
Fassbender, altfel

Nu m-am hotarit daca sa ma bucur ca Madalina Ghenea e iubita lui Michael Fassbender sau daca sa ma intristez, pe principiul “bine ca l-a luat o romanca”, dar cum mai “s-a dus si asta?!”:)

Tot ce pot sa spun e ca domnisoara Ghenea n-are deloc gusturi rele la barbati .


Dar daca tot e domnul Fassbender in atentia presei noastre acum, m-am gindit sa vi-l arat putin diferit de imaginea lui din Shame (sa vedeti filmul, e genial Fassbender. am scris aici despre o secventa din film in care Carey Mulligan e incredibila, iar Fassbender plinge), desi tot intr-o zona sexual/ erotica; intr-un prictorial de anul trecut din revista W, alaturi de Charlize Theron

Pictorialul ala e insotit de un interviu (stiu, cui ii mai pasa de interviu acum), dar daca totusi vreti sa vedeti ce om misto de Fassbender…

MF: When I was out of work as an actor, I would give myself little challenges, and diving was one of them.

How old were you?
MF: This was when I was 23. I trained for a while and finally got the courage to go up the stairs to the high board. I was at the top, and I was standing there for ages, shivering. A kid who was 10 or 11 came over to me and said, “The first time you jump off, you’re going to get hurt a little bit, but it won’t be as bad as you think.”
CT: Listen to the children!
MF: I took his advice, but I didn’t fully commit. I hurt my leg.

There’s a great lesson there: Commit or else. Speaking of which, Michael, you still haven’t said whether you think sex scenes are harder to do than death scenes…
MF: I don’t know. Sex scenes sound like more fun than they are. Death scenes are easier, really. Maybe because I’ve died so many times. I’ve had a lot of practice. In my movies, I’m often naked or dying.

(tot interviul aici)

3 Comments Published

11 years ago / Reply

:(( of, nu cu Madalina Ghenea…
de la Shame sunt obsedata de el, atat de mult imi place cum joaca, incat m-as uita la orice prostie de film, numai pentru el. asa cum am facut cu HEX.

11 years ago / Reply

Am vazut cele 2 fotografii si nu prea semana cu Madalina Ghenea. Nici Daily Mail nu a scris ca era ea. Doar la comentarii 🙂 au scris cativa cititori ca seamana cu Madalina. Personal nu cred ca e ea.

11 years ago / Reply

postarea asta nu este despre Madalina, e despre acest actor mi-nu-nat pe care sper sa-l descoperiti via Madalina:)

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