Tag : imagini

veronika foto(foto) Scenariu ireal in fotografiile Veronikai Tumova

(foto) Scenariu ireal in fotografiile Veronikai Tumova

text de Eliza Manolescu

Parca suspendate in timp, imaginile fotografei Veronika Tumova se caracterizeaza printr-o estetica feminina si emotionala.

Nascuta in Karlovy Vary, un orasel balnear din Cehia, Veronika s-a mutat in anul 2009 in Franta, moment in care a luat nastere si pasiunea ei pentru fotografie. Invatand singura sa faca cele mai frumoase poze, artista ce locuieste acum in orasul Rennes, se joaca cu imaginatia privitorului in capturile sale si evidentiaza o intelegere excelenta a luminii naturale si a neclaritatii, creand in acelasi timp povesti personale si emotii.

Seria ei “Solitudine” se refera la pictura impresionista: un singur protagonist intr-un fundal nostalgic si izolat, unde contururile devin nedefinite. Colectia reprezinta o invitatie de a explora o lume asemanatoare viselor, prinsa intre lumina si umbra.

veronika tumova solitudine veronika tumova tumova fotografie tumova fotografie negru fotografie veronika tumova tumova foto

This-Photographer-Is-Spreading-Disney-Magic-With-Clever-Paper-ArtFotograful care aduce un omagiu poveștilor Disney

Fotograful care aduce un omagiu poveștilor Disney

Text de Raluca Antuca

Cred că fiecare fotograf își dorește ca oamenii să le recunoască imaginile de îndată ce le văd. Asta înseamnă ca ei să-și fi format un stil propriu, pe care lumea îl apreciază și îl asociază imediat cu numele lor.

Rich McCor este tipul de fotograf care reușește acest lucru, pentru că el dă magie imaginilor sale prin niște elemente cheie. În majoritatea seriilor fotografice, el folosește forme de hârtie pe care le amplasează inventiv în imagini.

În ultimul proiect, el face puțină magie Disney în diferite părți ale lumii, dar și în locurile în care s-au născut poveștile atât de îndrăgite. Pentru moment fotografiile aduc un tribut lui Peter Pan, Nemo, Frumoasa și Bestia, Cocoșatul de la Notre Dame, însă aștept cu nerăbdare să văd cum reinterpretează și alte povești Disney!

Aici găsiți contul lui de Instagram!

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2016sonyworldphoto1FOTO- Sony World Photography Awards 2016

FOTO- Sony World Photography Awards 2016

Text de Raluca Antuca

Ediția de anul acesta a premiilor Sony World Photography este una record, pentru că 230.103 de imagini s-au înscris de pe tot globul, în cele trei categorii- Professional, Youth și Open.

De când a fost lansată competiția, peste un million de fotografii au fost înscrise, iar anul acesta 270 de fotografi din 60 de țări participă, creând o diversitate culturală impresionantă. Pe 21 aprilie vom afla câștigătorii din fiecare categorie, de la această competiție foarte faimoasă în acest domeniu.

Le ținem pumnul celor patru români (Remus Țiplea, Oana Stoian, Ammon Gutman, Laurian Ghinițoiu) care se află pe lista scurtă! Mai jos aveți o galerie de imagini înscrise, care fascinează prin inedit și compoziție.


