Tag : twitter

556c7a224ae56e586e457d3e_vf-cover-bruce-jenner-july-2015Faceti cunostinta cu Caitlyn Jenner in Vanity Fair

Faceti cunostinta cu Caitlyn Jenner in Vanity Fair

Text de Raluca Antuca

I’m so happy after such a long struggle to be living my true self. Welcome to the world Caitlyn. Can’t wait for you to get to know her/me.

Acesta este mesajul postat pe Twitter de Caitlyn Jenner, cunoscută mai înainte ca Bruce, atletul care a câștigat aurul la Olimpiada din 1978 și care a anunțat că este transsexual. Povestea ei este deja cunoscută în toată lumea, mediatizată de toate canalele de comunicare și distribuire de știri.

Nu a fost linșat de opinia publică, ci chiar a primit mai multe comentarii pozitive, datorită susținerii din partea familiei Kardashian. Ei bine, acum Caitlyn a decis să-și arate noua identitate pe coperta revistei Vanity Fair și într-un cover story de 22 de pagini. Drept motto, ea a ales vorbele „Call me Caitlyn”, adică vrea să renască, folosind o imagine fresh, feminină care speră să-i redea încredere și fericire.

Fotografia de copertă a fost realizată de Annie Leibovitz, iar Caitlyn a ales Vanity Fair pentru că este singura revistă care îmbină cu succes jurnalismul și vedetele. Are credibilitate, bun gust și odată cumpărată, poate fi pusă pe măsuța de cafea, de unde o poate lua oricine ca să citească.

Câteva vorbe din suflet spuse de ea și un video de backstage în care vedeți cum a fost realizată coperta superbă!

It’s not about the fanfare, it’s not about people cheering in the stadium, it’s not about going down the street and everybody giving you „that a boy, Bruce”, pat on the back, O.K. This is about your life.

I’m not doing this to be interesting. I’m doing this to live.
I’m looking forward to more girls’ nights where everybody is treating you the same way. You can talk about anything you want to talk about. You can talk about outfits. You can talk about hair and makeup, anything you want. It becomes not a big deal.

A guy came in the other day and I was fully dressed. I said „Hi, Bruce here.” And I went, Oh fuck, it ain’t Bruce, I was screwing up doing it.

new_twitter_logode ce si cum folosesc twitter…

de ce si cum folosesc twitter…

am twitter din 15 aprilie 2009. nu stiam atit de exact daca n-ar fi existat  http://www.whendidyoujointwitter.com/

la momentul la care scriu aceste rinduri, in cifre dupa clasificarea Zelist ma aflu pe locul 32 in topul dupa numarul de followers, pe 31 e Traian Basescu, pe 33 e Moise Guran. mai sus sunt baietii grei (Moisescu pe locul 1, Cabral pe 5, Manafu pe 9, Chinezu pe 24, Zoso pe 29), in divizia women cea mai bine clasata e Pyuric (Cristina Chipurici) pe 11, e urmata de vedete tv – Andreea Balan pe 12,  Antonia pe 17,  Loredana pe 22, Giulia Anghlescu pe 30.

S-ar spune ca stau bine in clasamentele legate de twitter in ro. si cu toate astea, nici cind mi-am facut cont de twitter si nici acum nu m-au interesat aceste lucruri (e prima data cind ma uit in topul asta pe acest an, special pentru referintele in acest text).

cu tot respectul va rog  sa nu considerati o aroganta , nu m-au interesat follower-ii niciodata. numarul lor.


twitter-ul este pentru mine ca o agentie de stiri al carei continut ti-l customizezi singur: tu alegi pe cine urmaresti si ce informatii primesti si, spre deosebire de facebook , e esenta – headline-ul,

din cei 2500 de oameni pe care eu ii urmaresc cel putin 1500 nu sunt romani: sunt agentii de presa, ziare si reviste mari, scriitori, actori, regizori, producatori – oameni din showbiz de peste tot din lume.

cum twitterul iti da , ca utilizator, impresia ca poti controla, vedetele – in orice domeniu s-ar afla ele – folosesc twitterul ca distractie in relatia cu fanii pe care ei o controleaza: ei decid ce informatie din viata lor privata iese in public.

doar ca uneori, pentru o persoana antrenata, informatiile pe care ei le furnizeaza – puse intr-un context – inseamna aur pentru un jurnalist.

