saptamina asta sunt in presa internationala doua texte foarte simpatice despre relatia dintre parinti si copii.
unul e in TIME si demonstreaza stiintific ca parintii nu pot fi obiectivi cind au mai multi copii, favorinzind unul.
aici doar teasingul, textul The science of favoritism poate fi citit in print (revista e la chiosuri si la noi) sau daca aveti abonament, dar chiar trebuie citit de parintii cu mai multi copii.
cel de-al doilea articole e de fapt un interviu in trei, realizat de echipa filmului Another Happy Day: Sam Levinson (regizor), Ellen Barkin si Demi Moore (actrite). iata un fragment din interviu.
SAM LEVINSON: Mothers in general drive us crazy. As actors who play mothers in this film, and as women who are mothers in real life, do you fear that perception?
ELLE BARKIN: In other words, will our children say we’re driving them crazy? I think inherent in the job of mothering is that you must drive your kids crazy.
DEMI MOORE: And that you’ll make mistakes. As much as you do not ever want to make mistakes, I think inevitably you will do something that has affected your children in a way you never intended.
EB: That’s what was interesting about my role in Another Happy Day—I was actually playing a mother who had all the best intentions and approached things horribly. I actually love that question because I can speak about it personally, but I can also speak about it very specifically in terms of this film. I don’t think any of us have ill intentions concerning our children unless you’re a horrible person. I know in my real life I’ve gotten it wrong, but what do you do? Nobody’s perfect. You apologize, you try to explain your motives, you hope you’re forgiven and that the damage you think you’ve done or might have actually done is not too profound.
DM: What’s interesting in the film is that these two women have some opposition, but the truth is that they’re both seeking the same thing, which is just to be heard and to be appreciated. And if you really look, in a way it is the thread tying everybody together.
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interviul care e cover story pentru revista Gotham e insotit de un pictorial cu Ellen Barkin si Demi Moore senzational; negru pe negru, o tehnica foarte greu de realizat, mai ales ca trebuie sa obtii volume si texturi pentru materialele hainelor…