[caption id="attachment_43091" align="aligncenter" width="721"]Annually on holidays vu lan - signaling parents. People want them to pray for his parents. They were released on river use candles temple. Annually on holidays vu lan – signaling parents. People want them to pray for his parents. They were released on river use candles temple.[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_43093" align="aligncenter" width="721"]Every year in the month of January few lacks of devotee come to Gangasagar fair in West Bengal. It is the 2nd largest fair of India. Captured the devotees while they worship sun just after their bath. Every year in the month of January few lacks of devotee come to Gangasagar fair in West Bengal. It is the 2nd largest fair of India. Captured the devotees while they worship sun just after their bath.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_43094" align="aligncenter" width="721"]A fisherman is farming the sea in between the bamboo rods constructed for aquaculture off the coast in southern China. A fisherman is farming the sea in between the bamboo rods constructed for aquaculture off the coast in southern China.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_43095" align="aligncenter" width="721"]A boy creatively made a LOVE shape at the River of Tukad Yeh Unda in Klungkung Sub-District, Klungkung Regency, Bali, Indonesia. A boy creatively made a LOVE shape at the River of Tukad Yeh Unda in Klungkung Sub-District, Klungkung Regency, Bali, Indonesia.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_43096" align="aligncenter" width="721"]Reindeer farmer kids in Mongolia Reindeer farmer kids in Mongolia[/caption] [caption id="attachment_43097" align="aligncenter" width="721"]Series of wildlife images taken in Masai Mara reserve in Africa Series of wildlife images taken in Masai Mara reserve in Africa[/caption] [caption id="attachment_43098" align="aligncenter" width="721"]These images were created for the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago's Adaptive Sports Program and the RIC Hornets wheelchair basketball team. These images were created for the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago’s Adaptive Sports Program and the RIC Hornets wheelchair basketball team.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_43099" align="aligncenter" width="721"]A feral child is one which has lived isolated from human contact, often from a very young age. As a result the child grows up with little or no experience of human care, behaviour or language. Some were cruelly confined or abandoned by their own parents, rejected perhaps because of their intellectual or physical impairment, or the parent's belief that this was the case. In other instances the loss of both parents was the cause. Others ran away after experiencing abuse. Yet more ended up in the wild and were "adopted" by animals as a result of a wide variety of circumstances  getting lost, being taken by wild animals, etc. Documented cases of feral children are geographically spread over four continents, and vary in age from babies taken by wild animals up to eight year olds. Of course, these cases are only known of because the child survived. It is not difficult to think that there are probably untold cases where the outcome was less favourable.As a mother of two young boys I was appalled and intrigued in turn when I first learned about feral children. My initial reaction was to think how parents could either neglect or lose their child. My maternal instinct goes into overdrive when I consider these young people experiencing their lives alone or in the company of wild animals. Then I consider and admire the fortitude they must have shown to survive such isolation and extreme circumstances. In any of the circumstances that I have read about, it completely overwhelms the boundaries of my comprehension. However, I have risen to the challenge of trying to capture my thoughts photographically about the isolation under which these youngsters found themselves, wondering at the same time if those living in the companionship of wild animals were perhaps better off than those whose young lives were spent with no companionship at all. I chose 15 cases to portray, these range from a girl who as a toddler was confined by her parents to a potty chair for ten years to that of a baby boy who was stolen by a leopardess and found three years later in the company of her and her latest cubs. My idea was not to replicate the exact scenes, but to interpret and duplicate the feelings and actions of each feral child living their experience. Some spent most of their time indoors, even in close proximity to or inside human habitation. Yet others spent the duration of their feral life outside, exposed to the elements, depending on their own ability and that of their wild companions for shelter and food and water, not to mention constantly having to avoid danger and health problems. Life is complex, for some more than others, even when we are considering a normal human life. Its complexity varies from one part