
PR genial in echipa lui Martin Scorsese

cu noul sau film Wolf of the Wall Street, Martin Scorsese a tulburat multe ape.

personajul principal e un domn care a facut inselaciuni mari si fraude uriase si nu e unul dintre cei mai iubiti in America, ba chiar nu e foarte iubit nici de fiica lui.

dupa un start sub asteptari la box office, Scorsese a mai primit o lovitura. fiica celui care a inspirat personajul principal i-a scris o scrisoare deschisa foarte foarte dura.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, dear Kings of Hollywood, but you have been conned.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Christina McDowell, formerly Christina Prousalis. I am the daughter of Tom Prousalis, a man the Washington Postdescribed as “just some guy on trial for penny-stock fraud.” (I had to change my name after my father stole my identity and then threatened to steal it again, but I’ll get to that part later.) I was 18 and a freshman in college when my father and his attorneys forced me to attend his trial at New York City’s federal courthouse so that he “looked good” for the jury — the consummate family man.

And you, Jordan Belfort, Wall Street’s self-described Wolf: You remember my father, right?


You people are dangerous. Your film is a reckless attempt at continuing to pretend that these sorts of schemes are entertaining, even as the country is reeling from yet another round of Wall Street scandals. We want to get lost in what? These phony financiers’ fun sexcapades and coke binges? Come on, we know the truth. This kind of behavior brought America to its knees.

And yet you’re glorifying it — you who call yourselves liberals. You were honored for career excellence and for your cultural influence by the Kennedy Center, Marty. You drive a Honda hybrid, Leo. Did you think about the cultural message you’d be sending when you decided to make this film? You have successfully aligned yourself with an accomplished criminal, a guy who still hasn’t made full restitution to his victims, exacerbating our national obsession with wealth and status and glorifying greed and psychopathic behavior.

(intreaga scrisoare aici)

ce a facut echipa lui Scorsese?

la citeva zile distanta a publicat int-un ziar italian o scrisoare deschisa a lui Martin Scorsese catre fiica sa. aparent fara nicio legatura cu scrisoarea care i-a tulburat lansarea, insa pe aceeasi linie emotionala – familia – doar ca mesajul a fost dus catre pozitiv, departe de apele tulburi. si desigur cu trimitere, in orice articol aparut in presa, la wolf of the wall street.

un exemplu exceptional despre cum sa te joci cu emotiile publicului tau intr-o zona pozitiva folosindu-te de un context negativ.

practic, Scosese si-a prezentat publicului toate valorile sale, lucrurile in care crede in aceasta meserie, intr-un context foarte foarte emotional, intr-o scrisoare deschisa catre fiica sa, dar o scrisoare care vine dupa zeci de atacuri in presa generate de film si de reactiile rudelor celor care au inspirat filmul.

imi place sa cred ca exista si in Ro oameni de comunicare care sa poata gindi  un raspuns atit de inteligent, elegant si subtil. si ca exista si oameni care ar fi avut stomacul si nervii tari ca sa nu raspunda din prima certindu-se balcanic, ci sa gaseasca o solutie eleganta, rafinata de a explica de ce merg inainte, pe drumul lor.

I don’t mean to be despairing. I’m not writing these words in a spirit of defeat. On the contrary, I think the future is bright.

We always knew that the movies were a business, and that the art of cinema was made possible because it aligned with business conditions. None of us who started in the 60s and 70s had any illusions on that front. We knew that we would have to work hard to protect what we loved. We also knew that we might have to go through some rough periods. And I suppose we realized, on some level, that we might face a time when every inconvenient or unpredictable element in the moviemaking process would be minimized, maybe even eliminated. The most unpredictable element of all? Cinema. And the people who make it.

intreaga scrisoare aici


acum citeva zile, tocmai pentru ca filmul merge sub asteptari, in TIME era o stire care m-a facut sa zimbesc “cite injuraturi rosteste in film personajul lui DiCaprio.” era evident o stire doar de dragul de a gasi ceva nou de spus in presa, iar faptul ca o plasasera in TIME – desi nu e o informatie de calibrul acelei reviste – arata influenta, puterea, dar si disperarea echipei de comunicare a filmului lui Scosese

One Comment Published

11 years ago / Reply

Abia astept sa vad filmul. Mi-am facut deja programare pentru Duminica.

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