Tag : newyorker

Little white people that STOP you from doing the wrongThe Science of Sex Abuse

The Science of Sex Abuse

e in newyorker un articol genial care pleaca de la un soldat in armata americana care frecventeaza chat-urile cu minore care ofera servicii sexuale si ajunge pina la psihologia unui asemenea comportament, pina la studii stiintifice si analize comportamentale. – toate in rama povestii vietii soldatului.


ma folosesc de acest articol ca sa spun ca presa din Ro se confrunta in aceste zile cu doua scandaluri cu tema sexuala – politista agresata de seful ei si handbalista despre care se spune are o relatie lesbiana cu o colega.

in ambele cazuri sunt derapaje incredibile de limbaj si judecati din partea jurnalistilor.

“politista evident ca e de vina, pentru ca a acceptat agresiunea” e cea mai frecventa in primul caz, iar in cel de-al doilea sunt exprimari “e acuzata de lesbianism” – de parca ar fi o infractiune.

stiu ca nu avem educatia de a folosi termeni corecti, pentru ca nu exista nicaieri cursuri pe aceasta tema, iar ONG-urile care se ocupa de asemenea probleme nu si-au pus niciodata problema sa invete ceva publicul, dar mai ales jurnalistii.

stiu ca traim intr-o tara in care oamenii nu vorbesc despre sexualitate decit in termeni incriminatorii, de parca copiii lor au fost facuti in borcan.

dar de undeva trebuie sa incepem. si am putea incepe din a ne educa exprimarile si judecatile uitindu-ne la cum scriu altii (ma rog, alegindu-ne modele corecte, nu publicatii tabloid), din a nu ne mai crede noi Dumnezei ai vietilor tuturor. si din a nu mai scrie/vorbi cu un asemenea ton/tupeu in presa/ la tv.


iata un fragment din partea de documentare stiintifica din textul din New Yorker. daca va luati o jumatate de ora sa cititi intreaga poveste, incercati sa ginditi in paralel cam cite surse are pentru ceea ce a scris Rachel Aviv- de la protagonist, soldatul american, pina la familia lui, de la terapistii din inchisoare pina la membrii FBI care l-au anchetat, plus medici, psihologi etc.

si va mai rog sa fiti atenti la tonul cu care spune povestea. soldatul e acuzat de pedofilie, dar in niciun rind/cuvint din text nu sunt emise judecati, nu sunt jigniri, nu e nimic rau despre el. sunt prezentate faptele curat.

asa poti sa intelegi si sa simti drama din interiorul povestii.


During the past fifteen years, the American Psychiatric Association has repeatedly objected to the civil commitment of sex offenders. In 1999, a task force created by the organization wrote that “confinement without a reasonable prospect of beneficial treatment of the underlying disorder is nothing more than preventative detention.” Six years later, another task-force report asserted that the laws represent a “serious assault on the integrity of psychiatry.”

The science of perversion is decades behind the rest of the field. The diagnostic criteria for sexual disorders were tested on only three patients before being added to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, in 1980. No field trials have since been conducted. Most offenders labelled “sexually dangerous” receive a diagnosis of pedophilia, sadism, exhibitionism, fetishism, hebephilia (attraction to pubescents), or “not otherwise specified,” a category in the D.S.M. reserved for insufficiently studied disorders. Michael First, the editor of the two most recent editions of the D.S.M., told me that there is no scientific research establishing that abnormal desires are any harder to control than normal ones. “People choose to do bad things all the time,” he said. “Psychiatry is being coöpted by the criminal-justice system to solve a problem that is moral, not medical.”

