Tag : media

556c7a224ae56e586e457d3e_vf-cover-bruce-jenner-july-2015Faceti cunostinta cu Caitlyn Jenner in Vanity Fair

Faceti cunostinta cu Caitlyn Jenner in Vanity Fair

Text de Raluca Antuca

I’m so happy after such a long struggle to be living my true self. Welcome to the world Caitlyn. Can’t wait for you to get to know her/me.

Acesta este mesajul postat pe Twitter de Caitlyn Jenner, cunoscută mai înainte ca Bruce, atletul care a câștigat aurul la Olimpiada din 1978 și care a anunțat că este transsexual. Povestea ei este deja cunoscută în toată lumea, mediatizată de toate canalele de comunicare și distribuire de știri.

Nu a fost linșat de opinia publică, ci chiar a primit mai multe comentarii pozitive, datorită susținerii din partea familiei Kardashian. Ei bine, acum Caitlyn a decis să-și arate noua identitate pe coperta revistei Vanity Fair și într-un cover story de 22 de pagini. Drept motto, ea a ales vorbele „Call me Caitlyn”, adică vrea să renască, folosind o imagine fresh, feminină care speră să-i redea încredere și fericire.

Fotografia de copertă a fost realizată de Annie Leibovitz, iar Caitlyn a ales Vanity Fair pentru că este singura revistă care îmbină cu succes jurnalismul și vedetele. Are credibilitate, bun gust și odată cumpărată, poate fi pusă pe măsuța de cafea, de unde o poate lua oricine ca să citească.

Câteva vorbe din suflet spuse de ea și un video de backstage în care vedeți cum a fost realizată coperta superbă!

It’s not about the fanfare, it’s not about people cheering in the stadium, it’s not about going down the street and everybody giving you „that a boy, Bruce”, pat on the back, O.K. This is about your life.

I’m not doing this to be interesting. I’m doing this to live.
I’m looking forward to more girls’ nights where everybody is treating you the same way. You can talk about anything you want to talk about. You can talk about outfits. You can talk about hair and makeup, anything you want. It becomes not a big deal.

A guy came in the other day and I was fully dressed. I said „Hi, Bruce here.” And I went, Oh fuck, it ain’t Bruce, I was screwing up doing it.

zimbetdespre limita – bunatate, cinste, a face bine

despre limita – bunatate, cinste, a face bine

ce se intimpla zilele astea cu femeia care se numeste Loredana si care a gasit un portofel pe strada pe care l-a dus la politie arata masura (sau mai ales lipsa ei) cu care stim sa interpretam aceste lucruri.

dupa ce Europa FM s-a uitat altfel la intimplare, transformindu-o dintr-o ciudatenie intr-un exemplu (si-au sunat-o pe femeie si i-au oferit de 10 ori suma pe care ea a inapoiat-o, adica timp de 10 luni cite 1000 de lei), acum Realitatea Tv face o campanie ca sa-i cumpere femeii o casa pentru a-i fi rasplatita fapta buna.

aici e lipsa masurii. si e una dintre situatiile in care a face bine, cind nu are limita, devine a face rau.

daca ar fi intilnit-o pe femeia aceea, daca macar ar fi ascultat inregistrarile de la Europa FM, ar fi descoperit ca Loredana e o femeie foarte simpla cu niste valori curate. “De ce sa iau banii daca nu erau munciti de mine?!”, le-a zis ea baietilor in interventia radio in care voiau sa o anunte ca o premiaza. cind a inteles ca ei vor sa o rasplateasca pentru fapta sa, a replicat din nou “dar nu pentru asta am dus banii inapoi”.

ce face acum Realitatea TV poate sa fie pe termen lung foarte daunator; e o masura in rasplata; si una e sa faci o rasplata “inzecita” si alta e sa construiesti o casa. de fapt nu o construiesti tu, ci ii rogi pe oameni sa dea bani ca sa se construiasca o casa pentru cineva care a fost corect.

a construi o casa are atit de multe simboluri si semnificatii si mi se pare a fi, in cazul asta, un gest generat de o dorinta de a avea o campanie de Paste “cu orice, dar sa fie ca sa bifam si asta.”

cu campania asta cu “dati bani ca sa-i construim o casa femeii care a inapoiat un portofel” se schimba zona de curat si de bine, de normalitate frumoasa si plina de bun simt in care se desfasura totul.