of the globe to the other. In considering feral children, who are fully human, at least at the start of their lives, how can we not look at my images and question and wonder about the tenacious survival instincts of these 15 human beings. A feral child is one which has lived isolated from human contact, often from a very young age. As a result the child grows up with little or no experience of human care, behaviour or language. Some were cruelly confined or abandoned by their own parents, rejected perhaps because of their intellectual or physical impairment, or the parent’s belief that this was the case. In other instances the loss of both parents was the cause. Others ran away after experiencing abuse. Yet more ended up in the wild and were “adopted” by animals as a result of a wide variety of circumstances getting lost, being taken by wild animals, etc. Documented cases of feral children are geographically spread over four continents, and vary in age from babies taken by wild animals up to eight year olds. Of course, these cases are only known of because the child survived. It is not difficult to think that there are probably untold cases where the outcome was less favourable.As a mother of two young boys I was appalled and intrigued in turn when I first learned about feral children. My initial reaction was to think how parents could either neglect or lose their child. My maternal instinct goes into overdrive when I consider these young people experiencing their lives alone or in the company of wild animals. Then I consider and admire the fortitude they must have shown to survive such isolation and extreme circumstances. In any of the circumstances that I have read about, it completely overwhelms the boundaries of my comprehension. However, I have risen to the challenge of trying to capture my thoughts photographically about the isolation under which these youngsters found themselves, wondering at the same time if those living in the companionship of wild animals were perhaps better off than those whose young lives were spent with no companionship at all. I chose 15 cases to portray, these range from a girl who as a toddler was confined by her parents to a potty chair for ten years to that of a baby boy who was stolen by a leopardess and found three years later in the company of her and her latest cubs. My idea was not to replicate the exact scenes, but to interpret and duplicate the feelings and actions of each feral child living their experience. Some spent most of their time indoors, even in close proximity to or inside human habitation. Yet others spent the duration of their feral life outside, exposed to the elements, depending on their own ability and that of their wild companions for shelter and food and water, not to mention constantly having to avoid danger and health problems. Life is complex, for some more than others, even when we are considering a normal human life. Its complexity varies from one part of the globe to the other. In considering feral children, who are fully human, at least at the start of their lives, how can we not look at my images and question and wonder about the tenacious survival instincts of these 15 human beings.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_43100" align="aligncenter" width="721"]The Pools series is a study of water, one of the most precious resources for life on our planet. The artistic approach of photographer Stephan Zirwes is to show how the important resource is in contrast between being the consummate location for entertainment and the incredible waste of drinking water “not only for being used in private pools but also the trend to privatise what is a public asset and use it for commercial reasons. Public pools can still be a symbol for the importance that water should be free accessible to everyone. The clean formal language and the simple design of the pictures focus our interest on this newsworthy issue with elegance and almost playful. A deep dive into the blue as Zirwes copied parts of the original pool tiles and enlarged them in a simple, visible way to create a kind of mount in patterns. The Pools series is a study of water, one of the most precious resources for life on our planet. The artistic approach of photographer Stephan Zirwes is to show how the important resource is in contrast between being the consummate location for entertainment and the incredible waste of drinking water “not only for being used in private pools but also the trend to privatise what is a public asset and use it for commercial reasons. Public pools can still be a symbol for the importance that water should be free accessible to everyone. The clean formal language and the simple design of the pictures focus our interest on this newsworthy issue with elegance and almost playful. A deep dive into the blue as Zirwes copied parts of the original pool tiles and enlarged them in a simple, visible way to create a kind of mount in patterns.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_43101" align="aligncenter" width="721"]open air open air[/caption]

