
un interviu cu Gay Talese

unul dintre cei mai mari jurnalisti pe care i-a dat america, Gay Talese, a acordat un interviu despre culisele muncii sale intr-un proiect dedicat jurnalistilor cunoscuti sub eticheta “writers at large” de la Harvard, realizat de fundatia Nieman.
Interviul a fost realizat de o alta legenda a jurnalismului american, Chris Jones.

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One of the problems of journalism today is how we are narrowing our focus and becoming indoors in terms of internalizing our reporting. The detail is what I think we’re missing.

You have to be there. You have to see the people. Even if you don’t think you’re getting that much, you’re getting a lot more than you realize.

People I like to write about are people who have had a history of ups and downs.

If you get to know your characters well and introduce them with your writing well enough that the reader will identify with them, or at least have a sense of them through your skill as a writer and a reporter, you’ve achieved much of what a fiction writer does.

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