Tag : the art of interview

Larry-Grobel-The-Art-of-The-Interviewce spun tacerile cind nu vrei sa spui nimic?

ce spun tacerile cind nu vrei sa spui nimic?

Christina Ricci didn’t want to talk about her father, and though I try to avoid yes or no answers, in this case you still get the sense of her hurt in the shortness of her responses.

Q: What’s your relationship with your father today?

Ricci: I haven’t talked with him in six years.

Q; Are you sorry about that?

Ricci: No

Q: Does he ever try to contact you?

Ricci: No.


un fragment din The art of the interview a lui Lawrence Grobel, un exemplu bun despre cum – daca esti bine pregatit/documentat si ai bune intentii – poti sa arati personalitatea celui pe care-l intervievezi si din tacerile lui.

Larry-Grobel-The-Art-of-The-Interviewun cadou pentru jurnalisti

un cadou pentru jurnalisti

in cartea lui lawrence grobel, the art of interview, sunt marturii ale marilor jurnalisti americani.

iata trei asemenea declaratii venite de la oameni care au intervievat sute de oameni, ba chiar mii (fiecare).


Daca dupa citirea acestor rinduri, un singur jurnalist se duce astazi/miine/luni la munca cu ceva mai mult entuziasm si e putin mai pregatit (emotional) sa faca un interviu mare inspirat de acesti oameni, a meritat sa transcriu litera cu litera din carte, rindurile de mai jos.

asa ca, daca stiti jurnalisti – dati-le textul. ei, mai mult ca niciodata, au nevoie de lucruri motivationale.

There are very few good interviewers in sports. Most people have this perfunctory approach, they fall into “how are you feeling now? You must feel great.” Most sports interviewers are very matter of fact. That’s never been interesting to me. I’m not interested in the roads they have traveled to get where they are. I try to find the crossroads, the turmoil, the strangeness, the vagaries, the nooks and crannies of people’s lives. How people carry themselves in a room, how they approach what tey do. I’m interested in weakness instead of strength, I’m fascinated by obsessions about race relations and how we get along as people. A lot of critics don’t see the human side of what I so, but my heart is what drives my interviews. I think I get to the heart of the individual. (…) I’t mostly about family, but it’s that ultimately what you want to know about an athlete, what makes him tick? one of the most profound lines was the simplest ever delivered on our show, when Washington Bullets coach Wes Unseld said, “The best thing my father ever did was love my mother”. That got me. It’s certainly not a ike Wallace or Larry King approach. It’s just different.


You don’t see the person getting emotional in print, they are a lot more composed. But people get worked up on camera because it’s a moment, it’s being taped, people are watching it, everyone is paying attention, listening. I’ve had maybe twentyfive people cry while I interviewed them and I don’t think they would have done it for print.”

roy firestone


In this crazy television business, people think they have to ask the intellectual, erudite question that’s going to make them look so bright, I don’t care whether people think I’m bright or not. This is not a show done for intellectuals. A lot of people started to hear me ask some very basic questions and they’d say “oh, my goodness, why is he asking those stupid questions?”

the response: I want to know the answer.

Brian Lamb


The most important thing going into an interview is your knowing so much about it that you wouldn’t even need the interview.

Nicolas Pileggi


Larry-Grobel-The-Art-of-The-Interviewperformers vs journalists

performers vs journalists

Journalist Sydney Schanberg, whose New York Times reporting on Cambogia inspired the film The Killing Fields, has observed that “what those (talk show hosts) like Tucker Carlosn, Chris Matthews and Bill O’Reilly do might be journalism if they did real research. But they don’t have time, and that’s not the purpose of the shows. They are not journalists but performers. And a lot of people have begun to mistake performers for journalists.”

din Art of the Interview, Lawrence Grobel

cu usurinta puteti pune in locul numelor de gazde de talk show american, gazdele talk show-urilor de la noi (inclusiv de la televiziunile de stiri) si brusc faceti lumina pe strada “de ce ne-am indepartat de jurnalism”

cartea lui Grobel e scrisa in 2004, pe noi abia de anul trecut ne ating lucrurile acestea.



You need to know how to open a conversation. How to listen. How to be a chameleon and sumerge your ego. How to make people comfortable.
How to act and how to react to situations. How to be in control. How to keep things positive. How to stay on top of current events. How to ask offbeat questions.
How to close.

Interviewing is really an equal opportunity job. What you put into it is in direct proportion to what you will get out of it.

(interviewing) it is about learning how to communicate. it is about confronting new comfort levels. it is about self confidence.

citesc The art of the interview Lawrence Grobel, o bucurie de carte. bu-cu-ri-e!

am mai scris despre interviu – din experienta proprie de data asta – din doua perspective; una amuzanta (10 motive pentru care interviul e ca sex-ul), una mai putin amuzanta – despre concentrarea din timpul unui interviu si intensitatea transmiterii informatiilor – interviu-labirintul


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