Tag : the marriage plot

nymag-400x300o reclama minunata

o reclama minunata

aceasta nu este o reclama la un film, nici la o emisiune tv, nici la un produs (de curatat, de imbracat, de orice altceva va trece prin minte); aceasta este o reclama la o carte;

sigur, e poate una dintre cele mai bune carti lansate in ultimele luni – Jeffrey Eugenides The marriage plot ( Intriga matrimoniala, tradus la Polirom), dar e o reclama la o carte.

din cauza crizei, in bucuresti sunt zeci de panouri publicitare libere. stiu ca vine campania electorala si companiile de outdoor spera sa faca bani atunci, dar pina la alegeri n-ar fi frumos sa le dea pe gratis editurilor? si caselor distribuitoare de filme?

later edit: sau teatrelor ? (dupa cum mi-a atras atentia Rodica Lazar – pe care o vedeti la Bulandra, dar si in Principii de viata , daca ati vazut filmul)

intr-o vreme in care ne e greu si nu mai stim sa ne bucuram de nimik, un film sau o carte ne-ar putea duce intr-o lume mai buna.

foto din nymag.com

Intriga matrimoniala coperta_11181505Eugenides si un concurs

Eugenides si un concurs

mi-ar placea sa incepeti anul cultural frumos ( cu o carte buna, un film minunat, un spectacol care sa va impresioneze cu adevarat).

asa ca pentru carte, am o sugestie si un concurs: Jeffrey Eugenides – Intriga Matrimoniala.

am mai scris despre aceasta carte la vremea lansarii ei (am cumparat-o in varianta ebook in ziua lansarii si a fost o lectura absolut minunata; eugenides e unul dintre scriitorii mei preferati), iar acum pentru ca Polirom mi-a trimis si editia romaneasca a cartii m-am gindit sa o scot la concurs.

descrie casatoria intr-un paragraf si cea mai frumoasa descriere primeste cartea lui Eugenides.

concursul se incheie miine, 5 ian, la ora 12.00.


in editia de iarna a The Paris review e un interviu cu Jeffrey Eugenides. aici un fragment frumos

“Like a lot of young writers, when I started out, I had a dim conception of my material. I wrote about people and places that were vastly separated from those I knew. Then, too, if I tried to write about my own self, the -results were far from illuminating, for the simple reason that I didn’t understand myself too well. As soon as I began writing The Virgin Suicides, however, I suddenly realized that I knew a lot, not about my own psychological -dimensions so much but about the town where I grew up. I knew everything about the people who lived on our old street. I remembered their oddities and family histories, the rumors and gossip, and I remembered the weather, the local legends, the racial tensions, the flora and fauna. I stopped being embarrassed about being from a suburb in the Midwest. I treated it like my own Yoknapatawpha County and, for the first time, produced something that interested adult readers.

eugenides111017_2_560Eugenides, Wallace, Franzen

Eugenides, Wallace, Franzen

Eugenides, Wallace, Franzen – unii dintre cei mai mari scriitori ai lumii (americani toti) – au crescut impreuna.
David Foster Wallace a fost poate cel mai invidiat dintre ei, dar a fost liantul unor prietenii pline de competitie si de inteligenta.

mi-ar placea sa existe si in romania asemenea prietenii intre scriitori. si jurnalisti care sa scrie la nivelul asta:)

pentru lansarea celui mai nou roman al lui Jeffrey Eugenides, The Marriage Plot, New York Magazine a realizat un portret al prieteniei dintre scriitorii noii generatii de aur a americii… e asa frumos scris articolul si e multa vulnerabilitate, si lupta, si suferinta, si indragosteala, si nebunie, si iar suferinta…

“e greu sa ajungi scriitor”, a scris pe twitter Salman Rushdie recomandind acest articol genial.


