Author : Cristina Bazavan

evening-vog-patou57moodboard pentru un super party

moodboard pentru un super party

ma pregatesc pentru un super super party.

si mi-am facut un moodboad ca sa intru in starea petrecerii si sa incep sa-mi caut hainele potrivite.

m-am gindit ca va va placea sa vedeti si voi citeva dintre fotografiile alese, pentru ca vorbesc despre o perioada minunata

IFFRotterdam-logo_325wRomani la Festivalul de film de la Rotterdam

Romani la Festivalul de film de la Rotterdam

domnul Alex Traila, prieten cu mine, cel care a baut o sampanie cu Angelina Jolie, are un film in competitie la festivalul de film de la Rotterdam, in calitate de producator. filmul va reprezenta Bosnia – Hertegovina in sectiunea Spectrum Shorts si se numeste Bodily Function

eu sunt foarte bucuroasa pentru el si doresc si pe aceasta cale sa-i reamintesc ce mi-a promis pentru cind o sa aiba un film la Oscar!:)

lasind gluma la o parte, Alex e foarte tinar (pentru rezultatele pe care le are deja) si foarte talentat, iar faptul ca are un film in festivalul de la Rotterdam e minunat. iar Romania are nevoie de producatori care sa stie meserie pentru dezvoltarea industriei cinematografice.

momentan Alex e la Sarajevo lucreaza pentru Sarajevo Film Festival, dar sper sa se intoarca si sa foloseasca ceea ce a invatat prin strainataturi, aici – in romania – alaturi de colegii lui de generatie.

mai sunt la Rotterdam, reprezentind Romania Adrian Sitaru, in Sectiunea Spectrum shorts cu Chefu , Radu Muntean si Alex Baciu cu documentarul Vorbitor , iar Florin Serban merge in sectiunea market pentru finantarea noului lung metraj “Imi curgi prin vene”, cu care a cistigat deja ceva finantare de la CNC, insuficienta desigur.

festivalul de film de la Rotterdam se desfasoara in perioada 25 ianuarie – 5 februarie.

rezolutiirezolutii 2012

rezolutii 2012

V-ati stabilit rezolutiile pentru 2012?
daca nu, va pot ajuta eu cu o jucarie pe care tocmai am primit-o de la agentia de publicitate Next.

e ca un fel de roata a destinului, cu o sticla de Coca Cola de colectie in mijloc (pe asta o beau eu dupa ce ne jucam) si, prin rasucire poti stabili la voia destinului care va fi rezolutia ta pentru anul acesta.

eu sunt gata sa invirt roata pentru oricine lasa un semn la comentarii.

mie mi-a iesit “sa RE-actionez pozitiv”

jocul e mesagerul platformei sociale Coca Cola The Re Concept : a venit cu o cutie nebranduita ca sa pot sa o refolosesc impachetind altceva, fiecare parte a lui (mai ales sticla!!!) se poate scoate si refolosi/reinlocui.

daca vreti sa va aflati rezolutia data de roata norocului zic sa va grabiti, ca poate beau coca cola:)

piata universitatiicum se vede Revolutia cind locuiesti la Universitate

cum se vede Revolutia cind locuiesti la Universitate

Locuiesc in Piata Universitatii. Nu chiar in piata, unde sunt mitingurile, ci pe Bratianu, vis a vis de Coltea. Revolutia se vede si se simte altfel de aici.

Am tot respectul pentru cei care au iesit in strada ca sa-si spuna ofurile, e o dovada de democratie (de evolutie pe scara democratiei) si, cu vremea, poate fi si o forma de echilibru social (cind si partidele vor invata sa reactioneze frumos la protestele publice), imi doresc – asemeni celor mai multi dintre ei – ca distinsul nostru presedinte sa plateasca cumva toate magariile pe care le-a facut (ca a fost presedinte jucator, cum si-a dorit), cum imi doresc ca toti cei care au facut matrapazlicuri sa plateasca. Cu puscaria unde e cazul.

Asa ca ma bucur ca oamenii au iesit in strada. Ca principiu democratic.