(asa am scris de exemplu un articol despre Oscar dintr-un unghi inedit, pentru ca multi dintre cei care au mers acolo s-au fotografiat si au postat pe twitter)

cred ca pe twitter sunt trendsetterii, in timp ce facebook e mass market.

cit despre ce fac eu pe twitter, raspunsul e si mai simplu: ca si pe facebook sau pe blog – unde iar nu ma intereseaza numarul de oameni care ma urmaresc – tot ce vreau e sa ofer content unic. daca ajungi sa citesti/vezi/asculti ceva ce ti-am recomandat eu, macar sa nu fi pierdut timpul.

sa pleci cu o senzatie, cu o emotie sau cu o informatie.

si sa incepi sa intelegi ca sunt o multime de lucruri frumoase in lume, doar ca trebuie sa inveti sa te uiti la ele.

culmea e ca, daca esti onest si arati lucruri frumoase, oamenii te urmeaza. si se creeaza un public.

see you on twitter, twitter.com/cristinabazavan


obamacea mai cea faza din 2012

cea mai cea faza din 2012

am postul asta in draft de multa vreme. asteptam sa se termine 2012 sa vad daca aceasta faza ramine in topul anului meu.


s-a intimplat pe 31 august, dupa ce Clint Eastwood a tinut un speech contra Obama avind drept partener un scaun gol.


reactia lui Obama? a pus pe twitter urmatorul mesaj “this seat’s taken”. twitter il mai pastreaza in arhive






nu suporta comparatie cu niciuna dintre disputele politice nationale. nici unul ca Obama nu avem, dar nici un Clint Eastwood.

havel farrowVaclav Havel si Mia Farrow

Vaclav Havel si Mia Farrow

actrita Mia Farrow ii aduce un omagiu discret si elegant lui Vaclav Havel postind via twitter o fotografie personala, insotita de textul: Vaclav and me-Prague 2006 <3 'responsibility'-to family, community, country, human family,r planet & a 'higher order'

noi, intrebindu-l pe Ion Iliescu daca ar fi putut fi precum Havel, mi se pare ca nici macar nu am inteles cum era acest om.

mi se pare ca aspiram la integritatea lui, dar ca nu o intelegem in profunzimea sa si nici n-o sa o atingem niciodata. pt ca suntem dintr-un alt aluat.


webstock 09: +/ – si ce-as vrea sa vad data viitoare

e pentru prima data cind ma duc la o conferinta/intilnire a oamenilor strins legati de industria web-ului din romania, asa ca iata-ma cu un bilant personal.

Ce mi-a placut:

– organizarea. Arata ca la orice conferinta mare la care am fost pe afara. Brici.

– Cristian Manafu. Care – surprinzator pentru mine (habar n-am cum reusesti) – are timp de o vorba buna cu toata lumea, de o mica discutie, o mica atentie. Gazda perfecta. Si mai e un mister pt mine cum reuseste sa adune atit de multa lume la evenimentele sale, care- teoretic- sunt nishate.

– faptul ca erau si multe femei in sala, nu doar barbati.

– prezentarea lui Bob Rapp. Se simtea relaxarea unui om care stie sa vorbeasca in public, pentru asemenea conferinte. A avut substanta si finete in informatii.

– prezentarea lui Stefan Tanase. Calda. Concisa. Si fara nicio fitza. (era despre pericolele virusilor si, desi nu credeam ca ma va interesa subiectul si nici ca-l voi intelege, l-am urmarit cap coada cu maxima atentie)

Ce nu mi-a placut:

– ca n-au venit colegii mei de la alte publicatii. Vorba lui Dragos Bucurenci, tovarasul meu de suferinta, alaturi de Cristi Lupsa, la webstock09: “e bine sa stii si ce fac dusmanii”, iar despre net ne vaitam deja ca ne e dusman:)

– ca n-au fost in sala top management de companii ca sa vada cum e si ce face noua generatie de… ce o fi ea, generatia asta.