Read more: http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2013/01/14/130114fa_fact_aviv#ixzz2HkMEBooz

jurnalismreportaj genial: LSD IN THE COLD WAR

reportaj genial: LSD IN THE COLD WAR

e in new yorker un reportaj genial despre cum armata americana a facut, prin 1950, experimente cu LSD pe soldati ca sa vada cum se comporta in situatii de interogatorii extreme.

dincolo de subiect care atrage imediat atentia, va spun despre acest articol ca sa va uitati la cum este scris si sa faceti un exercitiu: incercati sa identificati cam cite surse a avut semnatarul  pentru articolul lui: sunt zeci, daca nu chiar peste 100.

iata citeva fragmente din text:

Dr. Van Murray Sim, the founder of Edgewood Arsenal’s program of clinical research on psychochemicals, was a man of deep contradictions. He was a Navy veteran, but he worked at the Army post as a civilian. For the doctors who worked with him, he was like Dr. Strangelove; he was a leader; he was the “Mengele of Edgewood”; he was a good old soul. Sim could be manipulative and vengeful, ethically shortsighted, incoherently rambling, rashly slipshod in his methods, but he was also fearless and ambitious and devoted to chemical-warfare research. He was gargantuan—his body exuded forcefulness, like an oversized rook on a chessboard—but he was willing to allow himself to be rendered helpless. In 1959, he was the first person to be given VX, a highly lethal nerve agent. As the drug began to take effect, Sim became irrational and started to thrash around. “I was having difficulty with vision, seeing—a distortion of vision, sweating, tremors, nausea, vomiting,” he later recalled. His face grew pale. He eventually stopped talking and descended into a world of his own imaginings.


By the time he met with Malitz in New York, the Army was interested primarily in LSD—known as EA 1729. Malitz agreed to test LSD and similar drugs on volunteers or “selected patients,” in order to determine how people would react during phony interrogations. He offered to use hypnosis to plant secrets in subjects’ minds. Then, he said, “one of the hallucinogens will be administered and an attempt made to see if the patient will reveal the information.”

Sim indicated that he would consider the offer. Three months later, he obtained permission to test psychochemicals at the arsenal itself. LSD’s effects were still little understood; as Sim acknowledged, it was possible to become “smothered by the preponderance of conflicting reports.”

Occasionally, the C.I.A. or senior military intelligence officers would send operatives to the arsenal to be given LSD and then questioned. Some of the tests were intended to see how soldiers would perform; some were designed to prepare them in the event that a Soviet operative secretly dosed them. In one experiment, intelligence specialists were blindfolded and placed in an isolation chamber. The men—some of whom had been told nothing about the drug’s effects—became tense and anxious, and quickly became unable to bear the isolation. When they emerged, they were subjected to hostile questioning. All agreed that the threat of return to isolation would constitute a very effective form of duress.

restul cititi aici, e un exemplu de jurnalism impecabil. si da, mi-ar placea sa faca si la noi cineva un asemenea reportaj care – atentie!- nu e facut intr-o saptamina, ci in luni de documentare, nu e scris intr-o zi, ci in saptamini. dar ce bijuterie este.


cloud-atlas-670despre structura celui mai spectaculos film al acestui an: Atlasul Norilor

despre structura celui mai spectaculos film al acestui an: Atlasul Norilor

De vineri intra pe ecrane Atlasul Norilor, un film despre care vom vorbi multa vreme: e scris si produs de fratii Wachowski – cei care au facut Matrix si e regizat impreuna cu domnul care a facut Run Lola Run,Tom Tykwer.

fiecare dintre cei trei a revolutionat lumea filmului cu limbajul sau cinematografic. pun pariu ca si de data aceasta ne vom uita de mai multe ori la film ca sa despicam firul in patru si sa parem destepti.

stiu cel putin 2 carti care au analizat matematic, filosofic si din perspectiva limbajului cinematografic Matrix ( pe una am si cumparat-o la vremea lansarii ei, dupa primul episod care a fost si cel mai bun din serie, dupa gustul meu)

mi-ar placea ca inainte de a merge sa vedeti filmul sa cititi un spectaculos story din NewYorker despre fratii Wachowski si munca lor la acest proiect. spun spectaculos, nu pentru ca are informatii scandaloase de tabloid, ci pentru ca intra cu decenta in intimitatea acestor doi oameni geniali ( unul dintre frati si-a schimbat sexul de la primul Matrix incoace, din Larry acum e Lana) si va arata viata lor, dar si cum au facut acest film.

unul dintre fragmentele mele preferate e cel care se refera la cit de greu a fost sa gaseasca o structura pentru film. intregul text aici


The main challenge was the novel’s convoluted structure: the chapters are ordered chronologically until the middle of the book, at which point the sequence reverses; the book thus begins and ends in the nineteenth century. This couldn’t work in a film. “It would be impossible to introduce a new story ninety minutes in,” Lana said.