Dar lucrurile nu se rezuma la doar la asta.

Cind locuiesti in Piata Universitatii, Revolutia se vede altfel.

In fiecare dimineata piata (dar mai ales strazile micute care nu-s la vedere) arata ca dupa o furtuna, pentru ca nu toti manifestantii sunt plini de sentimente democratice.

Dimineata conversatiile cu vinzatorii magazinelor din apropiere, vecinii, sunt despre ce s-a mai spart, unde sa ne parcam masinile ca sa fie sigure, ce trasee sa folosesti ca sa ocolesti Piata, dar totusi sa poti intra in casa.

Seara e un cosmar sa ajungi acasa. Miercuri, un taxi pe care-l luasem de la Opera (da, stiu, dupa unii e gresit ca am vrut sa -mi continui viata si sa merg la Opera fix acum cind arde tara) m-a lasat la Centrul Militar de pe Victoriei “de aici mergeti singura, eu nu intru la Universitate”.

Seara e un cosmar sa vrei sa pleci de acasa. Daca suni la taxi te cearta centralista “pai dumneata nu stii ce e la Universitate?”, chiar si cind chemi taxiul la 500 de metri distanta cum i s-a intimplat unei prietene aseara care voia un taxi pe Mazarik.

cind iesi in strada seara ai o perspectiva diferita de ce se vede la TV. Piata Universitatii nu e doar locul in care sunt miile de oameni ( in fata teatrului national), iar in imprejurimi au aparut o multime de fetze “interesante”.

aseara la ora 11.20, la citeva minute dupa evacuarea din Piata Universitatii, 2 tineri mergeau pe linga Palatul Sutu si isi urlau unul altuia:

– De data asta n-am putut face nimik, ne-au controlat!
– Miine o sa fim mai multi. Ii invingem noi.

era atit de multa ura in privirea lor, le iesisera ochii din orbite.

duminica, in ziua cea mai violenta, am vazut tineri care pareau animale. urlau si loveau ca scosi din minti. rupeau cosurile de gunoi de plastic, zgiriiau masinile, spargeau geamurile de la intrarile blocurilor. si era o ploaie de caramizi.

luni, pe bratianu se vindeau ceasuri si telefoane obtinute duminica seara din magazinele sparte.


in fata teatrului national sunt cei care protesteaza, in fata la intrarile de metrou de la Sutu sau Coltea sunt spectatorii: stau si se uita si comenteaza “I-au lovit?” , mai ales in momentele cind piata e evacuata. pe principiul, de ce sa ma mai uit la tv cind pot sa am aici cinema 6D? spectatorii sunt acolo de pe la 19.00, se schimba, in ture.

pentru mine, si banuiesc multi dintre cei care sunt in zona, jandarmii sunt salvatorii. la tv si pe facebook vad comentarii despre violenta jandarmilor, eu vad dintr-o alta perspectiva lucrurile:

– jandarmul care-si lua de mincare de la patiseria din colt mi-a spus, cind a inteles din conversatia mea cu vinzatorul ca stau in cartier, sa am grija sa nu ies din casa dupa ora 20. parinteste. apoi ne-a explicat pe ce strazi laturalnice am putea veni catre casa.

– jandarmul de la pasajul universitatii intrarea spre Coltea care – vazindu-ma speriata ca trebuie sa intru in pasaj si nu stiu ce ma asteapta (tocmai se evacua piata), mi-a facut loc sa trec pe linga el si din gesturi mi-a aratat ca e “safe”.

cind locuiesti aici in Piata Universitatii, violenta tinerilor plini de testosteron – care literalmente se incarca energetic din actele de violenta, i-am vazut la 10 m de mine – te sperie. si, in spiritul democratiei si al statului de drept in care traiesti, iti doresti sa fii aparat. pentru ca stii ca tu ai respectat legile si regulile. si-ti pui toate sperantele in jandarmi/politie.

pentru ca astea sunt regulile dupa care ai invatat ca functioneaza un stat democratic.


si da, imi doresc “sa cada Basescu”, democratic, cu sprijinul protestelor din strada.