– ca oamenii de net n-au cohones. M-a socat tupeul lor on line (pe un perete erau afisate mesajele pe twitter pe care le trimiteau cei din sala) si lasitatea la prezenta fata in fata. Pe perete erau remarci de genul “sa-i spuna cineva lu nenea ala ca…” si urma ceva cu mult tupeu. De ce nu s-a ridicat semnatarul mesajului sa-i spuna direct? “Nenea” fiind vorbitor la conferinta si avind sesiune de intrebari, comentarii si raspunsuri

– prezentarea Bogdanei Butnar. Ar fi trebuit sa fie despre spatiul privat in spatiul public digital aka retelele sociale. A fost un bullshit cu mesaje amestecate cind pentru utilizatori de retele, cind pentru posibilii beneficiari (desi nu prea erau in sala), cu asumari de fapte si idei. Fapte din experienta personala generalizate la rang de comportament de consumator; idei ale altora, cu sursa “uitata”. E prima data cind am vazut-o pe Bogdana, dar prezentarea ei mi-a spus f f multe despre caracterul si personalitatea ei. Ii trimit cadou un set de pahare de vin. Rosu. O sa o ajute, sunt sigura.

Ce mi-ar placea sa vad data viitoare, daca ma mai invita domn Manafu (multzumesc inca o data de invitatie):

– o prezentare despre contentul on line/ informatiile care sunt livrate on line.
Sper sa-i ajute pe bloggeri sa depaseasca incestul media pe care-l practica acum (comenteaza informatia aflata de la altul, care a aflat-o de la altul, care a aflat-o….. fara a incerca sa duca stirea mai departe cu un telefon la o noua sursa/ un nou unghi de abordare etc. Rezultatul se vede in mutantii de pe bloguri, ca la telefonul fara fir din copilarie)

Ca sa intelegeti ideea de incest media, daca sunteti bloggeri, ginditi-va si raspundeti la urmatoarele intrebari:

– Cind ati dat ultima data un telefon ca sa aflati niste informatii in plus pentru o stire pe care ati preluat-o de undeva?

– Cind ati fost preluati ca sursa de stire ultima data?

Toate blogurile mari din Romania sunt (si) surse de noi stiri. Cind scrieti, ginditi-va si la asta.

webstock este un eveniment anual, ajuns al editia a II-a, cu conferinte si workshop-uri dedicate blogging-ului si fenomenului web. detalii pe site-ul webstock

Jurnalism pe twitter – funeraliile lui Edward M Kennedy

twitterul e o platforma care e folosita cel mai adesea pentru discutii banale intre gasti de prieteni. mai rar e folosit pentru transmitere de link-uri utile si, exceptional de rar, pentru dovezi de jurnalism in direct. probabil ca vor fi din ce in ce mai dese aceste dovezi de jurnalism.

iata una dintre cele mai spectaculoase, moderne/actuale relatari de la funeraliile senatorului american Ted Kennedy.

84 de mesaje in max 140 de caractere fiecare; intr-unele detalii despre ambianta, gesturi, atmosfera de la fata locului. in altele opinii personale, sincere, fruste si, din cind in cind, cu ceva umor.

de ieri sunt un mare fan al doamnei care se numeste Jay Newton Small care e autoarea acestei relatari via twitter (@JNSMALL) si care e corespondent pentru Time.

stiu ca e ceva mai greu de citit in forma aceasta dar imaginati-va ca aceasta doamna a transmis via twitter citeva ore bune, mesajele care urmeaza.
1. Standing in front of Mission Hill church in the pouring rain. Bought a Harvard sweatshirt, $29.99, @ the hotel to keep warm. Shoes: ruined.

2. A belated recap from last night’s wake at the Kennedy library: http://bit.ly/dV4Wv3:31 PM Aug 29th from web

3. RT @kennedynews Yo-Yo Ma and Placido Domingo will perform during Communion.3:58 PM Aug 29th from web

4. Church is nearly full now. Lots of frmr staff and more journos: NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell and Ken Strickland. Music is playing lightly- a flute4:19 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

5. Senators Dodd and Kerry arrived together. Rep. Charlie Rangel just led in the CNG delegation: harman, lewis, levin, waxman, and others.4:22 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

6. EMK’s step children Curran & Caroline Rachlin will do readings. Daughter Kara will do a responsorial psalm. Sons Ted & Patrick remembrances4:26 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

7. Organ music just started. 10 minutes ago everyone was asked to take their seats – to no avail – as the schmoozing is creating a traffic jam4:47 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

8. 10am. Everyone is told to take their seats – and they actually do!4:55 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

9. McCain and Menino are front & center chatting by the alter. They’re joined by woodward, but edge round him as BW engages someone in 1st row5:01 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

10. Clintons, bushes and carters all just arrived.5:02 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

11. Speaker and paul pelosi and george and mrs. Miller are making their way down the middle aisle shaking hands w/ everyone.5:03 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