The filmmakers’ initial idea was to establish a connective trajectory between Dr. Goose, a devious physician who may be poisoning Ewing, in the earliest story line, and Zachry, the tribesman on whose moral choices the future of civilization hinges, after the Fall. They had no idea what to do with all the other story lines and characters.

They broke the book down into hundreds of scenes, copied them onto colored index cards, and spread the cards on the floor, with each color representing a different character or time period. The house looked like “a Zen garden of index cards,” Lana said. At the end of the day, they’d pick up the cards in an order that they hoped would work as the arc of the film. Reading from the cards, Lana would then narrate the rearranged story. The next day, they’d do it again.

sper sa nu am treaba vineri dimineata ca sa pot fi printre primii spectatori.

scooter brauncel care schimba divertismentul: Scooter Braun

cel care schimba divertismentul: Scooter Braun

the newyorker are saptamina aceasta un profil despre omul din spatele succesului lui Justin Bieber si al altor citiva adolescenti americani care au urcat in topuri fulgerator – Scooter Braun care are 31 de ani!!

The man who made Justin Bieber.


Braun studied the careers of influential behind-the-scenes guys, especially David Geffen, who moved from the William Morris mailroom to the music business and eventually co-founded DreamWorks. “David Geffen was a Bruce Wayne to me,” Braun said. “He was extraordinary, but at the same time his talents were something that I could dream of and could fathom. I’m a normal Joe. But, with a lot of effort, I’ve got a shot at being Bruce Wayne.”


In the beleaguered music industry, few managers can afford to focus on just selling music anymore. When Braun met David Geffen, at a party a couple of years ago, he said that Geffen had one bit of advice for him: “Get out of the music business.” So Braun has been converting his twelve-person company, SB Projects, into a many-faceted organization: it now has film and TV arms (Braun recently sold a scripted show, and has reality shows in development), a publishing division, and a technology-investment unit, in addition to a label and a management company.
Universal Music Group, one of the “big four” record companies, recently signed a distribution deal with Braun’s label and named him its first technology “entrepreneur in residence.”


At 10 A.M., he got into the passenger seat of a black BMW that belonged to his assistant, a twenty-four-year-old named Teddy Riley, and reviewed his schedule. As often happens, he was supposed to be several places at once: a rehearsal with the Wanted for the NBC show “The Voice”; an interview that Spike Lee was conducting with Bieber for a documentary about Michael Jackson; and a video shoot with Cody Simpson, a fifteen-year-old Australian singer. Braun said that he wanted to go to all three events. Riley stepped on the gas: “It’s gonna be tough, but we can make it happen.”

On a Wednesday in June, Bieber was scheduled to perform on the “Tonight Show” with Jay Leno. Braun arrived early, wearing a “Star Trek” T-shirt and his Army cap, and sat watching backup dancers run through “Boyfriend.” Bieber, who now lives with a friend, in a ninety-four-hundred-square-foot house, was supposed to get himself to the rehearsal, but he was already an hour late. “Where is my client?” Braun said, sounding testy. He called Bieber’s cell phone and yelled, “Where are you?” When he hung up, he said, cheerfully, “I said, ‘O.K., you asked to be trusted and you blew it.’ Now he goes on what I call probation. He has to have somebody come to his house every workday.”