foto de Cristian Sutu

pentru ca nu vreau sa simt ura “ultrasilor” comentatori din niciuna dintre tabere, acest post nu este deschis comentariilor. multumesc pentru intelegere.

recicla-cajas-viejas3mobilier- o idee ingenioasa

mobilier- o idee ingenioasa

cum stiti la sfirsitul anului trecut m-am mutat intr-o casa noua ( de unde sa stiu eu ca o sa vina meeting-urile la fereastra mea?) si cum am fost plecata de 2 ori din tara imediat dupa mutare, abia acum am inceput intentiile de decorare si aranjare.

Sanziana, fosta mea colega de la revista, domnisoara simpatica care a facut decorurile pentru X Factor, se ocupa sa-mi decoreze casa prin solutii smart, creative si care sa nu coste mult. (e geniala. puteti apela si voi la ea oricind, o gasiti via facebook, aici; o sa ma ucida pt asta, pun pariu:)) )

dar chiar daca Sanziana are ea treaba ei (a facut poze,acum isi face research si o sa-mi propuna solutii), eu tot ma distrez pe tot felul de site-uri de design interior.

asa am descoperit aceasta minunatie pentru ecologistii care vor sa recicleze lucruri (nu se potriveste cu casa mea, de aia le fac publice:) )

jeff-bridgesil iubesti pe Jeff Bridges? cistigi un premiu

il iubesti pe Jeff Bridges? cistigi un premiu

sunt sigura ca v-ati intilnit cu Jeff Bridges in multe filme care v-au placut, nu stiu cit de multe stiti despre el, dar nici nu e nevoie sa stiti foarte multe. daca v-a impresionat intr-un film, si puteti pune asta in cuvinte frumoase, scrieti-le in aplicatia romtelecom destinata promovarii lunii Jeff Bridges la MCM si puteti cistiga un Blu Ray Player.

in fiecare luna la MGM România este celebrat un actor sau un regizor. ianuarie este luna Jeff Bridges iar asta inseamna ca martea sunt filme cu Jeff Bridges.


asa pentru doamne si domnisoare, un detaliu: Jeff Bridges e casatorit de 35 de ani cu o doamna pe care a vazut-o in cabina de machiaj a unui film la care lucra. e una dintre cele mai lungi casatorii de la Hollywood si cind a fost intrebat care e secretul acestui mariaj a raspuns “rabdarea. si vorbele bune.”


OK, uitati-va via Dolce la filmele cu Jeff Bridges pe MGM România, sunt minunate, si – daca vreti un Blu Ray Player – participati la concursul Romtelecom din aceasta aplicatie pentru Facebook.

cistigatorul va fi ales de mine impreuna cu Oltea Zambori, asa ca fiti relaxati: il vom alege pe cel mai pasionat, care chiar stie sa explice de ce ii place Jeff Bridges.

concursul e valabil pina la 31 ianuarie.

Marie AntoinetteB day

B day

trebuie sa fie ziua de nastere a cuiva astazi…

la multi ani, sa va fie bine…

B-day un omagiu adus lui Jiri Kylian de The Netherlands Dans Theater… si o amuzanta reinterpretare a lui Mozart.

kodak1omagiu Kodak

omagiu Kodak

astazi compania Kodak Eastman si-a anuntat falimentul, justificind nu doar criza ci si evolutia digitalului cu care ei n-au tinut pasul.

compania a anuntat ca va vinde peste 100 de brevete de imagistica pentru a face rost de cash.


Kodak a fost prietenul de vacanta al copilariei multora dintre noi si de aceea, iata citeva dintre reclamele Kodak cele mai simpatice (dintre cele vechi)

compania Kodak a fost creata in 1892 si-a facut istorie si-a imortalizat istoria.
aceasta este o reclama mai noua, dar e premonitorie; n-au facut fata digitalului.