When Jeffrey Eugenides moved to New York, he was 28 years old and things were not looking good. After graduating from Brown in 1983, he and Rick Moody, a college friend, had driven out to San Francisco with no real plan other than making a go of it as writers, and lived together awhile on Haight Street, listening to the sound of the electric typewriter coming from the other room. Eugenides stayed in the city for five years and didn’t publish a thing. He calls these “the lost years” now. “My life just didn’t seem to go forward.” In 1988, Eugenides moved into a cheap place with roommates on St. Johns Place in pre-gentrified Prospect Heights, Brooklyn, when muggers freely worked the area. A $75 payout on a scratch-off lotto card was a bright spot of that summer. Eugenides would look out over the darkening rooftops at the Manhattan skyline and think, How can my writing take me from here to there?

That same summer, Jonathan Franzen, also 28, was living in Jackson Heights, Queens, and feeling “totally, totally isolated.” The neighborhood was an immigrant jumble, and Franzen was a solemn, intellectual guy from St. Louis without much occasion to leave the house. He had gotten some attention and money for his debut novel, The Twenty-Seventh City, but the axis of the planet had not obediently shifted. He was frustrated with living in “shared monastic seclusion” with his then-wife, he says, when he got a fan letter from a writer he knew of but had never read. David Foster Wallace, then 26, was having dire troubles of his own and wrote to praise what Franzen had done in a “freaking first novel.” It was the first time Franzen had ever heard from a peer, he says. “And I was desperate for friends.”

Gradually, he found some: first Wallace, then William T. Vollmann, David Means. Through Wallace, who also knew Vollmann, he met Mary Karr and Mark Costello. Later Franzen would connect with Eugenides, Moody, and their other college friend Donald Antrim.

restul aici, chiar e un articol care trebuie citit.

cartea lui Eugenides, The Marriage Plot, e disponibila de astazi pe Amazon

am mai scris despre Eugenides si Safran Foer aici

marriageExtreme Solitude

Extreme Solitude

It was debatable whether or not Madeleine had fallen in love with Leonard the first moment she’d seen him. She hadn’t even known him then, and so what she’d felt was only sexual attraction, not love. Even after they’d gone out for coffee, she couldn’t say that what she was feeling was anything more than infatuation. But ever since the night they went back to Leonard’s place after watching “Amarcord” and started fooling around, when Madeleine found that instead of being turned off by physical stuff, as she often was with boys, instead of putting up with that or trying to overlook it, she’d spent the entire night worrying that she was turning Leonard off, worrying that her body wasn’t good enough, or that her breath was bad from the Caesar salad she’d unwisely ordered at dinner; worrying, too, about having suggested they order Martinis because of the way Leonard had sarcastically said, “Sure. Martinis. Let’s pretend we’re Salinger characters”; after having had, as a consequence of all this anxiety, pretty much no sexual pleasure, despite the perfectly respectable session they’d put together, and after Leonard (like every guy) had immediately fallen asleep, leaving her to lie awake stroking his head and vaguely hoping that she wouldn’t get a yeast infection, Madeleine asked herself if the fact that she’d just spent the whole night worrying wasn’t, in fact, a surefire sign that she was falling in love.

daca aveti timp (daca nu ar fi frumos pentru sufletul vostru sa va faceti) sa cititi nuvela lui Jeffrey Eugenides , Extreme Solitude


Jonathan Safran Foer: It’s been an awfully long time since we last spoke. Four years? And it’s been a long time since the reading world last got new material from you. About seven years? What’s been going on?

Jeffrey Eugenides: I’ve been writing a book.

JSF: Have you been happy?

JE: I’ve been absorbed.

aici un interviu minunat cu Eugenides facut de Safran Foer, alt scriitor pe care-l iubesc

cea mai recenta carte a lui Jeffrey Eugenides, The Marriage Plot, iese pe piata miine, 11 octombrie. o puteti cumpara de pe amazon desigur

in romania, cartile lui Eugenides au aparut la polirom


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