pentru ca oamenii nu trebuie sa se astepte la nimic in schimb pentru ca au fost corecti, nu trebuie sa fie buni si cinstiti ca sa primeasca ceva prin colecta nationala si, mai ales, nu trebuie folositi in campanii publicitare/promotionale in folosul brandului (oricare ar fi el, de la napolitana la televiziune).

da, fapta ei ar trebui mediatizata si-ar trebui facuta emotional, motivational, sa se arate saracia in care traieste si simplitatea cu care gindeste pentru ca gestul ei sa fie pus in valoare, asezat pe scala corecta a bunului simt.

dar de aici si pina la a-i construi o casa (de Pasti, intr-o campanie de PR pt o statie tv), cum ziceam, ar trebui sa fie o limita in masura bunului simt.

economisttrend-uri in media pt 2014: instant gratification, new optimism

trend-uri in media pt 2014: instant gratification, new optimism

ca in fiecare an si in acest decembrie, the economist a scos o editie speciala cu trendurile in 2014.

trec prin toate domeniile, desigur, dar ceea ce m-a interesat pe mine cel mai tare a fost la sectiunea media si cultura.

citind trendurile lor mi-am adus aminte (cu un oarecare ego, trebuie sa recunosc) de o prezentare pe care am facut-o la Digital Years BBDO, acum 2 ani cred.

vorbeam atunci despre cit de mult se va schimba (s-a si schimbat) personalitatea si increderea fiecarei persoane in epoca facebook, povesteam despre cum isi schimba oamenii comportamentul (comunicarea publica in spatiul virtual) ca sa obtina like-uri pe facebook. si cum isi masoara succesul in numarul de like-uri.

spuneam atunci ca vorbim de cea mai perversa forma de evidentiere a ego-ului pentru ca este Instant Gratification, primesti acum – in aceasta clipa – o reactie placuta la ceea ce ai facut. si ca aceasta validare pentru unele caractere poate functiona ca un drog care sa le urce sau coboare increderea in sine.

mai spuneam atunci ca succesul, ca audienta pe care o cresti in aceste canale media online, nu va veni de la cei care vor urmari “like-ul” – atentia insant, ci de la cei care se vor gindi sa le ofere celorlalti atentie. de la cei care isi vor orienta continutul – informatiile – catre a fi utili pentru ceilalti, nu pentru a se valorifica pe ei.

inca mai cred asta. si probabil ca in 2014 veti vedea mai bine rezultate in aceasta directie, in jurul vostru.

iata citeva repere din trend-urile The Economist


the economist spune ca 2014 va fi anul video-urilor. si se bazeaza pe succesul retelelor Netflix si Amazon care , nu doar ca au preluat pentru abonati seriale tv de la marile canale, dar au investit in propriile productii. youtube investeste si el din 2014 in propriul canal de emisiuni, Disney face la fel.

The internet has made people expect that they can acces entertainment on thei terms: if someone were to make a reality show about media consumers today, it would be called Instant Gratification.  (…) The internet will also change programming. It will support the development of more serialised dramas, which historically have had a harder time succeeding on live television, when people tune in once a week and may miss some of the story’s subtitles. Producers and writers will experiment with format and story structure. More content will be crowd-sourced, letting viewrs vote on which programmes get made, as they did with Amazon Studios’ shows, some of which start in 2014.

(…) families may still gather in the living room but they will be absorbed by different screens, with adolescents watching programmes on thei mobile devices while parents gaze at the televizion.

with the exception of live sports and a few big televizion programmes, the era of nations tuning in to a weekly show at the same time, and talking about it next day, will wane – if not in 2014 then soon after.


Accelerating technological advances will rekindle hope that man can manipulate the atmosfere and genes to help life form flourish. Stories will move away from howling and towards the possible. The new optimism will be the most clearly seen in teh science fiction. The biggest successes in the genre in 2014 will be cheering tales set in the near future.


2014 va fi un an in care se va aniversa 400 de ani de la nasterea lui Shakespeare si 200 de ani de la moartea Marchizului de Sade. si – intre aceste doua limite culturale – va fi foarte distractiv de produs content, pentru online si nu numai.


retro-tvo mutatie media

o mutatie media

zilele acestea de meetinguri la tv, de multe si lungi dezbateri in direct mi-au atras atentia asupra unei mutatii care a aparut in comportamentul jurnalistului tv de la televiziunile de stiri.

Simbata seara, Sandra Stoicescu comentind agitatia din Piata Universitatii si simtind nevoia jurnalistica de a avea mai multe pareri a spus ceva de genul “poate ne suna Valeriu Turcan, purtatorul de cuvint al Presedintiei, ca sa ne spuna opinia….”

