
un desert de duminica: Al Pacino intr-un interviu minunat realizat saptamina asta

dintre multele lucruri frumoase pe care le-am citit saptamina aceasta, iata ceva ce stiu sigur ca o sa va placa

Al Pacino a dat un interviu in Hollywood Reporter – care nu e semnat de jurnalistul pe care-l solicita mereu la interviuri, Lawrence Grobel – in care povesteste cu sinceritate din viata lui, lucru foarte foarte surprinzator pentru el.

despre inceput, saminta sadita in mintea lui ca ar putea fi actor .

“My eighth grade teacher had me read the Bible, read the psalms for assembly… Only I didn’t read them, I read them. And the teacher kinda liked me for some reason — nobody else did, but she liked me — and she went up to the South Bronx, to my tenement on the fifth floor [where I lived] with my grandmother and grandfather and mother… She walked all the way up six flights, went into my apartment, and was having coffee with, of all people, my grandmother, and she was telling her that I should do this with my life. So I think that was a turning point — not for me, but for my grandmother!”

despre cum se descurca gemenii lui de 13 ani cu celebritatea tatalui…
“Sometimes it effects my younger children. They have to learn about it a little bit — you know, you can’t go to places and stuff. But that’s okay, they go off with other people. They’ve learned to adjust. Pretty soon I’m gonna say to them, ‘Darlings, you simply have to adjust.'”

despre cum si-a dat seama ca a devenit celebru
When, right after The Godfather, he first realized he was famous…
“Sometimes I would walk in New York and stand at a curb and if there was an attractive woman, sometimes I might say, ‘Hi.’ I wouldn’t be overbearing or anything, I’d just say, ‘Hi.’ I remember getting on a corner, and I saw this beautiful girl and I looked at her and said, ‘Hi,’ and she looked at me and said, ‘Hi, Michael.’ Well, you could have knocked me over. I thought, ‘Oh, my God, it’s over,’ meaning, ‘I’m not anonymous anymore. There’s no going back.'”

despre Al Pacino de pe ecran si alegerile pe care le-a facut ca profesionist
“When you put Tony Montana with Michael Corleone, they’re two different variations — I mean, they’re both living in that world [of gangsterdom], but they’re different. I mean, Birdman and The Humbling are both about actors, but they’re two different movies, two different worlds. I mean, if someone’s a painter — you’re gonna see a [work by] Jackson Pollock [the painter famous for splattering paint on canvases] and you’re gonna know it’s a Jackson Pollock; there’s a signature there and you’re gonna know it’s a Jackson Pollock.”

aici tot interviul care are aproape o ora

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