The star eventually arrived, and Braun watched the “Boyfriend” taping from the wings. Afterward, he passed Bieber in the hall. “You went the wrong way,” Braun said.
“When you first did this thing”—Braun executed a dance step—“on the breakdown? You went the opposite of everyone else for the first step.”
Bieber seemed to find the criticism nitpicky. He asked softly, “Who cares, though?”
Braun had been consulting with the film editors. “I’m just gonna take it out,” he said. “It was a great performance. I’m just going to take that one thing out.”

cititi-l, mai ales daca sunteti implicati in industria divertismentului in oricare forma ar fi implicarea. articolul integral e aici

canoeoriunde e o poveste…

oriunde e o poveste…

… trebuie doar sa o cauti si sa o scrii frumos. sau sa o citesti cu placere.
doua lecturi din ziarele altora, pentru o duminica dimineata burgheza – cu cafea, croissante sau fructe. enjoy.

mi-e dor sa (re)vad si in presa noastra portrete ale unor oameni care fac fapte mici cu intelesuri mari, oameni care ar putea fi personaje de roman.

ca aceasta femeie – Catherine Kendrick – care toata viata ei a fost salvamar voluntar la un pod din New York, unde era o rata mare de sinucideri. si sotul ei a muncit in acelasi loc si-a murit incercind sa salveze o cersetoare care s-a aruncat in riu. intreaga poveste din new york times, o puteti citi aici


am mai povestit despre obsesia mea de a citi necrologuri – nu e atit de creepy pe cit suna pentru ca, tehnic, trebuie sa faci biografia unui om in foarte putine cuvinte, sa pui o anecdota memorabila si definitorie si , ceea ce nu stiu romanii sa faca, sa nu fi patetic.

iata un exemplu excelent: in newyorker Gay Talese face portretul unei celebre proprietare de restaurant plecind de la cele 400 de rochii pe care le-a lasat dupa moartea ei. textul e f scurt, dar e ca o mica bijuterie care are un diamant incredibil de valoros.

nescafe dolce gustocele mai frumoase cadouri

cele mai frumoase cadouri

unii oameni chiar stiu sa faca daruri.

au ei un al saselea simt care-i face sa se gindeasca la experienta pe care ar avea-o cel care primeste darul…

ca sa intelegeti de ce m-am gindit sa scriu asta, o sa o iau cu inceputul.


dupa cum stiti din postarile mele de peste week end, simbata si duminica dimineata citesc presa americana sau britanica – ny times, new yorker, guardian.
ce nu stiti e ca am un mic ritual ( mi-e frica sa-l numesc tabiet, pentru ca asa e putin batrinicios): imi fac cafeaua, imi iau scaunul preferat – unul roshu foarte simpatic – il duc catre fereastra (la ora aia soarele nici nu se vede pe fereastra mea), imi sprijin picioarele de un calorifer, in stinga o am pe zanzi (o planta din zanzibar pe care o cresc de vreo 5 ani), linga zanzi pun cafeaua, iar in brate laptopul pentru excursiile in online.

si petrec asa, cam 2 ore… matinale, ce-i drept… de pe la 7 la 9…

astazi am primit un dar care se refera la acest obicei al meu: un Piccolo Nescafe Gusto, cu tot cu noua bautura Expresso Barista si cu…. 8 exemplare din NewYorker (colectia pt ultimele 2 luni)!!!
Iar intr-o scrisoare atasata sunt anuntata ca “in aceasta zi de week end, vrei sa plutesti din linistea camerei tale catre tinuturile Italiei pentru a trai experienta unica a cafelei italiene si a te relaxa pe meleagurile inverzite si pline de istorie ale acestei tari. Trebuie sa ai incredere in puterea gindului, iar noul tau prieten Nescafe Dolce Gusto te poate conduce in aceasta calatorie virtuala mult mai repede decit ai crede.”

Draga Nescafe Dolce Gusto, Draga Graffiti PR, va multumesc frumos pentru dar… e minunat.

