ieri in Times Square cautam “bila” magica care in noaptea anului nou face ceva tumbe (anul asta cu participarea lui Lady Gaga).
bila era ascunsa, dar au scos-o la lumina pentru niste probe, ocazie cu care am descoperit ca sub ea e o reclama toshiba.
cum bila aia va fi fotografiata de milioane de oameni, se va vedea la toate televiziunile din lume, cam cit costa publicitatea de acolo?
asa am ajuns sa aflu ca…” 500K people pass through Times Square every day. Another 10M see Times Square on TV through programs like Good Morning America; $69M is spent on advertising in Times Square every year. The average sign generates 1.5M Impressions/day. The average sign costs $200K/month” conform Advertising Age.
One Times Square is an iconic location, located at the corner of 43rd Street and Broadway. It’s best known as the place where the ball drops each New Year’s Eve. Covered with the most expensive billboards in the world, the 25-story building sports company names like Toshiba, Budweiser and Dunkin Donuts.
“We’ve already gotten significant visibility,” said John Costello, who’s in charge of marketing for Dunkin Donuts, the biggest chain store in New York City. The Dunkin Donuts billboard, which prominently features a Dunkin Donuts cup in front of a city skyline, was erected in June.
Costello said Dunkin Donuts decided to invest in the location to enhance the company’s brand nationally and globally. With an estimated 500,000 people walking through Times Square every day, in addition to all of the postcards, tourists’ photos and live shots on TV, images of the Dunkin Donuts ad multiply quickly.
And Costello paid a price for that visibility, although he wouldn’t say how much. Neither would one of the owners of One Times Square, Sherwood Outdoor. They say the price is confidential. But others in advertising say companies will pay as much as $4 million a year and commit to 5- to 15-year, non-cancelable contracts to secure one of the 12 coveted spots on One or Two Times Square.
Coca Cola has been on Two Times Square for almost 80 years, accompanied by Samsung for 20 years. The Fortune 500 companies are buying one thing: a location that millions of people will see.
Many say a billboard in Times Square is like a TV ad during the Superbowl.
familia Babos isi continua aventura new yorkeza. ieri, dupa un tur al orasului, a vazut un minunat spectacol de Craciun la Radio City Hall, unde cel mic, Robert a stat nemiscat – cu ochii-n scena – o ora si 20 de minute. si are 1 an si jumatate!
dar despre astea, pe larg, in curind.
Ma aflu la New York pentru a vedea cum se realizeaza fotografiile din proiectul Hotpoint Family Portraits si pentru a realiza un interviu cu Steve McCurry, autorul fotografiilor acestui proiect.
Hotpoint este un brand Indesit Company.
Poate ne intalnim azi in NY.