12. Steny hoyer, ben cardin, john warner, sheldon whitehouse, inouye, schumer, harkin just arrived. And… Roland burris??5:04 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

13. Casey, bill nelson, tim johnson, lautenberg, mark warner, hatch, bingaman. Patrick kennedy is shaking hand w/ everyone as they come in5:07 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

14. Al franken stops and chats with patrick giving him a bear hug, nearly elbowing olympia snowe in the face- who’s waiti behind him to say hi5:08 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

15. Collins, gregg, lautenberg circles back again, a surprisingly dapper franks (not a wrinkle in sight!), rockefeller5:11 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

16. McGovern followed by the Mass delegation coming in the front as Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett come thru the presidential entry way5:12 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

17. WH pool just arrived, meaning Obama’s here. Priest just said the kennedy family is 5 minutes away.5:13 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

18. Kerry & Dodd r lingering chatting w/ some folks at the back of the church. Otherwise most r seating. Awaiting the arrival of the casket5:20 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

19. Ah- I see why now – Kerry & dodd and a few others r lining up: honorary pall bearers. Stephen breyer is there as well.5:21 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

20. More pall bearers: markey, shrum, stephanie cutter, melody barnes, delahunt, don riegle, kennedy’s healthcare expert michael myers5:23 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

21. EMK’s 2 oldest, most loyal staff, the guys who planned the fam hist tours that Caroline spoke of, Don Dowd and Gene Dellea flank the aisle5:30 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry


22. Family is entering now. Kara & ethel greet everyone walking in. Kisses, teary hugs.5:31 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

23. oops- sorry- not kara- kathleen kennedy townsend. Family is seated. Pall bearers are signing the guest books laid out at the back.5:34 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

24. Chruch is silent, the organ is playing softly. Everyone awaits EMK. It’s still pouring rain outside: tropical storm danny.5:41 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

25. The bells above the church just began tolling.5:46 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

26. The pall bearers have all gone outside and stand lined up in the rain.5:48 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

27. The crowd is rising. Immediate family – vicki, patrick, kara, stand in the vestibule.5:59 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

28. Honor gueard came in followed by vicki and jean, his kids and the nieces and nephews. The organ is soaring now.5:59 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

29. Honor gueard came in bearing the casket followed by vicki and jean, his kids and the nieces and nephews. The organ is soaring now.5:59 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

30. Honor guard came in bearing the casket followed by vicki and jean, his kids and the nieces and nephews. The organ is soaring now.5:59 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

31. Sorry- network went down. Honor guard left as motorcade cops came in. Doors are closed – it’s hot! – service has begun.6:01 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

32. You probably all now have a better view than I. Will con’t to tweet, tho, while enjoying the fan plugged into the confessional next to me6:01 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

33. Nice promo for the church. Rev. Donald Monan: We come together today confident that senator kennedy has gone fwd to eternal life.6:06 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

34. @TopOfMyHead yes, she and her kids are here6:08 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry


35. First reading is by EMK’s stepson G. Curran Rachlin, Jr. The Liturgy of the Word from the Book of Wisdom 3:1-96:09 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

36. Program opener: “For all my yrs in public life, I have believed that america must sail twd the shores of liberty and justice 4 all. (Con’t)6:10 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

37. (Con’t) there is no end to that journey, only the next great voyage. We know the future will outlast all of us, but I believe that (con’t)6:11 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

38. (Con’t) all of us will live on in the future we make.” — Edward Moore Kennedy.6:12 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

39. Responsorial psalm 72 led by kara kennedy. Second reading by EMK’s stepdaughter Caroline Rachlin letter of paul 2 the romans 8:31b-35, 37-396:14 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

40. Gospel: matthew 25:31-32A, 34-40 read by Rev. Mark R. Hession6:15 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

41. Players of the faithgul: kiki kennedyn kiley kennedy, grace allen, max allen, jack schlossberg, robin lawford, kym smith (con’t)6:16 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

42. (Con’t) prayers of the faithful: anthony shriver, rory kennedy, teddy kennedy.6:17 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

43. During communion Yo-Yo Ma will play J.S. Bach’s Sarabande from Cello Suite No. 6 while kiley & teddy kennedy & grace & max allen do gifts6:19 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

44. Sorry – I mean during the eucharist.6:20 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

45. During the communion Yo-Yo Ma will accompany placido domingo singing Franck’s “Panis Angelicus”6:20 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