Albergo della Civita 194un loc magic

un loc magic

a venit iarna peste noi, dar tot putem sa ne mai gindim la vacanta intr-o zona calda si exotica.

daca nu v-ati facut inca planuri pentru aceasta vara, uite o optiune care ar putea sa va faca o vacanta ,la propriu, de neuitat.

acesta este un apartament intr-un hotel din Alberto della Civita, Matera, Italia. este o zona aflata in patrimoniul UNESCO, dar da, este pentru turisti.

fotografiile sunt realizate de Jordi Canosa, designul hotelului este realizat de Daniela Cavestany.

Despre loc si regiune puteti citi mai multe aici aici.

chanel_122_1lofiica Vanessei Paradis

fiica Vanessei Paradis

am de ceva vreme pe desk o fotografie cu fiica Vanesei Paradis. pt mine Vanessa e ea insasi un copil, pentru ca e sapat in creieras momentul Joe le Taxi, iar in reclamele Chanel – recent filmate – parea la fel de tinerica.

iata-o alaturi de fiica sa, pe strada.

nu stiu ce ma uimeste mai tare, ca fiica e atit de mare sau ca arata atit de bine .

ernest hemingwayde reamintit

de reamintit

First, there must be talent, much talent. Talent such as Kipling had. Then there must be discipline. The discipline of Flaubert. Then there must be the conception of what it can be and an absolute conscience as unchanging as the standard meter in Paris, to prevent faking. Then the writer must be intelligent and disinterested and above all he must survive. Try to get all these in one person and have him come through all the influences that press on a writer. the hardest thing, because time is so short, is for him to survive and get his work done.

All good book are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened and after you are finished reading one you feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you; the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse and sorrow, the people and the places and how the weather was.

All my life I’ve looked at works as though I were seeing them for the first time…


Hemingway – On writing.

de reamintit in vremurile acestea tulburi de comentarii la tv

valmontValmont la Blues Line

Valmont la Blues Line

eu cred in dictonul “dar din dar se face rai”. si acum am un alt exemplu.

luni am facut cu concurs cu cosmetice Lush si impresionata de reactiile voastre si de nevoia de rasfat pe care am simtit-o la voi, voi demara curind un proiect special care se numeste “Oaza de rasfat”. ieri am facut demersurile pentru acest proiect, iar astazi au aparut efectele dictonului “dar din dar se face rai”.

am primit cadou o bucurie pentru rasfatul personal, creme Valmont – cu ADN din caviarul somonului salbatic canadian, plus un Voucher la minunatul salon Blues Line (cu sediul in Hotel Pullman, fostul Sofitel).

tratamentele cu caviar de la Blues Line sunt raiul pe pamint si eu care sunt o mare amatoare de asemenea rasfaturi, le-am cam incercat pe toate de-a lungul timpului. asa ca ii multumesc si aici doamnei Smaranda Vornicu (big boss de la Blues Line) pentru acest cadou minunat.

Cosmeticele Valmont, celebre in toata lumea pentru efectele lor anti ageing, sunt primele care au folosit apa de ghetar in crearea produselor. in plus sunt cei care au descoperit molecula triplu AND si detine dreptul de producere in exclusivitate a moleculei ARN, unele dintre cele mai performante tehnologii in anti ageing.

Ele pot fi gasite in romania doar in saloanele Blues Line.

De miine dimine incep sa le folosesc si va relatez curind:)

Vaslav-Nijinsky-001Nijinsky la Opera

Nijinsky la Opera

in seara asta ma duc la Opera sa vad un spectacol inspirat de creatiile celebrului balerin Vaslav Nijinski. (multumeeesc Sorana)

iata ceva simpa, fiica sa Kyra povestind despre cum isi vedea tatal “n-am avut nevoie de carti de povesti in copilarie, tata era coborit dintr-o poveste”

interviul are 4 min si vorbeste si despre schizofrenia lui Nijinski, dar si despre cum isi gindea coregrafiile.

enjoy it.

cutie2secretul ikea

secretul ikea

in seara asta am descoperit secretul succesului Ikea.

n-are legatura cu pretul mic al produselor, n-are legatura nici cu designul simpatic; are legatura cu… asamblarea.