Luni, crainicii jurnalului de dimineata de la Antena 3 voiau lamuriri despre actiunile jandarmilor intr-o discutie cu un invitat, tot jurnalist. cind crainicii au anuntat ca purtatorul de cuvint al jandarmilor va tine o conferinta de presa la ora 11 si pina atunci refuza sa faca comentarii, invitatul a replicat “sa noteze atunci purtatorul de cuvint urmatoarele intrebari si sa raspunda la ele”

L-am vazut si pe dl Tatulici invocind un telefon de la autoritati “poate ne suna cineva de la guvern”, cum am vazut si oameni din echipa Romania Tv (Catalin Striblea, de ex) cu aceeasi reactie.

Le stiu f specific pe cele de la A3 pt ca acolo ma uit constant.


intrebarile astea in direct catre autoritati sunt pentru mine o mutatie a jurnalismului. in mod normal, jurnalistul suna el dupa sursa, dupa informatie, confirmare etc, nu cere sa fie sunat in direct la tv.

inteleg rationamentul de ce am ajuns aici (presiunea live-ului, stirile care curg si le relatam ACUM, in timp ce se intimpla; analiza care se face cu pareri in direct, nu ca in urma cu citiva ani cu pareri incrusisate – si verificate – inainte de a fi montate intr-un reportaj), dar m-am uitat cu atentie si la BBC, si la CNN si la Euronews. ei nu cer in direct la tv sa fie sunati pentru reactii de Obama, Van Rompuy (presedintele consiliului european) sau David Cameron (premierul englez).


e o mutatie dubioasa care arata ca noi dialogam cu televizorul si prin televizor. (asa cum face si conducatorul suprem care suna la tv sa se dea cu parerea.)

dar arata si un inceput de aroganta a jurnalistului, pe care am putea sa o corectam.

Ian-McKellen-in-Chicheste-007Ian McKellen in the Guardian. genial.

Ian McKellen in the Guardian. genial.

“I did have a fall the other day. I was running for the river bus and it was a bit slippy. I went down, just the day before we started rehearsing. Does that mean I’m going to be in a sling? Have I broken a bone? Things like that. I have got prostate cancer and I have to keep monitoring that. It’s no problem, it’s under control and I’m very cool about it but other people are dying from it. And the memory – will the time come when I can’t remember the lines? So yes, I’m always talking about age.”


I wonder how he copes with the adoration. “Adored?” he says, sounding just surprised enough to make me think he means it. “Am I?” He’s a national treasure! He laughs and looks pleased. “It’s lovely when someone comes up and says: ‘My husband and I saw you in a play, in fact it was our first date,’ and I’ve been a part of their lives without knowing it and they’ve got a sentimental attachment [to me], as we all do to actors. But I’m only an actor. I’m not a writer. I’m not going to leave any legacy.” He pauses. “All I’ve ever done is learn the lines and say them.”

Ian McKellen intr-un minunat interviu in The Guardian

SAINTHALOroger moore e in bucuresti

roger moore e in bucuresti

cel mai faimos si mai frumos dintre actorii care l-au jucat pe James Bond, Roger Moore, a ajuns la Bucuresti in urma cu mai putin de doua ore, cu un avion British Airways de la Londra.

( a calatorit in acelasi avion cu un prieten de-al meu… lumea e mica:) )

Moore, acum in virsta de 83 de ani, se afla la Bucuresti pentru ca va filma la studiourile MediaPro o comedie care se numeste “Crăciun la Castlebury Hall”, iar regizor va fi Michael Damian (mai cunoscut ca actor din longevivul serial Tinar si nelinistit – Danny Romalotti ). Alaturi de Moore, mai filmeaza la Bucuresti Katie McGrath ( pe care o stiti din The Tudors) si un frumusel scotian, Sam Heughan.


cum au fct tumbe revistele din lume ca sa-l aiba pe Michael Jackson pe coperta

e lunga stirea si imi dau seama ca e de interes redus pentru cei care nu sunt in bransa, dar puteti sa va faceti o idee despre cum se iau decizii in media in situatii contracronometru (la ei, ca la noi e mai veselie…) si despre cum moartea vinde pe coperti (si la tv, si pe bloguri, si oriunde)