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[caption id="attachment_43104" align="aligncenter" width="721"]A country named after a desert. One of the least densely populated places on earth. Defined by its rich variety of colors yet in a forever changing, yet completely barren landscape. Namibia's landscape draws you in, through a vast brown plain of scorched earth, and steers you over the white surface of a salt pan to finally arrive in the gold tones of the sand dunes. Patience is required to discover the wide range of Namibia's subtle scenery. It literally takes you hours, driving though nothing, to at long last arrive at...more of nothing. The sight of other people is rare and only the strategically located gas stations are a reminder of the world beyond. This country is in another time zone—time seems to move slower but it feels more logical, somehow. Captivated by these washed out yet delicately colored landscapes, you can drive for hours. Chaperoned by herds of giraffes or zebras, shadowed by flocks of flamingos, suddenly stumbling upon a family of elephants. The animals look up curiously, but soon forget about you and slowly continue their journey, unhurried by your presence, at their own pace. - Maroesjka Lavigne A country named after a desert. One of the least densely populated places on earth. Defined by its rich variety of colors yet in a forever changing, yet completely barren landscape. Namibia’s landscape draws you in, through a vast brown plain of scorched earth, and steers you over the white surface of a salt pan to finally arrive in the gold tones of the sand dunes. Patience is required to discover the wide range of Namibia’s subtle scenery. It literally takes you hours, driving though nothing, to at long last arrive at…more of nothing. The sight of other people is rare and only the strategically located gas stations are a reminder of the world beyond. This country is in another time zone—time seems to move slower but it feels more logical, somehow. Captivated by these washed out yet delicately colored landscapes, you can drive for hours. Chaperoned by herds of giraffes or zebras, shadowed by flocks of flamingos, suddenly stumbling upon a family of elephants. The animals look up curiously, but soon forget about you and slowly continue their journey, unhurried by your presence, at their own pace. – Maroesjka Lavigne[/caption] [caption id="attachment_43105" align="aligncenter" width="721"]Four centimeters of mightyness that moves slowly and unrelentless on a tree, while the moon rises on the background. The rhinoceros beetle is a nocturnal insect, during the day they stay safe under the cortex of the trees and with the summer they become very active flying at dusk to find a mate. Four centimeters of mightyness that moves slowly and unrelentless on a tree, while the moon rises on the background. The rhinoceros beetle is a nocturnal insect, during the day they stay safe under the cortex of the trees and with the summer they become very active flying at dusk to find a mate.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_43106" align="aligncenter" width="721"]Lesvos, Greece Oct. 18, 2015. A mother and child  wrapped in an emergency blanket after disembarking on the beach of Kayia, on the north of the Greek island of Lesvos. Lesvos, Greece Oct. 18, 2015. A mother and child wrapped in an emergency blanket after disembarking on the beach of Kayia, on the north of the Greek island of Lesvos.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_43107" align="aligncenter" width="721"]In the migratory season, there's still some people to catch the migratory birds by erecting the net in order to get a large profits although the government have prohibited to do that. Thousands of migratory birds are killed each year, and the ecological balance is destroyed deeply. Day by day, the ultimate victims will be the man himself. I wish these photos can play a role for the protection of migratory birds. In the migratory season, there’s still some people to catch the migratory birds by erecting the net in order to get a large profits although the government have prohibited to do that. Thousands of migratory birds are killed each year, and the ecological balance is destroyed deeply. Day by day, the ultimate victims will be the man himself. I wish these photos can play a role for the protection of migratory birds.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_43108" align="aligncenter" width="721"]Underwater image of Norwegian company TGS Nopec conducting seismic blasting off northeast Greenland, firing airguns that emit 259 decibel blasts towards the seabed in order to find possible oil reservoirs. Above water, this sound intensity would be perceived by humans as approximately eight times louder than a jet engine taking off. Global oil companies including BP, Chevron and Royal Dutch Shell all own drilling rights in the Greenland Sea and are the likely customers for the data uncovered by the seismic testing company. A Greenpeace expedition onboard the icebreaker Arctic Sunrise is currently documenting the seismic testing fleet, which plans to complete 7,000km of ‘survey lines’ of the seabed in the high Arctic, between 75 and 80 degrees north. According to a new scientific review, seismic blasting is ‘alarming’ and could seriously injure whales and other marine life in the Arctic. Underwater image of Norwegian company TGS Nopec conducting seismic blasting off northeast Greenland, firing airguns that emit 259 decibel blasts towards the seabed in order to find possible oil reservoirs. Above water, this sound intensity would be perceived by humans as approximately eight times louder than a jet engine taking off. Global oil companies including BP, Chevron and Royal Dutch Shell all own drilling rights in the Greenland Sea and are the likely customers for the data uncovered by the seismic testing company. A Greenpeace expedition onboard the icebreaker Arctic Sunrise is currently documenting the seismic testing fleet, which plans to complete 7,000km of ‘survey lines’ of the seabed in the high Arctic, between 75 and 80 degrees north. According to a new scientific review, seismic blasting is ‘alarming’ and could seriously injure whales and other marine life in the Arctic.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_43109" align="aligncenter" width="721"]A worker walks through farm fields in Los Banos, California, United States, May 5, 2015.  California water regulators on Tuesday adopted the state's first rules for mandatory cutbacks in urban water use as the region's catastrophic drought enters its fourth year. Urban users will be hardest hit, even though they account for only 20 percent of state water consumption, while the state's massive agricultural sector, which the Public Policy Institute of California says uses 80 percent of human-related consumption, has been exempted. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY      - RTX1BQUX A worker walks through farm fields in Los Banos, California, United States, May 5, 2015. California water regulators on Tuesday adopted the state’s first rules for mandatory cutbacks in urban water use as the region’s catastrophic drought enters its fourth year. Urban users will be hardest hit, even though they account for only 20 percent of state water consumption, while the state’s massive agricultural sector, which the Public Policy Institute of California says uses 80 percent of human-related consumption, has been exempted. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY – RTX1BQUX[/caption] [caption id="attachment_43110" align="aligncenter" width="721"]Almeria (Spain) Almeria (Spain)[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_43111" align="aligncenter" width="721"]The season of a firefly comes around in Japan at the beginning of a rainy season. This firefly is a species called Luciola parvula, and repeats blink. [Hime-HOTARU] Call a firefly in Japan. This species flies in the beautiful forest. In particular, the firefly in bamboo forest is valuable. The population of these firefly decreases every year in Japan. These may be influence by environmental destruction. This picture was taken under a little moonlight. The season of a firefly comes around in Japan at the beginning of a rainy season. This firefly is a species called Luciola parvula, and repeats blink. [Hime-HOTARU] Call a firefly in Japan. This species flies in the beautiful forest. In particular, the firefly in bamboo forest is valuable. The population of these firefly decreases every year in Japan. These may be influence by environmental destruction. This picture was taken under a little moonlight.[/caption]278855-1156280