montezi o cutie stiindu-te cu coeficient -100 in ale indeminarii si brusc te simti shakespeare al designului, kant al indeminarii casnice.

iti creste inima in tine si zici “hai mai ca pot si eu”


desigur e valabil pentru femei. dar cum ele decid ce mobila se cumpara pentru casa, am rezolvat problema.


apropo, am asamblat ambele cutii din pachet:)

S_McCurrySteve McCurry – on Timisoara Revolution, stories on people’s faces and… shyness

Steve McCurry – on Timisoara Revolution, stories on people’s faces and… shyness

“Are you married, do you have your own family, are you single?”
This was the line of questions I was asked by Steve McCurry, one of the most famous photographers in the world, within less than 2 minutes after walking into the conference hall of the Carlton Hotel in New York where the interview was going to be taken. I was the interviewer and he the interviewed.
Strangely enough, I did not mind him asking. I smiled; there was nothing ostentatious in his attitude.
When I walked into the room, Steve McCurry was on the phone to one of his staff arranging a trip abroad on the 10th of January. It was the 30th of December (2011), McCurry was coming from a long photo session, and the following day he was going to make three portraits of families from Europe, within the project Hotpoint Family Portraits. I wanted to walk out and return when he would have finished his conversation, but he invited me to sit on his right hand side, at a large conference table.
He was dressed in black: jacket and shirt, trousers and shoes. Nothing striking. And he did not have his camera with him. When he finished his telephone conversation he started interrogating me: “Do you live in Bucharest? Are you a blogger? Do you know my blog?”; then – as I confessed not having seen his latest blog post – he invited me to take a look on the telephone. “It is about old age”, a series of touching photographs with elders in various poses, in various corners of the world. He particularly liked a photograph from Macedonia, with two elders (a man and woman) leaning against each other as they climbed up a mountain path.
“You may find just as beautiful things and people in Romania too. You must come”, I said as he was passing his finger on the telephone screen for me to see the rest of the photographs…
That’s when he asked: “Are you married, do you have your own family, are you single? What would your boyfriend say if you went on a trip with me? Would he feel threatened?” …and started laughing…


Steve McCurry (61) is one of the most famous photojournalists, holder of major awards in photography for his testimonials from the main conflict zones in the world. The “Afghan Girl”, the photograph featuring on the cover of National Geographic Magazine is one of the most recognized photographs in the world, possibly also because 20 years later, McCurry returned to Afghanistan to search for her, without knowing her name, only relying on her photograph and her green eyes, and this experience was recorded in a documentary film. Actually, portraits are his “personal brand”, as he manages to grasp on each face expressions that tell as much as a novel or a film.

When you meet for the first time someone you are going to portray, what are you looking at?

There are people with very powerful faces, they have emotions on their face, faces that tell stories. Some characters can be read on the face. I am fascinated with what a face can tell. Because every each of us has several “faces”… Some are very common, others very beautiful, but beyond it you sometimes see faces with something archetypal on them, something extremely powerful…

And how do you convince them? I guess many are shy… They are common people and you convince them to look
into the camera and the result is such a natural image…

Not quite… You can have people relax. I think everybody wants to be liked, we want people to like us and if you walk up to somebody and tell them “I think you are awesome, extraordinary and I would very much like to portray you because you seem to be such a wonderful person”, most people would stop for you on the street… Most agree exactly because you placed them there, you gave them that position…

Because they have an ego…

Yes, but also because they want to participate, to be helpful, and especially not to let down. If someone tells them “you are so beautiful”, they won’t tell you not to take a photograph of them, although they might not agree with what you are saying. It is the information they want to honour by accepting they’re photographed.

Sometimes they don’t know who you are, they don’t know your work.