NEW YORK (AP) – After Michael Jackson’s death last week, editors scrambled to turn the king of pop into the king of magazine covers.
From Newsweek’s shot of a young reflective Jackson to Herb Ritts’ sexy T-shirt photo used for Time’s special commemorative edition, the Gloved One was already on newsstands Monday morning. And more print celebrations were on the way from, among others, In Touch Weekly, Entertainment Weekly, Ebony, Billboard, Rolling Stone and OK!
Said Richard Stengel, Time’s managing editor: “The decision to do the special edition was made at 11 p.m. Thursday,” hours after the pop superstar’s death. “Friday was always scheduled to be a regular work day, so the whole staff was working. It really was all-hands-on-deck.
“The art department sprang into action as did the photo department,” Stengel said in an interview. “We came up with a plan for a table of contents and the architecture of the issue, and then assigned the stories. Once that happened, everybody got into motion. In a little over 24 hours, it was basically complete.”
Time’s 64-page edition – separate from its regular weekly issue that came out Friday – exhaustively covers Jackson’s career. It was Time’s first special edition since the 9/11 attacks.
The special opens with Jackson’s death and then flashes back to his beginnings, starting with a section called Prodigy, followed by Superstar, Jacko, Legacy and finally Farewell, a single, full-page photograph of the man’s fashion trademark, a sequined glove.

“We realized his life did fall into these chapters,” Stengel explained. “There was the little Michael Jackson – the Jackson 5. There were the superstar years where he was the most famous, global celebrity and then the very weird, eccentric years. We thought that would be a great structure for the package – with that opening story about the news of his death and then a closing piece evaluating the music.”
Newsweek took a a different approach, incorporating Jackson’s death into a regularly scheduled issue. But the magazine, a double issue for the weeks of July 6 and 13, has two different covers – with the Jackson cover available on newsstands and subscribers receiving an issue celebrating “What to read now – 50 books that make sense of our times.” Number one on the list: “The Way We Live Now,” Anthony Trollope’s satiric dissection of Victorian financial and moral tribulations, first published in 1875.
“We try to do a ‘hard’ close of the magazine on Friday evening, but we can go into the magazine on Saturday if we need to up until about 2 p.m. and it prints later that evening,” Daniel Klaidman, Newsweek’s managing editor, said.
“This was a case where the story broke on Thursday, so we had sufficient time to get decent coverage into the magazine. You want to be on the newsstand for those epic stories where people still want to run out (and buy it).
“But then for our subscribers, who don’t get the magazine as quickly, there’s the summer reading cover, which has been in the works for a while and which readers will be able to go back to over the next week or two or longer.
Many publications had already gone to press last week when news of Jackson’s death hit, but they are making up for it this week or next.
Rolling Stone will have a special “bookazine” tribute, selling at $9.99, with 450,000 copies being put on newsstands July 10.
USA Today has two publications available – one, a large, glossy, 96-page tribute entitled “Michael Jackson: King of Pop,” already on newsstands, and the another a 40-page tabloid-size edition called “Michael 1958-2009,” available Tuesday.

Jackson shares the cover of the new issue of In Touch Weekly with Farrah Fawcett, who died the same day as the music icon. “It’s an equal split,” said Richard Spencer, editor-in-chief of the magazine, which will be out Tuesday.
Fawcett’s death from cancer had been expected, and In Touch Weekly, like most other publications, was ready for it.
“Michael was a little bit different,” Spencer said. “We ran an article six months ago saying he had medical problems and one of the sources in the article said his doctors gave him six months to live.
“Of course, we didn’t know he was going to die that day, but we were prepared that he was sick and things were looking very sketchy for his comeback tour.”
Choosing the cover photo of Jackson and Fawcett at In Touch Weekly touched off a debate,” Spender said.
“The most recent photos have his nose looking so much like the product of plastic surgery and we didn’t want a lot of that negativity when you looked at the cover,” he said. “We chose something that went back when he was younger.”
It echoes the sentiment of Time’s Stengel whose magazine got its cover photo from the Ritt estate.
“I didn’t want to have a photo from the later, freaky years,” Stengel said. “I wanted a beautiful image that … showed him (Jackson) at his height. … I also thought there was something poetic about the gesture he was making (in the photo) because it’s almost like he is waving goodbye.”


lefurile jurnalistilor din liga mare, de la ei

e mai vechi articolul, dar da o imagine despre industria din liga mare.
cit cistiga sefa de la Vogue sau seful de GQ or domnii smart de la Time.

si cum iau decizii unii grei cind e vb de alegerea unui job.

(l-am gasit din intimplare, dar merita aruncat un ochi, chiar daca e vechiutz)


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