[caption id="attachment_43113" align="aligncenter" width="721"]August 5, 2015 in Yushu, China. Tibetan nomads face many challenges to their traditional way of life including political pressures, forced resettlement by China's government, climate change and rapid modernization. The Tibetan Plateau, often called "the Roof of the World," is the world's highest and largest plateau. August 5, 2015 in Yushu, China.
Tibetan nomads face many challenges to their traditional way of life including political pressures, forced resettlement by China’s government, climate change and rapid modernization. The Tibetan Plateau, often called “the Roof of the World,” is the world’s highest and largest plateau.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_43114" align="aligncenter" width="721"]Taken under a bridge in Belgium in April 2015 with Sony A7II; Zeiss 16-35 Taken under a bridge in Belgium in April 2015 with Sony A7II; Zeiss 16-35[/caption] [caption id="attachment_43115" align="aligncenter" width="721"]Bering sea. Commander islands. Baby fur seal Bering sea. Commander islands. Baby fur seal[/caption] [caption id="attachment_43116" align="aligncenter" width="721"]There are more than 300 people that with the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus blue unit, representing 25 different countries and speaking everything from Russian to Arabic to Guarani. A few travel in cars and trailers, but a majority, 270, live on the trains. Most come from multigeneration circus families, to the extent that collectively, the circus staff represents thousands of years of circus history. The men and women all say that only circus people like them can understand the lifestyle. They spend 44 weeks of the year traveling an average of 20,000 miles from coast to coast on a train that is 61 cars ”a full mile” long. It is a life of close quarters and rigorous training, a life that many of the performers began in childhood. Their job is to convince the world that the circus still matters. There are more than 300 people that with the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus blue unit, representing 25 different countries and speaking everything from Russian to Arabic to Guarani. A few travel in cars and trailers, but a majority, 270, live on the trains. Most come from multigeneration circus families, to the extent that collectively, the circus staff represents thousands of years of circus history. The men and women all say that only circus people like them can understand the lifestyle. They spend 44 weeks of the year traveling an average of 20,000 miles from coast to coast on a train that is 61 cars ”a full mile” long. It is a life of close quarters and rigorous training, a life that many of the performers began in childhood. Their job is to convince the world that the circus still matters.[/caption]

