
un cadou pentru jurnalisti

in cartea lui lawrence grobel, the art of interview, sunt marturii ale marilor jurnalisti americani.

iata trei asemenea declaratii venite de la oameni care au intervievat sute de oameni, ba chiar mii (fiecare).


Daca dupa citirea acestor rinduri, un singur jurnalist se duce astazi/miine/luni la munca cu ceva mai mult entuziasm si e putin mai pregatit (emotional) sa faca un interviu mare inspirat de acesti oameni, a meritat sa transcriu litera cu litera din carte, rindurile de mai jos.

asa ca, daca stiti jurnalisti – dati-le textul. ei, mai mult ca niciodata, au nevoie de lucruri motivationale.

There are very few good interviewers in sports. Most people have this perfunctory approach, they fall into “how are you feeling now? You must feel great.” Most sports interviewers are very matter of fact. That’s never been interesting to me. I’m not interested in the roads they have traveled to get where they are. I try to find the crossroads, the turmoil, the strangeness, the vagaries, the nooks and crannies of people’s lives. How people carry themselves in a room, how they approach what tey do. I’m interested in weakness instead of strength, I’m fascinated by obsessions about race relations and how we get along as people. A lot of critics don’t see the human side of what I so, but my heart is what drives my interviews. I think I get to the heart of the individual. (…) I’t mostly about family, but it’s that ultimately what you want to know about an athlete, what makes him tick? one of the most profound lines was the simplest ever delivered on our show, when Washington Bullets coach Wes Unseld said, “The best thing my father ever did was love my mother”. That got me. It’s certainly not a ike Wallace or Larry King approach. It’s just different.


You don’t see the person getting emotional in print, they are a lot more composed. But people get worked up on camera because it’s a moment, it’s being taped, people are watching it, everyone is paying attention, listening. I’ve had maybe twentyfive people cry while I interviewed them and I don’t think they would have done it for print.”

roy firestone


In this crazy television business, people think they have to ask the intellectual, erudite question that’s going to make them look so bright, I don’t care whether people think I’m bright or not. This is not a show done for intellectuals. A lot of people started to hear me ask some very basic questions and they’d say “oh, my goodness, why is he asking those stupid questions?”

the response: I want to know the answer.

Brian Lamb


The most important thing going into an interview is your knowing so much about it that you wouldn’t even need the interview.

Nicolas Pileggi


6 Comments Published

13 years ago / Reply

Intelepte vorbe. Mai ales ultima, desi pare un pic ciudatica, la prima vedere. Tot legat de interviuri, un interviu luat unui interviator-sef (google translate din germana).

13 years ago / Reply

Ah… Si mai e ceva: am invatat in primii ani de presa ca daca raspunsurile date de intervievat sunt succinte e vina intrebarilor ca au fost prost gandite (I: azi aveti concert? R: da) sau omul din fata ta n-are chef sa-ti raspunda si atunci ar trebui sa te intorci in alta zi, cand are. Cum zice si Jörg Rohleder Harlan in textul de mai sus “cosmarul oricarui intervievator este ca subiectul sa dea raspunsuri scurte”.

13 years ago / Reply

Eu sunt student la Jurnalism și am citit cu atenție.
Sper să pun în practică foarte curând aceste sfaturi.

13 years ago / Reply

bafta. iti doresc si sa pui in practica aceste lucruri, dar si sa nu-ti pierzi niciodata entuziasmul de a face lucrurile la “the best” din ce pot da tu

13 years ago / Reply

Mulțumesc frumos.

13 years ago / Reply

Intr-adevar se scrie greu despre sport. La noi am remarcat textele lui Cosmin Staniloiu pe Liternet, precum si portretul Cristine Negrau facut de Vlad Mixich in Fanaticii. Personal am fost confruntata cu raspunsuri telegrafice in zona asta, imi doresc s-o abordez foarte bine, dar mai am de invatat;) pana una alta fac sport si citesc carti despre. Altfel cartea de care spui m-a facut curioasa sa stiu ce au raspuns oamenii la intrebarea lui John McKenna, nelipsita din interviurile lui – “Why love fades?”

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