It is not important who I am. I am simply another person just like them. You must win their confidence and you sometimes can be convincing and then when they see how excited I am they can get excited. They want in, they want to share the experience… because ‘look this guy is holding a camera, he seems like a good person, he’s well mannered… I should help out.” But you must choose the right time, the right words. When we speak, our expression changes and you can lead the way.
If I’d be talking to you about something serious now your expression would turn serious; if I am funny – tell a joke – you are likely to smile. Even if out of politeness. You can help people turn the way you want them to. Then, you need to be experienced to quickly understand reactions of the body, the moment you’re asking for something, how to relate with certain type of a person, the light, the background… And how to manage it all in a few seconds…

But sometimes they don’t speak English, they’re poor Indians or countrymen from Paraguay or street children in

This doesn’t matter, because if I laugh or act congenially, you will smile…

So you’re an actor?

I wouldn’t say that… Look, we just met. Really, we actually just met. (He laughs) I may choose to tell you any story – a funny or a sad one – and get what I want from you – in terms of your facial expression. It’s not about acting but about sharing an experience with somebody, and relate to them, create a connection in a certain sense…

After graduating college, Steve McCurry went to University to study cinematography and filmmaking, graduating however magna cum laude in theatre arts in 1974. For two years he worked for a magazine but resigned to become a freelance photographer. His career was launched when he illegally crossed the Afghan border before the Russian invasion and recorded Taliban life in its most intimate stances, often facing death “naively” as he later confessed. His photographs featured on the covers of Paris Match, New York Times etc., and has since faced death in some other occasions.

If you were to choose a photo to describe your life, which would it be?

Life is so complicated, it is difficult to describe it in one sentence, or one idea… (takes a few long moments to think looking down at his shoes). Maybe the photograph of the child running on an alley between two walls painted in children hands… That might be the image to represent me (ed. note, the photograph makes the cover of the book Steve McCurry: The Unguarded Moment )

Your name is always mentioned in relation to the “Afghan Girl” but I am sure that there are many other
photographs you have taken that you like just as much.

Certainly, like the photographs taken in India of the sand storms (ed. note: you may see one of these photos here), or the one with the mother and son looking out of a car’s window, in India again. The old woman at the pedestrian crossing in Yugoslavia… There are many photographs just as great but people decide what they like and you can’t control their taste.

You must have taken millions of photographs in the over 30 year’s career. Do you ever think that you might lose
your archive?

We live with so many fears, fear of losing one’s life, fear of losing one’s friends… You can’t live in fear all the time, you do what you can and let life go on. I archive them and to all I can to preserve them safely, but the rest… whatever happens…

Talking about life, were you ever afraid of losing yours?
Many times.

And why do you continue?
This is a question I don’t have an answer to… It is a mystery, it is the same with war photographers and journalists… I think we want to witness history, to see events which were not recorded yet. We want to be where history is being written because, after all, we live a common, boring life… And you want to see the change, the transition, you want to see how others deal with situations you will never find yourself in.
A good example is the Romanian transition, Timisoara and the Revolution – those where moments which changed the life of many people. Something like this never happened to me.

What where you doing then?

I was in Belgrade, I came by car and stayed only for 2 days in Timisoara. Those were historical moments. I was driven by the curiosity and the possibility of documenting in my own way such a historical moment, a deep change in the history of Romania. I would like to return to Romania. I would like to have stayed more than the 2 days in Timisoara 20 years ago, to have gone to several places, see more of what happened.


When he is not in some remote corner of the world to photograph wars or the human face of the most difficult, controversial moments, Steve McCurry holds photography workshops in New York or India, the country which taught him how to see life. According to his rough calculations, in 2012, he spent less than 4 months in New York, where his home is.

Did you ever think of stopping? Of quitting this profession?
No, never. Not even for a second.

Did you ever go on holidays without your camera?
No. I always have the camera with me, although I’m not always taking photographs, but one never knows…

If you were to chose a place to go to without your camera, just to relax, where would you go?
Italy maybe… Without a camera? (sighs)… Japan. There are places where I like to go, without needing the camera or my profession to visit and I like Japan… But you know it is more than unlikely for me to go anywhere without my camera.

I know… You are now working until the last day of the year.
Yes, but this is not unusual to me. Sometimes you can’t control things, and they happen when it can take place. But that’s ok, I don’t mind working on the last day of the year.