46. Then, the Tanglewood Festival Chorus – one of EMK’s favs – conducted by John Oliver will sing Brahm’s “Let Nothing Ever Grieve Thee”6:22 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

47. And, finally, mezzo-soprano SusanGraham accompanied by James David Christie on organ will sing Schubert’s “Ave Maria”6:23 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

48. EMK’s sons Ted Jr and Patrick will speak their remembrances and then Obama will deliver the eulogy – rare 4 an outsider @ a kennedy funeral6:25 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

49. Then Sean Cardinal O’Malley, Archbishop of Boston will deliver the final commendation. Recessional hymn: “America the Beautiful”6:26 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

50. The stainglass windows are all tilted open and we can hear the rain patter throughout the church.6:27 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

51. Rev. Hession: Sen kennedy was a tower of strength to his family and a towering presence on the political landscape.6:28 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry


52. Church is jam packed – every bench along the walls btw the confessionals is full. Motorcade cops line the back wall.6:36 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

53. Now the prayers of the faithful- mostly EMK’s grandkids. They’re listed below.6:37 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

54. The grandkids are doing it: lots of hankies coming out now.6:39 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

55. Tennyson – a Kennedy favorite – was evoked by Anthony Shriver: “to strive, to seek, to find and not to yield.”6:42 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

56. Teddy Kennedy III reminds the audience of Kennedy’s promise last summer to achieve universal health care reform.6:42 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

57. Yo-Yo Ma is playing. I’m a HUGE fan.6:43 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

58. Yo-Yo Ma was heartbreakingly beautiful. Everyone’s crying.6:48 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

59. @Othercorner they brought the gifts. The traditional offerings for eucharest, I believe, tho I’m no expert myself6:49 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

60. Most of the church are now kneeling on the padded benches at our feet as we begin communion.6:51 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

61. Communion will take a bit cause many of the 1450 crowd will want 2 partake: be fed the blood and flesh of Christ (wine & wafer) by the rev6:53 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

62. Everyone just turned to their neighbors and wished “Peace be with you” to one another6:56 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

63. Communion begins are Placido Domingo begins to sing accompanied by Yo-Yo Ma. The family is standing up in rows and cycling up to the alter.7:01 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

64. Vaste majority of the church is taking communion – too many to name.7:06 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

65. My story on Kerry preparing to become the senior senator from Mass: http://bit.ly/15Mbnt7:07 PM Aug 29th from web
66. @PElliottAP @jmartpolitico In that case, I’m definitely going to hell.7:12 PM Aug 29th from web

67. Ted Kennedy Jr: it hasn’t always been an easy name to live with but I’ve never been more proud of it as I am

68. EMKJr: as my Dad used to say on the campaign trail yrs ago, ‘I don’t mind not being president, I just mind that somebody else is.’7:16 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

69. EMKJr: our family vacations left us all injured and exhausted. Church is laughing. Lighter tone post the somber comunion.7:17 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

70. EMKJr: little known fact his dad was a green back packers recruit coming out of Harvard.7:18 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

71. EMKJr: telling story about how at 12 he lost his leg to cancer and he fell in the snow and his dad picked him up – starts crying.7:20 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

72. PElliottAP yup. Inside the church. I’m here to cover this. Not enjoy it.7:22 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

73. EMKJr: he taught me many things, even how to like Republicans.7:24 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

74. EMKJr: though he live a full and complete life by any measure the fact is he wasn’t done. He had more to finish…the dream shall never die.7:26 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

75. Patrick: I didn’t know it at the time but having asthma was the best gift I could have had as a boy who craved his father’s undivided attn7:29 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

76. Patrick: there’s no doubt in my mind that my dad came out a winner.7:32 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

77. Patrick: when the far right made the kennedys the posterchild for their attack ads, he said ‘We sure do bring out the best in people.’7:55 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

78. I won’t tweet obama speech but will proivide a link to it shortly. They’re now singing recessional. Priests are filing out.7:58 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

79. Casket- sans flag and draped ina simple white sheet is being wheeled out be family members including joe and caroline kennedy 7:59 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

80. Incense is permeating the church fighting with the fresh blasts of cold, rain saturated air.7:59 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

81. A few mourners are taking pictures. Folks are beginning to file out. Early escapees: reid, mcconnell, jesse jackson, joe lewis
8:00 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

82. Teeming rain- senators and members huddle under tents (difi) and doorways (tierney) for the delegation buses to arrive
8:38 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry


83. As promised, Obama’s remarks at the funeral: http://bit.ly/BMsOZ
about 23 hours ago from web

84. My wrap of the Kennedy funeral: http://bit.ly/1a2YEN
about 22 hours ago from web


de ce e twitterimea romana departe de mainstream

Florin Grozea se bucura aseara ca twitterul a ajuns mainstream pt ca a fost citat la radio.
Motiv pt care m-am uitat cu atentie pe cifrele twitterimii romane.