Stiu ca miine nu e week end, dar uite scaunul, uite revistele si pe Piccolino (seamana cu un pinguin, vi s-a mai spus?!), sunt toate pregatite sa fac ca in toata casa mea sa miroasa a coffee shop, in timp ce voi savura un prim NewYorker & un Espresso Barista.

si in week end invit si niste prieteni sa le arat ce barista m-am facut peste noapte (dureaza fix 60 de secunde sa fac bautura cu piccolino, stiu:) )

P.S. tocmai mi s-a spus ca am abonament la NewYorker pina in mai 2012!!! f happy sunt. multumesc mult de darul asa bine tintit.

karl_lagerfeld_3acasa la Karl Lagerfeld

acasa la Karl Lagerfeld

newyorker publica un portret foarte frumos al designerului Karl Lagerfeld. jurnalistul John Colapinto a petrecut o zi cu Largerfeld si se foloseste de aceasta “rama” ca sa faca un parcurs impresionant al unei mega cariere.

“I go to Colette,” he says, referring to the eclectic boutique on the Rue Saint-Honoré. “I buy all the new things, I buy all the music magazines, listen to new music.” (Last year, Lagerfeld released “My Favorite Songs,” a two-disk CD that included selections by hipster artists like Devendra Banhart, LCD Soundsystem, Super Furry Animals, the Fiery Furnaces, and Stereolab, as well as by the punk band Siouxsie and the Banshees, the bandleader Xavier Cugat, and Igor Stravinsky.) Famous among his friends for his capacity to absorb information, Lagerfeld is also renowned for his ability to translate what he consumes into fashion. “Karl reads everything, looks at everything,” the Paris fashion stylist Camille Bidault-Waddington says. “He’s permanently filling himself with independent culture and establishment culture, so basically he knows everything, and he’s like a sampling machine.” Lady Amanda Harlech, Lagerfeld’s “muse,” concurs. “He said to me once, almost in a worried way, that he has to find out everything there is to know, read everything,” she says. “The curiosity is ceaseless.”
Lagerfeld spoke like this, almost without interruption, for nearly two hours. He then nodded discreetly to his hovering manservant, who vanished, then quickly reappeared with a silver salver upon which sat a pitcher of water, an empty glass, a foil envelope, and a spoon. Lagerfeld sprinkled brown powder from the envelope into the glass, added just enough water to wet the granules, then used the spoon to stir the mixture into a thick paste that resembled chocolate pudding but was, he said, protein. He spooned the substance into his mouth without relish, swallowed it, and was soon speaking again, about his plans to reprint the work of a once-popular poet named Anna de Noailles—“who was born Anna de Brancovan, and was of Romanian descent, and who was one of the first women elected to the Académie in Belgium—not in France, because she died in 1933—and her poetry is stunning.…”

He spends most of his time in a thousand-square-foot room, at the center of which sat a modern fourposter bed. The posts were made of fluorescent bulbs, and a sable bedspread was strewn with paperbacks and magazines and more iPods. Lagerfeld says that he sleeps seven hours a night in this bed; he also spends considerable time lounging on it during his waking hours, reading and drawing. There was a large desk a few feet away, piled with papers, sketchbooks, magazines, books, newspapers, and art supplies. Lagerfeld complains that his desk kept getting “buried.” To deal with the problem, he recently bought four more desks. They got buried, too. A Mac G5 computer was visible among the messy stacks of books and papers on a long table at the foot of his bed, but Lagerfeld insists that he rarely uses it and does not surf the Internet—partly because he is fearful of how it might compromise his privacy. “I don’t want to be on the Internet,” he said. “I hardly use a credit card—everything where you can be fixed. I’m floating. Nobody can catch me, mmm?”

In the now.
Where Karl Lagerfeld lives.

aceste doua fotografii nu sunt publicate in newyorker, ele fac parte dintr-o sedinta foto de anul trecut, dar mie imi plac foarte mult pentru ca arata cit de pasionat de informatie e Lagerfeld si ca partea aia cu creatia care tine de inspiratie, care vine din neant, nu e chiar asa: e nevoie de o baza solida de informatie ca sta stea bine “muza” si sa si ramina pe linga tine


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