How much holiday did you take this year?
I don’t make such estimates, it’s not how I look at my days. If I enjoy life and what I do it is wonderful – with or without holidays. I don’t think about holidays, I think about something interesting, exciting – something to keep me going, to make me happy, to fill me with positive energy. This is more important to me than holidays. Then you are filled with many joys and peace and serenity. This is more important to me than lying on a beach and sunbathe or… whatever people do on the beach.

But I still believe people need relaxing…
Oh, certainly. But relaxation can come in different forms, people are different and some relax in the mountains, others on beach or in a country where they have wine…

And how about yourself?
I watch a movie…

You have met many people. Is there still anyone whose encounter can make you feel uneasy, nervous with having to meet?
Yes, but I can’t think of many of those, maybe Meryl Streep or Sean Connery… I don’t think so much about meeting stars…

I wasn’t talking necessarily about stars, but rather wanted to know if you’re ever shy in front of someone you meet…
Sure, I am sometimes intimidated by some gestures, some people. I am a very shy person in my private life but I can hide my shyness in many ways and force myself to overcome my fears and limits…

In your home do you display on walls photographs that you have taken?
No, nothing, there are no photographs at all.

But do ever accept being photographed?
Mmmm, no.

Why not?
I never thought about it, I don’t know. (he pauses for a while). I sometimes accept my photo being taken, but not usually, I do it very rarely.

Ok, I believe it, you are a shy.
Yes, I told you: I am shy.


We said goodbye in the hotel lobby; he was going to walk home as he lived a few blocks away and I went up to my hotel room thinking of his awkward smile while he blushed saying, “I told you I was shy”. Only later did I realize that the line of questions about my life at the beginning of the conversation was one of his tricks: it was his way of complimenting me (he was interested in my life), as well as setting his ground, somehow taking control. And that, actually, those questions spoke indirectly of his shyness. Perhaps that was why I did not mind the questions.

The following day, at the photo session for the portrait of the Romanian family within the HotPoint Family Portraits project I realised that Steve McCurry is that kind of people who want to “leave a trace”, leave something meaningful behind him – either it is a documenting of an historical event, or a photograph which will have the place of honour on some family’s mantelpiece in some corner of the world.

And I saw that despite his shyness, you can hear him say when making such a beautiful gesture as the present to the family Babos from Cluj (an album with their family photographs): “Let’s take a picture together.”

In a few days, the portrait Steve McCurry made for the Baboses from Cluj will be public, and then I will tell you about his involvement in the Hotpoint Family Portraits project.
(The photograph is a self-portrait that Steve McCurry made for the project Kodakchrome – he was the photographer to use the last roll produced by Kodak, this is frame 32. You can see more photographs by Steve McCurry on his blog.)


here is a romanian version of this interview

retro-tvo mutatie media

o mutatie media

zilele acestea de meetinguri la tv, de multe si lungi dezbateri in direct mi-au atras atentia asupra unei mutatii care a aparut in comportamentul jurnalistului tv de la televiziunile de stiri.

Simbata seara, Sandra Stoicescu comentind agitatia din Piata Universitatii si simtind nevoia jurnalistica de a avea mai multe pareri a spus ceva de genul “poate ne suna Valeriu Turcan, purtatorul de cuvint al Presedintiei, ca sa ne spuna opinia….”

Luni, crainicii jurnalului de dimineata de la Antena 3 voiau lamuriri despre actiunile jandarmilor intr-o discutie cu un invitat, tot jurnalist. cind crainicii au anuntat ca purtatorul de cuvint al jandarmilor va tine o conferinta de presa la ora 11 si pina atunci refuza sa faca comentarii, invitatul a replicat “sa noteze atunci purtatorul de cuvint urmatoarele intrebari si sa raspunda la ele”

L-am vazut si pe dl Tatulici invocind un telefon de la autoritati “poate ne suna cineva de la guvern”, cum am vazut si oameni din echipa Romania Tv (Catalin Striblea, de ex) cu aceeasi reactie.