7000 de utilizatori in Romania, 1000 cu conturi active, cam 500 cu ceva opinii si idei.
Intre ei citiva baieti destepti din media (old sau new), citeva fete destepte si aprige care vor musca din new media felii bune in citiva ani; citiva pustani smekeri si citeva fetite iesite la agatzat.
Plus veteranii – care-s pe twitter pt ca intuiesc ca acolo sunt o parte din trend-urile viitoare; limbajul cu care vor sa tina pasul ca sa ramina tineri; lumea pe care ar trebui sa o stie ca sa-i poata vorbi limba.

Asta e twiterimea romana.
Credeti ca e mainstream? Mai ginditi-va o tura.

O sa fie mainstream cind redactiile (old or new media) vor avea un twitter editor, cind departamentele de mrkt vor avea proiecte coerente de promovare /creare de comunitati twitter, cind vedetele noastre (alea bune or proaste cum sunt ele) vor folosi twitterul ca prima sursa de informare spre public, cind jurnalistii se vor folosi de twitter ca sa-si adune informatii/intrebari/raspunsuri.

Deocamdata e o gasca. De citeva sute- spre mii- de oameni. Si e o mare bucurie cind o statie radio (Kiss FM, mai exact) citeaza drept sursa o informatie de la petrecerea gastii.

Cind lansam Europa FM, acum aproape 10 ani, seful francez care era pe felia mea (mrkt&PR), Frank Lanoux, ne-a spus “pina nu aveti 150.000 de ascultatori in Bucuresti, nu conteaza nimik din ce e in tara”.
La vremea aia – 6 luni de la lansare – EFM avea national aproape milionul de ascultatori si ma scotea din minti targetul lui pt Bucuresti.

M-am convins ca a avt dreptate si il pot parafraza linistita “pina nu o sa fie 150.000 de utilizatori de twitter in Bucuresti, nu vbm de mainstream”.

altfel, eu ramin la veterani:)



daca vreti sa stiti cum e prin redactie, aveti live pe twitter info.
plus birfe de la evenimentele si petrecerile la care mergem


Britain’s Got Talent – Susan Boyle: efecte colaterale

mai intii a fost aparitia in emisiunea tv de la britanici, Britain’s Got Talent, (megastarul lor), apoi clipul pe youtube , link-uri pe facebook, pe twitter, endorsement din partea vedetei netului in acest moment ( ashton kutcher a comentat pe twitter punind link-ul la clip “This just made my night”) si a sotiei lui suportive (demi moore cu replica tot pe twitter: “You saw it made me teary!” ), peste 25 de milioane de vizionari pe youtube, articole in presa din toata lumea, ( the guardian preferatul meu, ca de obicei)

in 3 zile a dat 60 de interviuri, a fost invitata la CNN si la Oprah. a intrat in direct la toate emisiunile importante din anglia si statele unite.

si-acum drept efect colateral au sarit sacalii;
Max Clifford – PR-ul sacal care a reprezentat-o si pe vedeta bigbrother care si-a vindut presei ultimele zile din viata- face comentarii in presa si probabil ca o va reprezenta curind.
youtube te obliga sa mergi pe pagina lui ca sa vezi inregistrarea ca sa-si controleze bine traficul pe acest nume.
au aparut intrebari despre cine o sa-i ecranizeze povestea.
“ratzusca cea urita si matura, care are succes peste noapte si se transforma intr-o lebada”
femeia nu are inca antrenamentul interviurilor in presa, iar raspunsurile ei scurte si directe sunt delicioase prin inocenta lor.
“am 47 de ani si n-am fost maritata, nici macar sarutata”

interpretarea ei din show are o energie speciala. m-am uitat de citeva ori si de fiecare data mi-au dat lacrimile, desi din cauza entuziasmului celor din sala nu o poti auzi cum cinta foarte exact.

e ceva magic pe acolo. si din magie multi vor scoate bani.


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