margaret atwood, femeia oracol & interview

am avut un crash pentru doamna asta cind am citit Povestea Cameristei. sunt citeva bucati acolo in care, pentru a demonstra ceva stilistic, toate cuvintele au acelasi numar de litere. (eu stiu varianta in engleza, nu p ecea in romana)

la vremea lansarii cartii Povestea Cameristei in Romania, am fct un interviu pt Tabu cu doamna atwood. astazi editura leda ma anunta, stiindu-mi pasiunea pentru autoare, ca in noiembrie mai lanseaza o carte in Romania, Femeia Oracol

iata, in premiera, interviul cu atwood needitat:) interviul in varianta tradusa(of cors) a fost publicat in mai 2007, in Tabu

1. It is said that for a writer, each novel is a correction to the one that came before. What is your aim? And the aim of your work?

Answer: The aim of any writer is to complete whatever book he or she is working on in such a way that the reader, too, will wish to complete it.
As for the aims of my work, this is a subject best left to critics. They can have a good deal more fun with it than I will ever have.
Let’s just say I write about whatever happens to interest me at the time. I’ve had many interests.

2. What advice would you give to young women today?

Answer: That would depend completely on where such a young woman lives, what motivates her, and what resources are available to her. But in general: 1. Have some financial independence, if you can. 2. Wear shoes that won’t distort your feet – twenty years from now, you’ll be glad you did. 3. You are not the sum of what everyone else thinks about you.

3. Do you think that men are a little bit taken by surprise by everything that is happening with women today?

Answer: Some men are easily surprised. You cannot however change the position of women in a society without also changing the position of men, and vice versa.

4. Could be described your book The Handmaid’s Tale a feminist anticipation of Matrix story/ movie?

Answer: Although both centre on forms of totalitarianism, the Matrix story is completely different. In the Matrix, the world has been taken over by advanced computer forms, which have destroyed biological life, except for human beings kept in cocoons and used as a source of bio-energy. The “real world” – the one that resembles the world we know –is a simulation; in the REAL real world, you’ve got plugs in your back and you’re asleep. There is a small resistance group of people who are “awake,” and are fighting the enslavement of human beings. All of this resembles Plato’s parable of the cave and its many spinoffs, and bears scant relation – apart from a metaphorical one — to the slice of reality we currently inhabit.
The Handmaid’s Tale, on the other hand, is an answer to the question, “What would totalitarianism look like in America, suppose it were to come to pass?” We already have all the ingredients for the world The Handmaid’s Tale describes. And we are seeing some of the inclinations.
The United States began as a theocracy in the 17th Century, and that sub- currant has never been absent from it.
Incidentally, The Handmaid’s Tale is not a “feminist” book as such. If it were, all the men in it would be having a great time, and all the women, not. Instead it is a true totalitarianism (pyramid-shaped), seen through the eyes of a member of a slave sub-set. There is a difference.

4. There are a few differences between your book and the The Handmaid’s Tale movie. What do you think about this?

Answer: Film is a very literal medium. It shows everything. As such it is more inflexible than language. A film is also shorter than a book, by and large, so thing get left out.
Thus the film could not show the last chapter; nor are the costumes in it the same as the ones described in the book.
Interestingly, The Handmaid’s Tale is now also an opera – in opera, people can sing their emotions and thoughts out loud, so the opera is actually closer to the book.

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[…] fost ieri la “Amintiri din Epoca de Aur 2” la invitaţia Cristinei Bazavan, căreia îi mulţumesc şi pentru invitaţie dar mai ales pentru faptul că mi l-a prezentat pe […]

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8 years ago / Reply

Am descoperit-o pe doamna Atwood datorită ție, aveai o recomandare pe blogul de pe Yahoo360 🙂 Am citit-o pe nerăsuflate și am continuat cu multe altele semnate de ea (inclusiv ce postează online). Așadar, mulțumesc!!!

Ce mi se pare amuzant este că după ce am citit și, ulterior, vizionat Hunger Games, începusem să mă gândesc cât de mult potențial ar avea o ecranizare după seria Oryx & Crane, Year of the Flood și MaddAdam. Dar iată că alt titlu a fost să fie 🙂

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