Le stiu f specific pe cele de la A3 pt ca acolo ma uit constant.


intrebarile astea in direct catre autoritati sunt pentru mine o mutatie a jurnalismului. in mod normal, jurnalistul suna el dupa sursa, dupa informatie, confirmare etc, nu cere sa fie sunat in direct la tv.

inteleg rationamentul de ce am ajuns aici (presiunea live-ului, stirile care curg si le relatam ACUM, in timp ce se intimpla; analiza care se face cu pareri in direct, nu ca in urma cu citiva ani cu pareri incrusisate – si verificate – inainte de a fi montate intr-un reportaj), dar m-am uitat cu atentie si la BBC, si la CNN si la Euronews. ei nu cer in direct la tv sa fie sunati pentru reactii de Obama, Van Rompuy (presedintele consiliului european) sau David Cameron (premierul englez).


e o mutatie dubioasa care arata ca noi dialogam cu televizorul si prin televizor. (asa cum face si conducatorul suprem care suna la tv sa se dea cu parerea.)

dar arata si un inceput de aroganta a jurnalistului, pe care am putea sa o corectam.

coverinstituteThe Institute nr 4

The Institute nr 4

Imi place revista The Institute, am mai scris despre asta. as putea zice ca e printre putinele publicatii ca e singura publicatie din romania pe care o (mai) citesc din coperta in coperta.

imi place relaxarea cu care scriu cei din redactie.

pot scrie la fel de frumos (si, culmea, deloc superficial) si despre lucruri accesibile dar si despre chestiuni de nisa. si mai ales, scriu fara sa se bata cu pumnul in piept ca ei stiu ceea ce scriu; te prinzi tu cititorul ca sunt buni.

de fiecare data cind ii citesc ma gindesc la Wallpaper si Monocle, doua publicatii de afara care mi-au facut multe zile frumoase si ma bucur tare ca pot gasi si in romania o publicatie din care sa aflu ceva nou.

(prin prisma meseriei stiu/citesc/aflu cele mai multe dintre informatiile din zona cultura/media inainte de a le scrie publicatiile romanesti)

de exemplu, via The Institute am descoperit un simpatic loc care e f aproape de casa mea, Nana – pe Cimpineanu, 22

si am aflat de o actiune din Madrid, a grupului Luzinterruptus – implant de natura: instalatii urbane cu mesaj eco in locuri care n-au mai vazut de multa vreme verdeata. f frumos proiectul.

vorbele mele preferate din editia nr 4 The institute vin dintr-un interviu cu Naumovici

ce crezi ca lipseste acestei industrii? fructele sau energia?

Energia pustilor care ar trebui sa-si propuna sa dea cu noi de pamint. Sunt atit de rari cei carora nu li se termina entuziasmul odata cu obtinerea unui loc de munca, incit ii vezi imediat in industrie. Era o vorba care ma amuza, pina sa ma lovesc de dura ei realitate: “s-au nascut obositi si traiesc sa se odihneasca”.


Nu stiu unde ati putea gasi revista in alt loc decit cafeneaua cu acelasi nume, The institute, de pe Stirbei Voda, dar eu zic sa o cautati o sa fie o experienta f placuta.

ca sa intelegeti cit de mult imi place, ieri cind am terminat sa o citesc ma gindeam “as plati publicitate in revista asta, ca sa fie blogul meu alaturi de asa oameni misto”

puppetPuppetdream:A film

Puppetdream:A film

inca 5 minute de altceva decit stiri despre dezastre si meetinguri ( faptul ca in fiecare seara exista posibilitatea sa mai avem un incendiu si ceva pietre in fata blocului, imi strica buna dispozitie si incerc sa o compensez cu alte lucruri)

Via Alex Traila

angelina 1Angelina Jolie in Marie Claire

Angelina Jolie in Marie Claire

oricind e bun un articol cu Angelina Jolie.

o stie si Marie Claire USA care serveste bine interesele doamnei Pitt intru nominalizarea la Oscar pentru cel mai bun film strain.

motivul pentru care insa pun aici fotografiile din pictorial e legat de simplitatea lui.
e un exemplu bun ca simplitatea poate arata elegant si nici n-are costuri uriase