they’re also often quiet and at rest. They work long hours, with great concentration, while projecting an aura of freshness and enthusiasm. (…) This does not mean that creative people are hyperactive, always “on.” In fact, they rest often and sleep a lot. The important thing is that they control their energy; it’s not ruled by the calendar, the dock, an external schedule. When necessary, they can focus it like a laser beam; when not, creative types immediately recharge their batteries.

2. One manifestation of energy is sexuality. Creative people are paradoxical in this respect also. They seem to have quite a strong dose of eros, or generalized libidinal energy, which some express directly into sexuality. At the same time, a certain spartan celibacy is also a part of their makeup; continence tends to accompany superior achievement. Without eros, it would be difficult to take life on with vigor; without restraint, the energy could easily dissipate.

3. Creative people tend to be smart yet naive at the same time. (…) Another way of expressing this dialectic is the contrasting poles of wisdom and childishness. As Howard Gardner remarked in his study of the major creative geniuses of this century, a certain immaturity, both emotional and mental, can go hand in hand with deepest insights. Mozart comes immediately to mind.

4. Creative people combine playfulness and discipline, or responsibility and irresponsibility. There is no question that a playfully light attitude is typical of creative individuals. But this playfulness doesn’t go very far without its antithesis, a quality of doggedness, endurance, perseverance.

Nina Holton, whose playfully wild germs of ideas are the genesis of her sculpture, is very firm about the importance of hard work: “Tell anybody you’re a sculptor and they’ll say, ‘Oh, how exciting, how wonderful.’ And I tend to say, ‘What’s so wonderful?’ It’s like being a mason, or a carpenter, half the time. But they don’t wish to hear that because they really only imagine the first part, the exciting part. But, as Khrushchev once said, that doesn’t fry pancakes, you see. That germ of an idea does not make a sculpture which stands up. It just sits there. So the next stage is the hard work. Can you really translate it into a piece of sculpture?”

5. Creative people alternate between imagination and fantasy, and a rooted sense of reality. Great art and great science involve a leap of imagination into a world that is different from the present.

6. Creative people tend to be both extroverted and introverted. We’re usually one or the other, either preferring to be in the thick of crowds or sitting on the sidelines and observing the passing show. In fact, in psychological research, extroversion and introversion are considered the most stable personality traits that differentiate people from each other and that can be reliably measured. Creative individuals, on the other hand, seem to exhibit both traits simultaneously.

7. Creative people are humble and proud at the same time. It is remarkable to meet a famous person who you expect to be arrogant or supercilious, only to encounter self-deprecation and shyness instead. Yet there are good reasons why this should be so. These individuals are well aware that they stand, in Newton’s words, “on the shoulders of giants.” (…) And they’re usually so focused on future projects and current challenges that past accomplishments, no matter how outstanding, are no longer very interesting to them. At the same time, they know that in comparison with others, they have accomplished a great deal. And this knowledge provides a sense of security, even pride.

8. Creative people are both rebellious and conservative. It is impossible to be creative without having first internalized an area of culture. So it’s difficult to see how a person can be creative without being both traditional and conservative and at the same time rebellious and iconoclastic.

9. Most creative people are very passionate about their work, yet they can be extremely objective about it as well. Without the passion, we soon lose interest in a difficult task. Yet without being objective about it, our work is not very good and lacks credibility.

10. Creative people’s openness and sensitivity often exposes them to suffering and pain, yet also to a great deal of enjoyment. Most would agree with Rabinow’s words: “Inventors have a low threshold of pain. Things bother them.” A badly designed machine causes pain to an inventive engineer, just as the creative writer is hurt when reading bad prose.


din cartea lui Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi –  Creativity: The Work and Lives of 91 Eminent People  

Cristina_Bazavan_si_Ana_Wagner2Collaborazioni – masa in aer liber, in style

Collaborazioni – masa in aer liber, in style

imaginati-va o cina in aer liber, intr-un decor somptuos, cu mincaruri fine, fresh care imbina bucataria italiana cu bucataria moleculara (inovatiile acelea uluitoare care-ti explodeaza intr-o multime de arome si texturi in gura), plus 30 si ceva de invitati care mai de care mai rafinati.

