asteptam cu nerabdare primele cronici ale filmului “Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)” al domnului Alejandro Gozales Inarritu care a avut premiera acum 2 zile la festivalul de film de la Venetia.
filmul este povestea unui actor care a jucat cindva roluri de super eroi si care incearac sa revina pe Broadway cu un spectacol dupa textul lui Raymond Carver “Despre ce vorbim cind vorbim despre iubire”.
primele cronici spun ca e un fel de “Synecdoche, NY” filmul lui Kaufman si ca schimbarea de stil e uluitoare, ca nu te-ai astepta ca domnul care a facut 21 Grams, Amores Peros, Biutiful sau Babel sa poata merge intr-o asemenea directie cinematografica.
cum stiu textul care e piesa cheie in scenariu (textul lui Carver) si stiu si Synecdoche NY si puterea pe care o aveau vorbele personajului principal (in filmul din film, realizat in timp real), vorbe pe care le rostea pentru ca i le sufla un scenarist in casca, cred ca noul film al lui Inarritu o sa fie o bucurie nu doar la nivel vizual ci si ca impact emotional al replicilor personajelor. imi si imaginez cum se vor suprapune replici din textul lui Carver pe sentimentul de ratare al actorului care a fost cindva super erou si pe nevoia lui de a fi iubit.
bonus track: se reintoarce prea minunatul Edward Norton la cinema, rolul principal e insa al lui Michael Keaton.
un pic din noua abordare cinematografica a lui Inarritu in trailerul filmului (pe mine m-a dus cu gindul la Into the Void al lui Gaspar Noe)
Variety a publicat un interviu cu Keaton si Inarritu, iata un fragment care arata nebunia si perfectionismul regizorului.
Still, once they were on “Birdman’s” New York set — the movie was largely shot inside Broadway’s St. James Theatre — Keaton and the rest of the cast had to adapt to Inarritu’s rigorous shooting style, which required them to perform up to 15 pages of dialogue at a time while hitting precisely choreographed marks. “It was as if he was maybe a little rusty at first,” Inarritu says. “But the rusty knife is more dangerous than a new one. Once he got it, he really fucking went for it. It was unbelievable. I think he’s the most amazing actor I have worked with.”
Keaton is duly impressed with Inarritu. “The thing about Alejandro is he’s got guts; huge, big, big balls; intelligence; unrivaled passion; and he’s enormously creative,” says Keaton, who also praises his director for not basing his casting decisions on recent box office track record. “He gave me a tremendous opportunity to do the very type of thing that is really what I got into this profession for in the first place,” Keaton adds. “You don’t often get a chance to work with someone who has all those qualities. And he’s nuts! He’s totally fucking nuts! But he’s my kind of nut.”
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