FOTO- Dansul în slow-motion

Text de Raluca Antuca

Deși definiția din DEX spune că arta este măiestrie și pricepere, aș completa și aș spune că arta are acel efect deosebit de a face timpul să stea în loc. Minutele nu se mai scurg în clepsidră, iar omul simplu cugetă cu privire la frumosul sau interesantul (ca să nu spun urâtul) pe care îl are în fața ochilor.

Știm că dansul este artă, pentru că un spectacol te fascinează prin mișcări și eleganță. Dar mai știm că fotografia reușește să surprindă chiar și cele mai intrigante momente. Dar ce rezultă din combinarea acestor două?

Ne arată fotograful Deerick Senior, care a realizat un video special. El reușește să reflecte mișcările expresive și ritmate ale dansului prin arta fotografiei. Pentru cea mai recentă ședință foto cu dansatoarea Amanda Rose, el a folosit un aparat Sony ca să captureze fiecare gest elegant într-un video slow-motion.

Din acest clip, a selectat un cadru impresionant în care balerina parcă are aripi. Fotograful și-a rugat muza să arunce cu făină în aer în timp ce executa mișcarea și astfel această imagine a luat naștere. Mai multe imagini de acest tip pe site-ul oficial al lui Deerick!


children_08Proiectul impresionant în care copiii sunt captivi în trupuri de adulți

Proiectul impresionant în care copiii sunt captivi în trupuri de adulți

Text de Raluca Antuca

În contextul crizei refugiaților care a stârnit atâtea opinii, mă gândeam la acele imagini în care un refugiat ține în mână un steag ISIS sau al alt refugiat, descoperit în ipostaza de terorist.

Aceste fotografii au primit share de milioane de ori, împrăștiind în spațiul virtual idei complet neavizate și opinii extremiste, pe care unii le iau de bune. Aceste imagini reușesc să fie distribuite, chiar dacă nu sunt verificate, pentru că impresionează vizual. Degeaba sunt ele scoase din context, dacă omul simplu caută niște confirmări pentru prejudecățile formate prin experiențele prin care a trecut.

Aceste imagini sunt puternice emoțional și reușesc să impresioneze. Poate din acest motiv, majoritatea campaniilor de succes au folosit fotografii care apelează la sensibilitate sau șochează vizual.

Un astfel de proiect a fost present la festivalul Burning Man din Nevada, unde un artist ucrainean a fost present pentru prima data cu o lucrare emoționantă. Este vorba de o sculptură din sârme metalice care ilustrează doi oameni care stau jos, spate în spate. În interiorul lor se află doi copii care își ating mâinile prin aceste sârme. Aceștia strălucesc atunci când ziua devine noapte.

Imaginea în sine arată genial și ne duce cu gândul la clipele în care oscilăm între rațiune și sentimente. Atunci când am vrea să ne întoarcem la a fi copil, cu griji mărunte și visuri mari. Atunci când adultul vrea să evadeze din cotidian. Absolut genial.

Iată ce spune Alexander Milov despre opera lui de artă. Cuvinte prea frumoase pentru a fi traduse.

“It demonstrates a conflict between a man and a woman as well as the outer and inner expression of human nature. Their inner selves are executed in the form of transparent children, who are holding out their hands through the grating. As it’s getting dark (night falls) the children chart to shine. This shining is a symbol of purity and sincerity that brings people together and gives a chance of making up when the dark time arrives.”

