
Llosa si disciplina scrisului

ieri ii spuneam lui Cornel Ilie ca scriu foarte greu, ca am nevoie de saptamini bune pina duc la capat un text lung, un profil sau un interviu.

el spunea ca ma alint si vreau un compliment, eu i-am replicat ca n-am talent, incerc sa compensez prin tehnica.

astazi am dat peste aceasta marturisire a lui Llosa

“Eu datorez Europei, Frantei si, mai ales, lui Flaubert faptul ca am invatat ca cei care nu avem un talent natural suntem obligati sa ni-l construim cu perseverenta, incapatinare si rabdare. (…) lucrez cu orar: dimineata si dupa amiezile, sapte zile pe saptamina.

(…) totul e determinat de pagina pe care o scriu, uneori cu o imensa dificultate si, in zilele minunate, cu oarece usurinta”


Daca si Llosa care are zeci de carti de succes se chinuie disciplinat ca sa scrie, e un semn ca si nici noi, muritorii de rind – care scriem mici nimicuri de maxim 20.000 de semne – nu trebuie sa ne mai temem ca, in lipsa talentului, ne incapatinam disciplinat sa ducem la bun sfirsit ceea ce ne-am propus.

* Citatul lui Llosa e din cartea Mario Vargas Llosa in dialog cu Gabriel Liiceanu, Chipuri ale raului in lumea de astazi.

3 Comments Published

13 years ago / Reply

Cum scrie Woody Allen
To put out a movie every year or so, plus plays, magazine stories, books. you would think Woody Allen works around the clock. From a 1980 interview, “If you work only three to five hours a day you become very productive. It’s the steadiness of it that counts. Getting to the typewriter every day is what makes productivity.”

He states later in the interview that when he was younger he liked to get things out in one impulsive burst but he learned that was a “bad habit” and that he likes to wake up early, do his work, and then set it aside for the next day.

Probably the most productive schedule is to wake up early – do your work before people stop showing up at your doorstep, on your phone, in your inbox, etc, and leave off at the point right when you are most excited to continue. Then you know it will be easy to start off the next day.

I read in a recent interview that it takes Allen a month to write a comedy and three months to write a drama. On three to five hours a day it shows me he writes every day, he’s consistent, and he doesn’t waste time with distractions (going to parties, staying out late, etc)

13 years ago / Reply

🙂 de aia ma trezesc eu la 6 dimine.
daca as semana si la productivitate/ talent… ce bine mi-ar fi:)

13 years ago / Reply

Talentul e o scuza. Conteaza prea putin.

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