cina asta va exista si eu am treaba cu ea:)

din aceasta saptamina sunt implicata intr-un proiect creativ f f simpa. o ajut pe Ana Wagner, artist plastic si magician in portelanuri, in crearea unui obiect care va fi piesa centrala pe masa la aceasta cina foarte speciala, parte din proiectul Collaborazioni, sustinut de Peroni.

mai avem ajutoare inca doua echipe creative: Adrian Oianu cu Alex Moise, plus chef Roberto dal Seno si Cristina Mazilu, primii au in grija modul in care masa poate fi ornata prin vestimentatie, cei din urma au in grija meniul: reinterpretarea gastronomiei italiene intr-o maniera inovatoare.

prima intilnire de lucru a fost marti seara, cind desigur Roberto ne-a gatit niste minunatii.

Ana are deja o idee despre obiectul nostru, dar ne-ar placea sa auzim si parerile voastre. De saptamina viitoare incepem documentarile, schitele (mai mult ea), productia obiectului (tot mai mult ea). Eu voi fi un sfatuitor simpatic si promit sa va spun povestea obiectului pe care-l vom aseza pe masa, la loc de onoare.

Am stabilit ca va fi portelan alb, desenat cu albastru si poate argintiu/auriu. restul va povestesc pe parcursul evolutiei evenimentelor

ce au facut celelelat echipe si care e stadiul proiectelor lor , puteti afla aici

Foto: Griffon& Swans

ioana blaj1Experience Hotel, part 2

Experience Hotel, part 2

Cred că e ora 3 noaptea. Am avut o zi plină. Am cântat la instrumente, am făcut sport și am avut o masă de seară senzațională. Azi am pictat pereții din camera cu masa de ping pong și pentru că nu mai suportam lumina albă din casă am colorat și neoanele. Atmosfera începe să se încălzească, începem să ne cunoaștem și să interacționăm. Mi-e teamă că o să-mi fie greu să mai părăsesc casa.
Sper să dorm bine în noaptea asta pentru că e destul de ciudat să dormim non-stop cu lumina aprinsă și cu ochelarii pe ochi. În rest, totul e foarte fain. SUPER EXPERIENȚĂ! Revin … Stay tuned.


Timp de 4 azile Ioana Blaj ia parte la un experiment despre creativitate in afara timpului. fara tehnologie, fara lumina naturala, fara contact cu lumea “exterioara”.

in fiecare zi vom primi un mesaj de-al ei, printr-un intermediar din partea organizatorilor experimentului.

ibizamoodboard creativitate:preseverenta

moodboard creativitate:preseverenta

toata viata mea a fost – este – o lupta cu creativitatea.
miza mea e sa fac ceva diferit, care se fie mai bun – mai eficient -, dar in acelasi timp creativ, special.

in orice am facut: la revista, in online, la tv, in viata personala.

fara creativitate ne plictisim. pe noi, publicul nostru, dar si familia.

uneori e ingrozitoare presiunea ca trebuie sa creezi din nou ceva diferit. pui multa presiune pe tine, si pe ceilalti, iar cind nu ti-e recunoscut efortul iti vine sa-ti iei cimpii.
in loc de asta, te asezi frumos in fata hirtiei si incepi sa gindesti “cum ma diferentiez? daca mi-a iesit pina acum, n-are cum sa nu-mi iasa si de data asta.”

tragi de tine, apucindu-te din toate colturile.
iar cu vremea intelegi ca toate razboaiele mari sunt in mintea ta, nu in afara ei. si perseverezi.


timp de o luna realizez un moodboard al inspiratiei cu oameni si intimplari care m-au inspirat , parte din proiectul international LiveInspire la care participa bloggeri din intreaga Europa. ma puteti vota aici :)

toate povestile din moodboard pot fi citite aici.

proiectul este creat de Intesa Sanpaolo Bank.