Mai multe proiecte pe site-ul oficial al festivalului.

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Fotografii de Andrew Miller


11004276_933117040054153_81038018_nMust-have on Instagram

Must-have on Instagram

Suna clișeic, dar trăim în epoca vizualului. Comunicăm prin imagini, promovăm diferite lucruri prin fotografii și ne exprimam prin arta, simboluri. Percepția lumii despre vizual s-a schimbat odată cu aplicația Instagram care surprinde realitatea și îi dă o semnificație aparte, în funcție de gusturi și personalitate.

Instagram pune accent pe acum si aici. Majoritatea oamenilor au mai tot timpul telefonul la îndemână și au tendința de a face fotografii la tot ce este cool din jurul lor. De aceea aplicatia este ușor de folosit și are un grad mare de accesibilitate. Tot ce trebuie să faci este să dai like, adică inimioară și comment. Poți face acest lucru fără să schimbi ferestrele, lucru care te-ar încurca. Este vorba de un feed constant pe care poți să-l manageriezi cum vrei.

Există câteva tipuri de fotografii care au devenit atât de comune, încât fiecare user de Instagram este posibil să le fi făcut la un moment dat.

1. Inevitabilul selfie. Cu o ușoară doză de egocentrism și originalitate, te prezinți viitorilor followers.

2. Pe principiul “mens sana in corpore sana” fel de fel de smoothies, salate și platouri colorate cu fructe. La polul opus, cartofi prăjiți, aripioare picante, pizza și shaorma cu de toate.

3. Fie un Latte Machiatto cu extra caramel sau un smoothie de capsuni, băuturile de la Starbucks nu numai că sunt delicioase, ci și arată bine în poze.

4. Nelipsitele citate, care fie te motivează, te fac să plângi după o fosta iubire sau te amuză.

5. Natura în toate formele ei: stropi de ploaie, frunze, apusuri, brazi și lista poate continua…

6. Peisaje urbane, pentru că orice stradă poate fi un cadru bun dacă ai imaginație.

7. Animale drăgălașe care sigur îți aduc un like și un comment de tip “awww!”

Sigur, totul depinde de gusturile fiecăruia, de publicul țintă și de obiectivul acelui cont. Intre timp să nu uităm să ne și bucurăm de tot ce postăm, căci altfel s-ar putea să pierdem niște amintiri faine!


portrete – kevin spacey by E.J. Camp

“Kevin was very intimate with the camera. whatever you asked him to do, he would take it a little further in order to make the shoot more playful. how strange it could have appeared to have a subject balance a coffe cup on his knee, but kevin makes it look like the most natural place to put it.”

E.J. Camp in The World’s Top Photographers (and the stories behind their greatest images), sau ce vezi cind te uiti pe gaura cheii la relatia intima fotograf -subiect.


cadou-voyeur de la karin karin,


portrete – tom cruise by tony duran

“he is sitting on the gilmore girls television show bench in the midlle of a movie studio lot at midnight! the set happened to have snow on it, and it was the only set I could actually see at midnight because there were no lights. I couldn’t really look around and see what other kinds of locations there were, so I went to see the one that had bright light. I had 15 minutes to shoot him “as is” , and he just come driving up in a golf cart and told me that he was Tom. I slapped my jacket on him and said ‘sit on that bench, let’s go!’ ”

fotograful tony duran in The World ‘s Top Photographers (and the stories behind their greatest images) cu un exemplu f real despre cum se fac marile fotografii la care rivnesti cind le vezi in reviste. cel mai adesea in timp scurt, folosind la maximum intuitia si prezenta de spirit a fotografului.
am primit cartea de la Karin, cadou de ziua mea. si-o luase pt ea, dar s-a gindit ca eu am sa ma bucur daca mi-o da ( si m-am bucuuuuuuuraaaaat tare tare). e o privire intima in lumea fotografilor.


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