inspirationmoodboardMoodboad-ul Inspiratiei

Moodboad-ul Inspiratiei

in lumea creativilor moodboard-ul e locul acela in care aduni toate lucrurile care te-ar putea inspira pentru proiectul tau: imagini, bucati de material, flori etc.

dar cum arata moodboard-ul care sa defineasca inspiratia?

de miine, toata luna completez acest Moodboard, cu povesti despre ceea ce cred ca inseamna inspiratie;
7 povesti despre oameni pe care i-am intilnit si care sunt o sursa de inspiratie pt mine

moodboard-ul meu este parte dintr-un proiect international – Live Inspire la care Romania mai este reprezentata de Cristi China si Adi Hadean, ne puteti vota pe oricare dintre noi – dupa ce postam pe platforma story-urile noastre – ca sa cistige Romania competitia creativitatii europene.

proiectul este creat de Intesa Sanpaolo Bank.

de miine va stresez sa ma votati. primul post din moodboard-ul inspiratiei va fi despre Povestea muzei:)

P.S. impreuna cu Cristi si Adi am decis ca oricare dintre noi ar fi cistigatorul din dreptul Romaniei, vom dona premiul pentru o cauza caritabila.

clarcklucruri s!mpa care sa va inspire

lucruri s!mpa care sa va inspire

George Lois unul dintre cei mai mari art directori din lume, intr-un interviu inspirational care va aparea in nr 6 al revistei It’s nice that

On the power of art“Art is the most important thing in my life. I go to MoMA every Sunday, religiously. There’s an epiphany in every room. There’s probably 20 epiphanies in every room. Understanding the history of art, understanding the history of culture and movies—old black and white movies—and ballet and sports and all these things in the world is so incredibly important. It allows us to truly understand the culture, the zeitgeist of the time. Not only does it allow us to understand it, to report on it, but it allows us to be ahead of it. To literally be ahead.”

On clarity of vision“In my first year at the High School of Music and Art [New York] we had a poster class in which we had to do a poster for a country. I think I had Switzerland, so I got a photograph of the Alps—two, three, four beautiful mountains, one after the other, an aerial view. I put big type on the bottom that said‚ ‘Switzerland,’ and then I separated two of the mountains with a gigantic hunk of Swiss cheese. I had this design sense, a sense more to do with design than art, from the time I was very young. I understood that to do a poster you have to include an element of surprise. My teacher didn’t get it. She said‚ ‘George, the Swiss cheese is so out of proportion to the mountains.’ I think I said something like, ‘No shit!’”

iata citeva coperte simpa, de peste tot din lume

merih-mertel-fashion-1lupta mea cu creativitatea

lupta mea cu creativitatea

ieri am scris raspunsuri pentru multe interviuri, astazi mai am un interviu. nu stiu de ce brusc sunt atit de solicitata, dar -constiincioasa – raspund la tot.

ma urmareste o intrebare dintr-un interviu

Cat din viata ta de zi cu zi este creativitate? Si cum ai defini tu creativitatea practica?

am raspuns:

Toata viata mea e o lupta cu creativitatea, sa fac ceva diferit de ce fac ceilalti, surprinzator, mai bun, mai efficient, dar special, creativ.
Si la revista, si in activitatea mea on line (mi-ai vazut blogul nou?) si in viata personala.
Fara creativitate intervine plictisul. Ne plictisim si noi, ne plictisim si publicul, dar si familia.

dar e mai mult decit atit. uneori e ingrozitoare presiunea ca trebuie sa creezi din nou ceva diferit. pui multa presiune pe tine, si pe ceilalti, iar cind nu ti-e recunoscut efortul iti vine sa-ti iei cimpii.

in loc de asta, te asezi frumos in fata hirtiei si incepi sa gindesti “cum ma diferentiez? daca mi-a iesit pina acum, n-are cum sa nu-mi iasa si de data asta.” tragi de tine, apucindu-te din toate colturile.

iar cu vremea intelegi ca toate razboaiele mari sunt in mintea ta, nu in afara ei.


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